Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sky People Have Come (Witches/Mandalorians)

The Duraanir hung in orbit over this 'new' world. Emberli had been here once, in years long past. Then it had been a world ruled by the Nightsisters, who talked far more than they backed up their words, and generally had egos enough to cover six regular people.

It seemed though, that through the past 400 years it had faded into the annals of history. Looking down at Dathomir through the atmosphere shield of the hangar bay he looked to the idling dropship behind him.

Inside that dropship was his scouting party, and they were waiting for him.

Walking into the vessel, he takes a seat next to the ramp and gives the order for takeoff.

The mission here was simple; scout the world.

Of course, for Emberli, the real objective was making sure that monstrosity that had 'ruled' from here in the past wouldn't come to fruition again.

"Three minutes." He states flatly as the lights fade to red and their ship began to streak through atmosphere; a man made meteor that he was sure someone below would see.

Bronwyn Tyr

The thoughts running through Bronwyn's mind were going a mile a minute. Sure the effects of the virus had been waned, and the threat no longer what it once was. But the effect it had on Dathomir was devastating, setting them back hundreds of years ... or so she had been told by teachers in her clan. But those days were well and gone, these days she was a vagabond wandering from place to place, learning from others, practicing whenever she could, and generally just trying to stay alive from the hazards and creatures that loomed on the surface of her homeworld. She had found a nice place to relax, or so she thought when she heard something that she hadn't heard since she found that still operational shuttle a few years back. She looked up through the trees as her thoughts and fears were confirmed.

The Mandalorian dropship had entered their atmosphere and had flown just over the top of the trees she had been under. More than likely they were heading for the clearing not too far from where she was. The only question was were they here to offer assistance, or here to conquer ? Bronwyn being the curious little thing that she was just had to find out ! She followed the ship hoping to get a better view of their "visitors". As the drop ship was hovering above the clearing, she hid herself behind a large tree and peered slightly from around it, the only thing showing was the right side of her curious face and her right hand resting on the bark of the tall tree.
Verz was onboard the gunship, hurtling towards the homeworld of the Dathomiri Witches. He had no idea what the Mnadalore had planned for this world. All he knew was he was chosen to acompany him to the world. When the Mandalore came calling, you didn't refuse. That was a Mandalorian law of old, streatching back millenia.

The interior of the gunship was dimly lit, a few lights on the ceiling. Verz had his standard equipment. Jetpack, slugscatterer, Mandalorian assault blaster, crushgaunts. He was armed, ready to fight should he have to. He looked to the side, taking a look at Emberli. The Mandalore's armor was a beauty of Mandalorian craftmanship. He spoke, breaking the silence.

"Mandalore, I am honored that you have chosen me to accompany you to this world."
Smoke rose high in curls of white plumes from the hearth fire blazing under the early morning sky. Milky white eyes glittered as they stared into the flames, growing ever wider as the drug induced images danced within their fiery depths. For many moons the shaman of Singing Mountain Clan had seen visions of men. Visions of them clad in stronger than stone. Soon. Soooooooooooon.

"Cast da bones," there came a manic wolfish grin that crept over the painted visage of the witch. Dirt encrusted fingertips grabbed a handful of animal bones and tossed them before her, power surging through her as the farseeing visions played havoc on her mind.

"Men in stone, harder dhan stone. Unbreakable. Fierce." a gasp, then her head jerked up to see the flashing red streak cross the sky. "Dhey are 'ere."
"I am uncomfortable being treated like a king, but you do me an honor by coming along." He hated when people acted like being around him was a privledge. In a sense, it was, but it still didn't sit right with him.

The red lights changed to green and their descent began to slow before they came to a hover just above a clearing in the treeline.

How he hoped not to run into Nightsisters; oh how he hoped.


The ramp lowered until it lay parallel to the ground, and Emberli walked to the edge before jumping off and activating his jetpack just before landing to cushion the blow.

His helmet immediately began scanning, and his grip tightened around the Mandalorian assault rifle he held.

Nothing... Yet.

It was dawn on Dathomir.

