Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Slice of Life

There was something about walking on the beach at night. The coolness of the sand on the feet and toes. The steady lap of the salty water against the ankles and shore on Ceto. That soft glow of bioluminescent that sparkled in the shallows to match the bright sky above. The half-Galan and long-since-retired x-wing pilot. Her shoulders rolled as her gaze shifted between her feet and out toward that dark horizon. Where even the last shades of sunset were long gone. Purples turning to deep shades of navy to black.

It was a long day at the school. A lot had happened in the last few days. A graduating class at the Young Flyer's School. Makai had just come and gone with news of their baby on the way. And here she was, about to be a grandmother.

There was a sound down the beach she thought was empty. A sudden crackle and burst of light. Someone lighting a campfire at this hour?

Barefeet took her forward, deciding to investigate.
Camping. It was something most people wouldn't expect a Sith, particularly one like him, would be so fond of. But, something about going out into the night, sleeping in a self made camp, starting a fire, all that which reminded Nexion of when he was an Apprentice. While he enjoys causing death, studying corpses, and practising necromancy, he was just as fond of the simplicity of camping.

That's what brought him to Ceto. He came in his combat under-armour, but without his black and white robe. He let his white hair fall to his shoulders, it no longer being hidden by his hood. He did, however, keep his mask on, only removing it for food. Now, however, he had it on as he let a spark of lightning leave his hand and start a small fire. Here, he was content. Here, he was Kallus Draven.

Then he felt someone approaching.

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
There was a small breeze coming off the water. Its cool touch was like a reassuring whisper across her light blue linen shorts and white top. Iced-azure gaze focused on the orange glow ahead as she made out a man's face and snow-capped hair that touched his shoulders.

"Hello," she called, hooking her thumbs in the pockets of her shorts as she approached. Slowly. As if she was waiting to be invited in.

"Don't think I've seen you in the area before. I'm Thessa. What brings you to this little slice of paradise?"
He looked over to the woman, seeing her nearing his camp, but avoiding getting too close. He sighed, but didn't make a move to remove this... distraction? He didn't know what to call her, but as he said, here he isn't a Sith, and so decided he was going to keep relaxing here.

"I'm a fan of camping. I came here because it seemed like a good place to get away from... things at my place of business, shall we say. Dar– Kallus Draven, at your service. What brings yourself here?"

While he was listening, he looked back down to the flames, hearing their crackle in the peaceful quiet of the beach.

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
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"You mind?" She sunk down across from him, crossing her legs in the cool sand as she held her hands up to the heat drifting off his campfire. "I'd say you have good taste."

A friendly smile in the young man's direction.

"Those waves? This beach? Really melts away the worries and troubles the rest of the 'verse throws one's way. I always find the sea...grounding," a small smile, her toes flexing on the soft sand. Firelight makes the scales that speckle her face sparkle like the stars in the wide-expanse of the sky above them.

"I live close to here. Usually find time to take these nightly strolls. Helps clear the head. Something I bet you were seeking too, Mister Draven. You got any family?"
He lowered his mask as he let himself show a small smile. Family? He hadn't thought of them in years, but he always remembered they were the source of his inspiration towards his craft.

"No, no I don't. When I was much younger, my family was wiped out by a plague that claimed many lives on my homeworld. It's no matter. I made my peace with it many years ago."

He looked at her in the eyes, his soft smile growing a standard one.

"Moving on, you would be correct. Things have become... rather hectic at work, and camping takes me back to when I was younger. It truly does help focus and calm my mind."

He then leaned forward from his position.

"Also, don't you know it's rude to ask for someone's story without properly introducing yourself?"

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
Her hands lowered from the flames' warmth and settled in her lap instead. A small frown at his admittance about his family.

"I'm sorry," she offered quietly. "No matter how long ago it was or how it happened. It's never easy to lose the ones we love. A war broke out on my homeworld and I was separated from my brothers and parents for a long time."

She doubted anyone in this 'verse was untouched by the wars that seemed constantly raging. That tug 'o'war that never seemed to cease or get anywhere.

A low chuckle at his next statement. "Are you calling me rude, Mister Draven?" With his mask lowered and by the glow of the firelight, he seemed about her age-ish. Made her feel a little more at ease that he'd understand her lingo. Not like that younger generation these days. Although, her ties to her son and his new wife kept her on her toes with 'what the kids were saying.'

"Name's Thessa Kai. Retired pilot. Mother of one. Love of the coast and beach." A warm smile in his direction. "Does that meet your standards of introductions?"

Her hands shifted to prop herself up as she leaned back. Her gaze turning to the gentle lap of the waves along the beach. "You ever wonder how things might be different if you'd made a few different choices? Chose a different path?"
He let a chuckle leave his mouth at her introduction.

"Yes, I would say that fits the standards of an introduction. I may have introduced myself, I believe it fair for me to do a dramatic one. Kallus Draven... mortician, fan of camping, and lover of wine."

Upon hearing her question about his choices, he looked up in thought.

"I used to. I often thought what I would do with my life when I was older, but when it comes down to it, I wouldn't change a thing. I live life how I want in the moment. I stopped dwelling over what I could have done differently because it could mean I have regrets. Should the day come where I go, I want to go with my life having no regrets."

He looked back to Thessa with a curious look on his face.

"Why do you ask? Have something major you'd want to change?"

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
She didn't look back at him. Not right away. Her gaze seemed lost on the dark waters of the sea before them.

