Council of Captains
The Verge Flotilla

The warm savannah of Zebitrope IV, dominated by rolling plains of golden grass interspersed with stubby trees, quiet pools, and tall rock formations, was far from unique in the galaxy. Countless other worlds boasted similar climates. The planet wasn't pretty enough, or exotic enough, to make for a convincing resort world, and had few natural resources valuable on the galactic market, so most colonists weren't particularly interested; there were far better candidates for habitation, even within the backwater Centrality. But there was one unique and valuable thing that flourished there, and the Spinward Cartel had moved in to exploit it at the first opportunity.
The spice lizard ranch, one of many that dotted the isolated planet, was a simple affair. A few squat buildings of tan duracrete, worker housing and product storage, stood clustered around a wide durasteel landing pad. Beyond them the plains continued uninterrupted, though a higher concentration of foul-smelling green-black plants peeked out from among the golden grasses than elsewhere on the planet. A high energy fence surrounded the perimeter, keeping predators out and livestock in. And what strange livestock they were: meter-long lizards, grey-green and bulging-eyed, patchily covered in a purple mould that lent them a sickly-sweet smell.
Trios of workers moved among the lizards, many of them poor refugees from Sith and Bryn'adul space with no other job prospects - Noghri, Weequays, Mon Calamari, Voss. One held a long stick with a ball of malodorous vegetable bait at the end, to attract a lizard's attention. Another held an electrified catch-pole, to loop around the lizard's neck and hold it still. The last carried a plastoid bag and a tool that resembled a spatula, which was used to scrape off the mould. This was the production chain of lesai spice, a party drug treasured throughout the galaxy. It was the basis of the Spinward Cartel's wealth and power.
That day, five small, round containers sat by the landing pad, awaiting transport to those who wanted to party all night...