The Dathomiri sun rose in the eastern sky, its shimmering morning light dancing off the majestic trees that lay before and around the volcanic mountainous terrain of Singing Mountain. Sharp jagged black rock rose tall and sheer, creating treacherous cliffs that to the unfamiliar traveler could quickly find their death.

Yet for those who knew the lay of the land, who used the over a thousand years of knowledge and wisdom of the elders, the terrain was of no consequence. Towards the north end of the mountain range, lay an example of it. Low gravity, time, and erosion played its part on the sheer black cliffs, creating a natural balcony of sorts on which a single female stood.

Her dark gray cloak fluttered in the wind, forming over her body, its hood hiding her facial features from sight. She wore a supple dark brown leather robe that hung over a tunic of glittering red scales. The reptile skin shone with an iridescent blue tint as it caught the light, yet it was not as ornate as the helm she held in her right hand.

The headdress was decorated with polished pieces of lapis lazluli, obsidian, and what looked to be bone beads that dangled down threaded through with slivers of string like leather. A tanned belt hung low over her hips, with a silver coiled whip latched on the right, while a gunmetal gray saber hilt was attached right next to it, the only items besides the cloak that seemed out of place amongst the warrior tribal attire.

A sudden gust of wind whipped the fabric of her cloak off of her face. Long mahogany braids were freed from their cloth prison, tossing loose tendrils of hair across her face and in her eyes, its mahogany highlights glinting in the inviting morning light. Tiny, spherical shape silver beads were interwoven in several plaits of rich auburn tresses. Her heart shaped face could now be seen clearly. She was fair skin with a slight flush across the bridge of her freckled nose and cheeks. Yet the most startling feature was the long thin pale pink scar that curved its way from the top of her right eyebrow, cutting across her eyelid to stop right below her cheek.

Almond shaped eyes the color of deep burnished gold bore down the cliff-side at the distant sky. What she saw had her left hand curl into tight fist at her side, whilst the other clenched her helm in a knuckle white grip.

Few outworlders ever made their way onto Dathomir, much the less remained. The clans had lived in relative solitude; much of the overlording Nightsister clans had perished during the plague, leaving those faithful to Allya to once more reign over Dathomir. Yet isolation had made them hermits; with Dathomir being so big and the clans so few in numbers, many had not seen fit to interact with one another, much the less outworlders. The high gravitational pull had made victim of more than one starship, what crew had survived soon claimed by the warriors of the clan.

This was different. She felt it in her bones. A sort of wariness that chilled her. She'd been able to come back and forth to Dathomir as she pleased, Patches dropping her off in between missions on the Helm. However, the ship would always land in an area where none would see; for his protection as well as that of the Clans.

No one was to know she had the ability to leave the planet. Her time away would be seen as scouting the planet; not traveling offworld. Yet as she saw that streak of fire line the sky, she knew this would change things. It was too visible to hide. The other witches would have taken notice.

It was with this thought that the witch slid her helm on over her fiery tresses. She would investigate it herself.
Usually Dred was one to get paid for such actions, but that was if the contractor was not Mand'alor himself and as of late he has been spending much time dedicating his service to his kind..... a dedication that was ingrained into him since birth. Varad's day job was very much the same, He would travel the galaxy hiring out his talents as a talented warrior either fight wars for Legit governments or not. He also take on more precise jobs like bounty hunting, all such contracts were to fill his coffers and keep the warrior bred Mando at the top off his game. Since the fraking robots decided they wanted to rule the galaxy, many things have changed.

Dred jumped from the drop ship, much as in same fashion as Mand'alor had, landing just as softly with only one difference. He had his back towards Mand'alor, His custom EE-3 blaster rifle with all the trims and fixings he enjoyed was fixed to Rear guard while the others dropped. Nothing was being picked up on his scanners or visually.

"Clear so far on this side!" Dred Relayed on their squad coms, only audible to those on the channel.

Ashara Zavros

Ashara had been selected for the scouting of Dathomir, however she knew not why. Regardless when she heard the name of the planet she jumped at the opportunity. Unfortunately her armor had been severely damaged during the Junction invasion and so she opted to come simply in her][/SIZE]clothes which consisted of a short leather vest, brown pants and gloves with matching shirt. Of course, even without her armor she was armed sufficiently with two heavy blaster pistols and a beskade for good measure. As the drop ship broke the atmosphere and began to land the noises of the forest came to her in abundance her heightened hearing picking up a symphony of sounds. Her lekku twitched in excitement as a smile found its way onto the young Togruta's face.

