Darth Pyrrhus
Well-Known Member
From one ocean pearl to the next. If Glee was a pearl, then this appeared to him a muddied orb dirtied by the rain, of which there seemed to be no end to. It did not compare to his Glee. Of course, he could not be more biased. Especially in these days of turmoil and treachery. To him, his realm was one of the last beacons that remained true to the ideology, where others were corrupted by compromises and greed. All else fell short. Pyrrhus lost faith in many things and many individuals, but if anything, his faith in himself was ever growing. What he saw looking around left him wanting. It was clear to the Togruta that if the work of others was not satisfying, he would create it himself.
Kamino was merely one more piece to the puzzle. He had come personally, to see to it that this key component was given the attention it deserved. Failure to follow the formula would have to be punished. How effective of a piece it would be, he did not know. But if he achieved the results he was hoping for, it might very well become the mortar to his empire.
The sleek, private shuttle touched down on one of the landing pads. He had an appointment, and he expected to be expected. What awaited him he could not be sure of. Easily met demands? Hard pressed negotiations? Regardless of opposition, he would prevail. He always had. The man who stepped down from the ship's landing ramp was not Darth Pyrrhus, or rather that was not how he presented himself. Instead, it was Tanek Santii. Tanek might call himself businessman, though others would likely simply use the label 'slaver'. He was dressed more like a politician than a Sith. Though his robes were no doubt costly, they did not appear extravagant. If anything, he wished to portray power and class, rather than seem flashy or frivolous.
The tall, powerfully framed Togruta made his way towards the entrance.