Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slow/Probabaly not posting.

Yeah, me again, leaving. Happens a lot. But unlike the other times, I've kinda already started to fade off. Hardly any threads, hardly ever posting, etc. I'm poor, and instead of just complaining about it I'm gonna be getting myself a third job, where all that money can go to savings for things like my own place to live with my soon to be fiance when y'know, I can save up the money to buy the ring I had in mind (not as much as the apartment at least). I just don't have the time anymore, and what free time I do have tends to go focusing on the wonderful woman mentioned before, be it snuggles or playing GW2.

Which I more or less focus on. So to those with my Skype, toss me a poke if you wanna talk. Probably wont RP. To those who play GW2 and wanna chill there, send me a PM. I'm too addicted to Chaos to just up and leave entirely. Finally, to those who have threads with me, don't worry. I'll at least finish those.

Oh, and weight loss. Gonna be doing that weight loss thing I wanted to do before. Did a blood test and watched my arm scrunch up like a sponge because of the fat. Yeah, not loving like that.

Peace Chaos, be you haters, friends, or uncaring.


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[member="Darth Ferus"]
I hope things get better for you. You've always been there for me, so I'll extend the same courtesy.
I hope to see you return soon, and you can always poke me on Skype. :)
Then we can philosophize for hours on end like the old days.

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