Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slicer, LFG (Ven)

Safety Protocols Acknowledged

After scanning over the small girl's dainty hand the security droid turned and clanked its way back through the exit again. After a few moments of processing the collected information, the paragon entered the overly excruciating pink interior of the ship. He looked between the two briefly before folding his hands together diplomatically; a lightsaber clicked to his side to give away his ties to the Jedi.

"Pink. My favourite colour."

He paced around and looked at the areas closest to him before looking back to @[member="Rainbow Flowers"] , then to @[member="Ven"]. He held the look a bit longer with Ven before speaking again.

"The data collected from the security droid scanned both of your hand prints to verify your identifications."

He looked to Rainbow.

"Rainbow Flowers of Nar Shaddaa, your identification was interesting considering your looks and age. How old are you really?"

A slow gaze came upon Ven next.

"Princess Venra Reikan of the Falleen system. Peculiar, according to our records you are registered as deceased. May I ask why?"


Pink Perfumed Slicer Waif
Well, it nearly started well. Rainbow was almost inclined to like him. Not only did he seem to appreciate pink, but he clearly would appreciate Rainbow's hair care routines. But when he next spoke, Rainbow could only gawp. Firstly, he seemed to have information about her, which was a strange mix of accurate and inaccurate. Sure, she lived on Nar Shaddaa, but she hadn't been born there, and if there was an anomaly in who she was, well it must be related to her age, which should show then show her as Nubian.

But that said nothing of the machine's next identification. Rainbow actually burst out laughing.
"I think your machine might be faulty!" She laughed, giggling to herself. "That's just Ven. She's a mechanic." She giggled to herself. "And I'm Nubian." She added, to clarify the error.
He shot a glance to @[member="Rainbow Flowers"] .

"The information is taken from the archives on Coruscant. I doubt the records would be faulty in any way."

He looked back to @[member="Ven"].
Ven looked completely calm, almost emotionless as she stood up straight. "No. Rainbow." Her expression incredibly blank with a cold air of steely annoyance. "Your sensors are correct. I am the Princess of Falleen and, as you are aware, it exists within Cofederate Space. And if you don't release our items and our ship, you could cause aggressive tensions between the Confedercy of Independent Systems and the Republic for the first time in a long while, and I'm sure you don't want that on your hands do you Master Jedi." She moved closer towards him, venom almost dripping from her voice, especially when she said Master Jedi, making sure to raise her hands in an 'air quotes' type gesture. Ven's hands ended up clasped in front of her when she finished speaking, and her green and teal eyes were trained on the man coldly.

@[member="Darc Xavior Talus"]
@[member="Rainbow Flowers"]
He kept a stoic expression.

"I assure you, Princess, there are no reasons for you to make a threat to the Republic. This is simply a routine inspection and a courtesy, especially since you are on a vessel that is in a condition that would threaten both your lives."

He palmed a device and entered a few keystrokes before stowing it back to his person. The Adjudicator's entry to the starship and controls were locked down.

"I have simply submitted the discrepancy to Coruscant to update your death records and sending them to Falleen. I am sure the Falleen system would be relieved to find their heir is still alive."

He looked back to @[member="Rainbow Flowers"] .

"May you direct me to your hyperdrive engines, please?"



Pink Perfumed Slicer Waif
Rainbow made several mouthed conversations to Ven during this revelation, which generally involved 'You're a princess!?' and the word 'Seriously!?' mouthed several times over. When he mentioned updating the record, even Rainbow sensed that was a very bad thing for poor Ven, so she also quickly gave Ven a scoffing, smirking expression that suggested digital records provided no barrier for Rainbow. After all, she had one special skill set, and she intended to use it.

"Sure, this way." She answered chirpily, as if nothing was wrong, and with her hands behind her back and part of a skip, she led the newcomer through to the engine room and the delicate, and very old, Nubian hyperdrive. @Ven @Darc Xavior Talus
Rust Bucket of a Hyperdrive Engine

Darc frowned at the sight of such poor mechanical upkeep. He took from his belt a scanner and skimmed over the engine, reading the results.

