Silence. Viho remained silent while Ti'Cira now spoke. At least someone with some real authority had shown up. Where was Satara though? His cousin should have been here to investigate by now unless she was substantially occupied by something of some great importance. He didn't understand what would keep her away from investigating a landing of offworlders though.
Shifting in his place, he stepped to the side of the rancor which Elayne rode, and stood where he could get a good view of the mando's. He could speak if he wanted, since he was no longer a slave, not that he'd ever actually been one, but he didn't wish to speak. Silence was sometimes the best move.
Shifting in his place, he stepped to the side of the rancor which Elayne rode, and stood where he could get a good view of the mando's. He could speak if he wanted, since he was no longer a slave, not that he'd ever actually been one, but he didn't wish to speak. Silence was sometimes the best move.