Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Smoke and Brimstone [Sabastian]

As the ship crashed down into the ground Iori screamed. The cabin shook with the impact as the Force cushioned her fall. Laying there for a moment, the little girl whimpered. Was she dead? She would never see her parents again!

Slowly she felt her toes tingling and as she wriggled them the girl realized it wasn't so. But smoke had begun to billow in, so she hurried to her feet and glanced around, doing her best to stay upright. The ground was tilted at an odd angle, making her slip toward the door which had been opened by the impact.

Pressing on through the remains of the ship, Iori glanced around for her beloved Regulus. She saw the satchel as she neared the cockpit and rushed forward, taking it from the ground. Rummaging inside she found the little Lion before holding him close. "I'm sorry Reggie, I'm sorry!" Part of his fur was singed.

She could feel the heat of a fire and rushed out of the wreckage; she could not see the man anywhere, perhaps he had managed to get out too? The child covered her eyes as she stepped out into the light, the smoke billowing up through the sky. There she stood, with the wreckage at her back, on what seemed to be a barren wasteland of a world.

Oh dear, she would never survive this!

[member='Lord Sabastian']
Lord Sebastian walked the city near by with his Apprintice [member="T'Zanith Zebron"] as they were looking to talk to a man about a dog. Well, that wasn't true, but what they were doing there doesn't really matter as that is not the story being told here. As they walked Sebastian felt a ping in the Force, the sort of ripple that you feel when a force user was in distress. He looked up and saw a burning ship stringing through the sky.

He felt a thug from the force, "T'Zanith it seems our day just got interesting." Changing his path he headed outside the town towards the burning ship. Once leaving town he spoke again, "you wanted training in speed, keep up." He then broke into half a force run to make it possible for T'Zanith to win. They shot for the ship, but it was the sight that stopped Sebastian. He wasn't sure what he expected, but a little girl with a bear standing outside the wreckage wasn't one of them.

Kids brought out the best of Sebastian so his normal evil self was softened and he appeared more like he did when he was a Grey Jedi. He walked over to the girl, hiding the dark side in him and knelt next to her, Are you ok, little one?" He looked over at the ship, "We're you on this ship?"

[member="Iori Layth"]
The small child watched as the very-quick-man approached her location. Nothing was said during the time, as she clutched the lion to her chest and softly petted his matted mane. Her face was dirty at this point, a by product of the carbon in the smoke, yet even so - even with these imperfections - she seemed unsettlingly flawless, more porcelain than flesh.

But when he knelt before her and spoke the child's emerald gaze flicked down to match his own. "I want my papa" she said, ignoring his questions. "I want my mama and I want my papa." She had been without them for so long now, add to that the days spent locked aboard that ship, a prisoner on her way to Sith-Market, and to Iori it felt as though years had passed since she had become stranded at the spaceport.

Despite this, she seemed rather... Composed. Perhaps that was her upbringing speaking, after all it was very improper to throw a tantrum in public.

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
Real concern appeared on Sabastian's face, but the concern was more what had he gotten himself into? He noticed the girl didn't appear like a girl who had just come out if a crash. Through Force Sight he noticed the lion had a signature. It was a weak one, almost not there, but it matched the girl's signature; this intrigued the Knight.

"Honey, I don't think anyone could survive that crash, not very sure how you survived." He tried to keep a gentle tone, but he did not believe in suggesting the truth and to his knowledge she was flying with them. He did noticed at this point that the burning ship had Sith badges. This was becoming more and more interesting by the moment.

[member="Iori Layth"]
She shook her head, the great tangle of hair a mane of red that might have mimicked the lion she clutched if the creature had not been monotonous. The scent of sulfur and burning reached her nostrils and as though only just acknowledging the crash the child turned to stare at it. She could not sense her kidnapper, nor had she seen him during her bid for freedom. Maybe he had escaped?

With a frown she had to refrain from stomping her feet. "I want my papa" she said again, a little more stern this time. While she did love her mother and her brothers, it was her father she cared for most dearly. He doted over her, in fact it was he who had gifted her dear sweet Regulus! Turning back to face the man the small child pouted. Something about the way she remained so insistent suggested that her father was not in the wreckage. After all, she'd have probably ran in there after him had that been so!

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
Lord Sebastian sighed a little, she was young, reasoning with her was not an option. It was clear no one else survived the crash, but the Force was strong in this one. He had been looking for a way to create a child as he wished his next apprentice to be able to go from a young age to young adult during his training, but she wanted her parents.

Judging by what little he could see in the wreckage, this ship was a transport ether for slaves or prospective Sith. She was probably taken from her parents if they weren't on the ship so there was no use in looking for them, but you can't explain that to a 5 year old. Luckily the Younger one is the easier their mind could be changed and at his level he was sure he could do it, but did he want a daugther?