"Your hyperdrive engine is near critical and unstable. It would be advisable not to take any further flights to any system until you have this repaired."

He knelt down and looked under the engine, checking the wiring and energy levels. He sighed internally and looked back to the lollipop girl, then to the cockpit. He turned to the engine again and started pulling at the wires; unscrewing the top plating.

"Tell your passenger to come here a moment."

@[member="Rainbow Flowers"] @[member="Ven"]


Pink Perfumed Slicer Waif
"Critical is such a ... flexible word..." Rainbow said with a sheepish smile. "She's fine. She just needs to cool off sometimes." She reached out to pat the hyperdrive unit gently, and smiling back at Darc, determined to get him off of her ship sooner or later. "I promise, Ven is totally an awesome mechanic, she'll get it fixed for me when we land!" She added, before realising she was meant to call for her. She wondered if she should deny Ven being her passenger, since they were sort of working together, but she let the phrase go.

"Veeeen! I think it's your turn?" She called, heading back in to the main ship to find her.

@[member="Darc Xavior Talus"] @[member="Ven"]
Ven sighed, making her way through the ship, following the path they had taken to the hyperdrive engine. She crosses her arms over her chest, eyes narrowed as she looks from one to the other, "What is it?" She wasn't exactly happy with the current situation, neither was she happy with the so called "jedi". She tapped her toe on the floor of the ship, head cocked to the right, wiggling her nose. At this point, Ven just wanted this ride to be over with, or better yet, for this whole situation to just disappear. She wanted to just get to work on this job, just have it done and make the credits and be on her way.

@[member="Rainbow Flowers"]
@[member="Darc Xavior Talus"]
He briefly glanced at @[member="Ven"] and turned back to his work on the engine.

"I will need you to hold this lever up for me so that I can pull this power cell out. It was dislodged out of its cylinder. It could explain the leak that I found under it."

There was a quick spark which made him flinch. The interior of the ship began to flicker and dim. He rose his voice from the distance to @[member="Rainbow Flowers"] .

"I need you shutdown the hyperdrive system. Transfer power over to the auxiliary drives."
Set her jaw up, keeping silent before making her way over and grasping the lever. She lifted it up for him so he could get to his work, not looking anywhere except for beneath the lever, where apprently there was some problem. She glanced about at the flickering lights before turning her focus back onto the task at hand, her brow furrowed.

@[member="Darc Xavior Talus"]
@[member="Rainbow Flowers"]


Pink Perfumed Slicer Waif
"Uh, sure, yeah." Rainbow nodded, dashing back to the cockpit and beginning to tap away at the terminal. "Shutting down the hyperdrive now!" She smiled, leaving the two to work. She paused, and listened out. While they were distracted and she was at a computer terminal, well, it was the perfect time, wasn't it?

Her hands darted over the controls as she ran a few programs, and within moments, she had every communication sent in recent times. She decided perhaps to just edit one or two, take out the odd refernece to a certain princess, nothing serious...
@Ven @Darc Xavior Talus
He pulled the power cell out and laid it next him. He glanced over to @[member="Ven"] briefly and turned to reprogram the relays in the hyperdrive system.

"I never sent the record update to Coruscant or Falleen."

He grunted and broke off some of the circuitry of the system board.

"I was testing your trust and gave you the opportunity to be honest with me with what I found. Given your reaction, I sensed your discomfort. Can you tell me the reasons as to why you falsified your death to your own homeworld?"

He reached into his belt and pulled out a sophisticated tool. He brought it into the circuitry and press a button, firing a straight-streamed laser.