Immediately after landing she grabbed a rifle from beneath her seat and jumped out of the drop ship her bare feet land with a soft thud. It was still dawn and the dew had not yet evaporated from the soft forest grass. It felt like she could feel each blade of grass and each grain of soil between her toes as she gripped it firmly, as if the slightest wind could take her away. Again, her lekku twitched in excitement. This time however, the smile did not come to her face. She was all business now and her gut was telling her that something wasn't right. Well, actually it was her montrals, a sort of natural sonar that her ancestors used for hunting on the dangerous forest of Shili. She used it now to survey her surroundings and what was coming back. "Sir, were you expecting visitors?" she shouted over the drone of the dropship.
"Clear? Good. Set up a loose perimeter." He waved two fingers at the pilot, who lowered his vessel onto the ground and began cycling down the engines. It would sit there, hunched and imposing, in the middle of the Mandalorians as they waited.

It takes a few seconds, but he registers what the woman was saying. "Still am...", he says cryptically, "Don't shoot unless fired upon, and pray that Im wrong about what I'm expecting." Mandalore had always been a private man. Likely this is the first let on to any of them that perhaps this was more than a scouting mission.

That might explain some of his choices in squad members, as if he were expecting trouble, he'd want combat veterans.
Elayne, walked out towards the source of so much excitement with Nadie, She hoped Ina, didn't notice the two had snuck out.. granted Nadie would probably let her know anyways... She lurked towards the group, next to her aunt Nadie, who just happened to be a rancor. Perhaps she could find a man to claim as her mate.. she knew some women did so, and had always wanted to see such a thing, but as she got closer it looked like they were already owned.. She then realized... they probably saw her, thanks to Nadie... She would wait on their move... curious what suronded them and what they held.. she had never seen people or things like this before. It intrigued her

Jorn Mair

Jorn had been in the drop ship with the other Mandos that he had worked along side with. Most of the other people did the talking. Jorn didn't. He only thought about one person in particular because they had met when he was fixing his knee up. So far it was working very well for him. He had his own weapons with him. Notably his Gladiator rifle, twin Delta pistols, and his Angel Blade. With all of these weapons he could bring pain and devastation when need be. Right now he didn't. he jumped out of the Drop ship when Mandalore gave the command "Deploy"

Once on the ground he was searching in his direction when a Female Mando piped up about expecting some one. "of course He is Vod. We came down in a man-made meteor and you expect no one to check it out? For all we know They are already here...." Jorn let the sentence hang for the reason to continue looking for any signs of the 'Witches' that were rumored to live here.
The drop. Verz loved drops like that. He, like always, had waited until the last second to engage his jetpack, slowing him to the point where he wouldn't suffer injury. Well, major injury anyway. At the Mandalore's command, he moved away from the ship, HUD giving him nearly 360 degree vision. He looked around, but to non Mandalorians, it would seem as if he kept his focus forward the entire time. He had his slugscatterer (shotgun) in his hands, ready to defend if necessary. The built in radar pinged with a contack, but the signature was too large for most sentient contacts. Nevertheless, he switched to thermal vision, scanning for hostiles.

Inara Ka

Light streaked across the sky. A warning.​
The clawed feet of Maka struck a hard and impatient beat upon the ground in nervousness. The wake of the fiery sky trail had faded into the withering dawn, but to the she-rancor, the hunt was on. Many of Bright Sun clan had bore witness to the event. Many wondered what it meant. For now, the Clan Mother of Bright Sun Clan was not about to let any danger come across her and her kin.

The scouting party had been on a hunt when the fiery streak lit the sky. A party of five, each were well hardened warriors. All the women were dressed in similar tribal attire-- lizard skin tunics of varying shades of scarlet, azure, and deep emerald green. Their ornate headdresses blazing with vibrant color and various bits of colored fabric, bone beads, and rough cut semi-precious gems.