"Not sure I could've changed things," she finally spoke. A quiet, thoughtful statement. "Even if I wanted to, now. But there is one thing I would've changed." A glance in his direction. "I left some folks I cared about once. Just to go on a routine job and ended up in an accident with memory loss for years. I wish...I wish I hadn't left that day."

A small, rueful shake of her head.

"They always say hindsight it twenty-twenty. I think it's pretty healthy to live in the moment, like you said. But I also think it takes a brave person to recognize past mistakes, learn from them, and move on."

A hand lifted, fingers tucking strands of blonde hair behind the shell of one of her ears.

"A lover of wine, hmm? Do you have a favorite?"
He released another chuckle at her words. They had merit, that's for sure, but he felt there was no point on looking back to have regrets. Improving from mistakes was one thing. Picturing a different set of events, a different life, that was another.

"Yes, I do in fact. I'm rather partial to a finely aged Corellion Wine, myself. Though, I do have a soft spot for a nice glass of Toniray wine. Maybe a nice Domain de la Maison sur lec Lac– apologies, I seem to be rambling. I have an enjoyment of wine and tend to get carried away when discussing it."

He looked towards the bag he had brought camping before looking back at the woman.

"If you want, I have a bottle Maison sur lec Lac, if you wanted I could poor you a glass?"

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
"No need to apologize Mister Draven. Not for your passions especially if they don't hurt anyone." Iced-azure eyes sparkled in the starlight before turning again - away from the fire and back out to the sea. Small lights twinkled up and down the shore of other folks' homes.

A low chuckle and glance toward his bag and the wine he offered.

She thought for a moment then shrugged and smiled.

"Why not? It's the weekend. Thanks for the offer." Her toes wiggled in the sand. "We should toast to something. Anything you want to celebrate?" She leaned forward. "And remind me, you said you didn't have any kids?"
He smiled back and pulled out the bottle and two glasses. He poured the both of them a glass, handing over the second one to Thessa.

"Can't say that I do... actually a few friends of mine and myself have started a small business venture. So, a toast to it's success, I suppose."

He clinked his glass against hers before taking a small sip of his wine. Always a lovely feeling to experience it's taste.

"You would be correct. I have no children. You on the other hand, you mentioned you had a child yourself?"

He took another sip of his wine, savouring the taste.

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
"To the company of strangers."

She raised the glass slightly to the man with that longer, white hair. Thinking of her family as she did so. A silent cheers to them. Then she took a sip. Notes of citrus and dark chocolate and something floral reached the tip of her tongue.

"I have a son," she lowered the glass and held it lightly. "He's grown now and just got married himself. Starting his own family." Another quiet look, this time in the flames that separated herself and Kallus. "I'm really proud of him. He didn't have it easy growing up. He and his father...well," she rubbed at the back of her neck before taking another sip of wine.

"We're separated now. Just drifted apart and that was hard on him."

She took another sip of wine.

"Thanks for sharing, this has a nice after taste. I can see why it's one of your favorites."
He took a sip of his own wine as she talked. He was intrigued by her familial situation, but decided not to pry any further.

"It's no trouble. I'm a large fan of wine, but it's always nice to talk with another over a glass. This particular brand of wine is one I often save for more... informal occasions. Other brands seem far too proper to be shared between two people at a campsite."

He took another sip before he decided to ask another question.

"So, you mentioned you were a retired pilot? I must say, you look far too young to be fully retired, so I'd assume you still work in some form?"

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
"Too young?" Her teeth flashed white in the darkness as she laughed followed-up by an easy-going smile. "Are you trying to charm me Mister Draven?"

She leaned forward. The scales that speckled different spots in her skin glinting greens and blues in the warm firelight. "Sometimes I feel like this 'verse just has kids running around these days. And all of us beyond our thirties are deemed old and over-the-hill."

A rueful shake of her head though that smirk played on the corners of her lips.

"And yes, I still work. I teach flying lessons at a small school." She glanced behind her shoulder in the dark, gaze looking up the beach. "Not too far from here, actually." Another slow sip of wine, her fingers casually cupping the rounded part of the glass. She let her eyes wander skyward at that clear sky and stars that sparkled above them like a speckled blanket.

"Sure is a beautiful night."
"No, no- not intentionally, anyway. To be honest, I wouldn't know the first thing about... 'charming' someone."

"Sometimes I feel like this 'verse just has kids running around these days. And all of us beyond our thirties are deemed old and over-the-hill."

"I agree. That friend of mine, in charge of the new business, he and his brother are about half my age. Granted, they don't quite measure up to me just yet, but it's just that knowing of someone half my age being in a similar position to where I am now."

Upon hearing what she currently did for work, he perked up. He wouldn't exactly call himself 'well-versed' in flying so it was intriguing to him. Before he asked about what kind of flying she taught, she drew his attention to the sky.

"I suppose it is. Where I come from, I never really saw the sky like this. Nights were much harsher on that planet, so I guess I never really got attached to it."

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai
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It was unnoticeable, but he slightly coughed on his wine, the question had caught him off guard. It was a nice conversation, and he didn't feel like ruining it.

"Oh, well... you know, it's been so long I can't even remember it's name. It was barren, I can tell you that much. Barren, dark, and always seemed to be a day away from collapse... But, I've been around so much, anywhere else feels like home."

He turned to her.

"How about you? Where do you come from? This planet, or a different one?

Thessa Kai Thessa Kai

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