Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Radon Mont

Second place is better than any human could hope for.

Pheromones, Ruu. *pats her little head, then shoves her into a nearby wall*
Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Hey..! *enhances her strength and punches a circle through the wall, flying through, covered in dust and cement shards* You know, Radon... *climbs back through the whole* I really though we could be friends. You're a fun guy. But this *gestures to her slighty ruined dress on the edges, covered in dust and shards*... it's crossing a line. You're officially on my not-like list, buddy! *sticks her tongue out*

(On a non-Ruu note, *licks Radon's writer <3 Seriously, this guy :p )

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
One of my favorite villains. Did they finally manage to give you Knight after like eight hundred posts and a ton of spectacular threads? Or will we have to give you a field commendation?

Radon Mont

Art has given me permission for it after I spoke with him about it. Explained to him my post count and two separate promises to promote me that I got right before I quit, lol.

Ruu, dear, you're human. We could never be friends. I'd just use you and then kill you. *flicks claws out to grab her tongue* Keep it in your mouth if you want to keep it.

Radon Mont

Oh, but I would use you in ways that you aren't thinking I would. It matters little if you are unavailable or not.

(Yes it is nice to have reasonable administration for once. Thanks, Ruu.)
Jaxton Ravos said:


As compared to



Sorry bro, but it's not close.
So very true, bao bay.


Radon Mont

From a writer's perspective, and entirely OOC, that second Falleen woman is hotter than all of the others, including Xo's Zeltronized human.

Radon Mont

Zeltrons always look extremely sexualized (I get it because of who/what they are, but still) and I don't much care for it.

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