They were armed with an interesting medley of technology and primitive weapons; blaster rifles and pistols among the spears and throwing axes tucked in their belts. Even an ancient force pike was held in a tight grip of a tall ferocious looking blond rancor rider. Its vibroblade sharp as ever, the handle given the same ornate decorative treatment with thin bands of dark tanned leather, decorative beading clinking lightly against the shaft.

Of all the grimy faced women in full warrior regalia, Inara displayed the least emotion. She was well known for her prowess in battle, to be match only with her wisdom and fairness. With the sangfroid of a hardened veteran, she turned her gaze towards Mi'da Ty Dal, a tall amazonian brunette with a scar lining her jaw, and said something in Paecean.

"A'oh," she said in caution as she gave a rap to the thick plate on the crown of her rancor's head, guiding her the direction to the Bad lands, where the trail of the sky had headed towards, "El kee maka’Sichu..." there came the nudge of her moccasin-ed boots upon the rancor's neck and a savage "HYYIAH!"

The scouting party quickly went on the move.

Viho Hawk

He'd just stumbled outside after a long night of doing nothing, Maiara hadn't been in the mood, and was rubbing at his eyes when he heard a high pitched whine from not so far away. He was immediately alert. Eyes scanned the horizon, and sure enough there was a ship zipping through the atmosphere not too far away from the village. Staring for a moment, he wondered who it was that had come. The only other ship he'd seen before had been the one that Satara had used.

Turning about, he rushed back inside. First thing he did was pull on his leather jerkin. Strapped across his back went his shield. On his waist his word, and in his hand was his axe. Maiara stirred on their bed and looked at him.

"What is it?"

"Ship. Don't know who, but I'm going to find out."

"Be careful."

He slipped out of the house, limping his way along at a brisk pace until he started running. At a run his limp was barely, if at all, noticeable. He raced through the trees like a seasoned hunter, and indeed he knew this place like the back of his hand. Racing along, he was careful to be aware of his surroundings. There were other witches on the move. He caught glimpses of them now and then, but he didn't call out.

Closing in, he came around from behind Elayne and her rancor. The girl was being foolish, moving into plain sight like that. He kept himself behind the rancor where he wouldn't easily be seen, and softly hissed towards the girl.

"Elayne what are you doing? You don't know who these people are. Don't expose yourself so readily."
Emberli's helmet tagged the girl and her, uh, pet almost the moment they got into view. Turning towards her, the giant of a man takes a step out of the safety of the perimeter. His helmet speakers utter a single, hopeful word as he extends a literal and metaphorical hand in friendship - "Allyan?"

It was the only word that mattered right now.
Elayne smiled " I indeed follow the teachings of Mother Allya" She said, her common was quite good, since her Ina, had taught her since she was younger to speak both their native language and basic. She smiled, it seemed they were friendly, and she ignored Viho only so that if things went south he still had the element of suprise. She looked over the man, and was curious, about him. " Do you have claim over these men? " She said to the woman in the group. He was rather bold for a man... she thought... to speak for the woman like that but what others did was their own business.
As the Dathomiri woman stepped into view, Verz watched from his HUD's large peripheral vision. He scanned the area, looking for targets, slugscatterer ready. He ignored her for the moment, focusing on his HUD. The heat signature of one humaniod male and a beast were visible to him. He activated the squad comm.

"Mandalore, there are another two contacts in the forest."

Jorn Mair

Jorn was tempted to turn around to face the woman that had come out of the group. But he had to watch his section. When Verz told them about the extra to contacts he did turn with his rifle at the ready. "Claimed? what does she mean by that?"

A 'den

The Demolition Expert with one brain cell.
A 'den had waited until the ship landed to walk out. A 'den was fully prepared for anything, he had his Mandalorian Assault Rifle, Beskard, Verpine Sniper Rifle, and 35 kilos of explosives.

"Do you have claim over these men?"

"Claimed?," said the seventeen year old, "Mand'alor, what kind of planet have you brought us to?"
"A matriarchal kind. Ill state this clearly, Witch - I am in charge. Ashara here is one of my subordinates; I know that's strange." He shook his head a bit and waved a hand so everyone would know to keep weapons down.

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