@[member="Rainbow Flowers"]
Ven frowned, "It's not very nice to mess with my mind." She warned, "Doesn't make me very very happy." She continued to hold up the lever, setting one hand on her hip, "And I want to know how Coruscant had information on my records? Cause knowing my parents, they'd probably keep silent about it, given they wouldn't want world wide panic." She stated steely. She glared at the man, tapping her toe gently. "My reasons for faking my death are my own, and none of your business." She was too annoyed with him to actually tell him about it fully.

The Fallen just tried to keep her focus on the engine at that point, frowning, "What exactly is wrong with it?" She wondered what was wrong with Rainbow's incredibly pink ship.

@[member="Darc Xavior Talus"]
@[member="Rainbow Flowers"]


Pink Perfumed Slicer Waif
Rainbow sat in the cockpit, stumped as to why she couldn't find any message, when she began to hear off in the distance whispers about just who Ven was and why she faked her death. She sat for a moment, eyeing the headphones with the comm link to the engine room. She could listen in. She sat for a moment, drumming her hands. That'd be eavesdropping. That'd be rude.

In her defence, she lasted about five seconds before she decided to throw the headphones on to listen in and see what was going on.

@Ven @Darc Xavior Talus
At this point he had dismantled the whole top layer of the hyperdrive engine.

"Help me lift this thing."

He grunted and lifted his one side of the massive piece.

"Well, to put it in simpler words, if your friend had set another hyper-route one more time you'd arrive with half a ship. Unless both of you can breathe in the vacuums of space, I don't see both of you ever reaching Coruscant's atmosphere without being fried. As for the acquired information, Coruscant is a planetary metropolis with a massive database of archives, not to mention that planet itself has been around for ages. How they would have such information I can not say. What I assume though since the planet is a central point to all trade and diplomacy through interstellar connections I wouldn't doubt they'd find something like that."

@[member="Rainbow Flowers"] @[member="Ven"]
She nods, helping him lift the other part, "That makes complete sense. I just didn't know that this engine was in such a state of despair, otherwise I would have come down and fixed it myself." She thought for a moment, silent, before speaking once more. "I'm just confused because, if I'm correct, Coruscant has not had contact with Falleen in hundreds of years, I'm just surprised they would have that information about me." She wiggles her nose, quiet once more.

@[member="Darc Xavior Talus"]

He shrugged as lowered the large piece onto the ground and dusted off his hands.

"It's Coruscant. They tend to be obscured that way."

He scanned over the opened layer now and inspected the inner structure of the engine releasing a heavy sigh. He pursed his lips and pulled at the wires.

"As I expected. There is no way this can be fixed with light maintenance. She needs replacement parts and a whole new hyperdrive system. These parts are very old and rare, but may be able to give it to the right people. I can't provide the Nubian parts but I do have some generic ones. Either way, there is no way you will reach Coruscant now in these conditions."

The paladin allocated a few wires and popped in the power cell he had laid next to him.

"The ship has to stay on auxiliary power. The hyperdrive is completely offline, but I manage to at least get the ship's sublight thrusters to work."

At that very moment the Judgement broke out of hyperspace and hovered above them. There was a bleeping sound coming from his pocket. He reached into it and clicked.


He stood up and dusted himself off looking at @[member="Ven"] .

"That would be our ride."

@[member="Rainbow Flowers"]
Frowns, listening to all of this, " "Our ride?" " she inquires, "What do you mean "our ride"?" she narrows her eyes, "There's not any possible chance I'm leaving this ship, and especially not with my blasters thank you very much." She states. She moves to cross her arms, setting the stuff that she was holding up down and glaring at him, wiggling the end of her nose.

@[member="Darc Xavior Talus"]
He turned as he walked towards the front of the ship.

"Well, either you can stay here and impulse drive to Coruscant for the next one hundred years or you can come aboard my flagship and get your friend's ship fixed. Besides, our next stop was Coruscant."

He offered a half smirk and exited the engine chamber.

@[member="Rainbow Flowers"] @[member="Ven"]

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