After some moment to think he settled on this was what the Force wanted so he would replace her family memories with him as her father. He was sure they would not stay permant, but at least for a few years and then he could explain things to her at a rational age. "Little one, what is your name? Also if you trust me, I will search your mind and find where we can find your father."

[member="Iori Layth"]
Now obviously the child did not know the internal debate facing the man who had found her, nor his decision to tamper with her memories. Instead she stepped forward during the silence and simply stared at him with a certain expecting look in her eye. He was an adult, if anyone could help her out of this horrid situation surely it would be him? Then again, the last person she had tried to get help from stole her teddy and plucked her from the spaceport, threw her into a cargo hold and left her there for over an hour to quiver and shake!

When he said he could help she all but jumped to the offer. "Iori!" she said, before lifting up Regulus and growling. "This is Regulus" she said, and without warning the lion moved its own arm in a waving gesture, all without the child doing anything physical. Of course if he were to feel through the Force he would see it was her doing, though there was no conscious notion of what she was doing from the girl. "My Papa is a Count of Serenno" she said, with what seemed like a rather knowing tone, considering her age, "Count Layth" she said, before frowning, "and he will be very upset now that I'm missing."

Holding the lion close to herself she whispered to him "Oh dear, Reggie, Papa might be mad!" She nodded to the mans offer, he could check her mind if it would help, but she had given him the man's name! It was as if a trigger switched within her mind, for a moment later she was back to murmuring about how she wanted her papa, a sad expression on her face, mewling like a lost kitten.

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
"Hello [member="Iori Layth"] I am Lord Sebastian, but you can call me Hakora Shin. Now, please close your eyes for me and relax." He smiled, giving her his real name, no reason to put fear in a child this young and with this much potential. He reached over and gently places a hand on her forehead and closed his own eyes. He used the Force to connect with her, basically making a Force Bond.

He searched her memories and saw many things. He saw the family secret and learned her spices. He saw her father giving her the lion and bits and pieces of the lion 'gaining life' he continued to search an found the last memory of her parents. He saw fear in their eyes and from what little he could gain he figured it was from her abilities. They left her there to fend for herself, to love or die alone. They didn't want her, she knew it, but was too young to accept it. He didn't need to wipe her memories, only give her better ones and this pain at a young age, the Dark Side was calling to her and he would answer.

He released his hand and opened his eyes. "I see, Iori it seems you are lost and are scared, what if I told you I could teach you the power one day to never hurt again? To be able to have a father who would not look at your gifts as a curse, but as a blessing? I'll be your father, and together we will see what amazing things you can do... Like this." The hand that was once on her forehead went to the Lion. He pressed it to the spot where the hairs were singed and when he romped it they were good as new. Seemed simple, but he really used the concept of fire shaping and rearranged theoleciles and removed the damaged ones.
The child obediently closed her eyes; after all, this man was offering to help her find her way back home! Clutching the lion tightly to her chest she waited for whatever was going to happen to happen, yet being that she was unaware of her own sensitivity to the Force she didn't even sense his subtle usage of it to scour her memories or bind them through the Force.

When the man was finished the child opened up her eyes again, feeling his hand move from her forehead, and peered up at him. What he said confused her, however. "You're not my papa" she said with a slight frown, tilting her head to one side. "... Are you?" But it was the other things he had said too which kept her rooted in place, curious.

"I don't want to hurt" she agreed, with a tiny frown, and when the man touched the singed mane of her lion and seemingly healed him she gasped. Reggie was okay! Without warning the child moved closer and hugged the man's leg. After all, the lion was her only friend. And now thanks to Hakora he would be safe! And by default, so would she.

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
[member="Iori Layth"]

"No, I am not your father at this moment. Your parents feared what you can do, they never believed you said Regulus spoke to you. I don't know a nice way to put it, but they left you sweetie out of their fear. You can use the Force, it is in you and I can help you and be your father. Let me introduce you to the Force, don't be scared I won't hurt you." He stood and patted her head when she hugged his leg, but gently separated them. Little kids love fun and what is more fun than flying? He summoned the Force in the form of wind shaping and brought it gently towards her and lifted her gently in the air by a few feet and let her fly around a bit with her lion. "This is what is inside you, Reggie is alive because you gave him life through the Force and this can only get better." After a moment he let her come back down, " what do you say Iori, do you want a father who won't leave you?"
Iori blinked.

"You... You'll be my papa?" she asked. Was that how it worked? Well, her parents had misplaced her and never come back for her. Was what he said true? But when he mentioned the Force she grew confused. "What's that?" she inquired, with a small frown, "and why would that make them run away?"

When he patted her head and then broke free from her hug she turned her gaze skyward to him. Without warning she was rushed off her feet and into the air, not too high but enough to give the sensation of flight. Her eyes widened, and a gasp escaped her lips. "Reggie, look, we're flying!" Was it true? Had she brought Reggie to life?

"They didn't believe me" she said, as she finally settled back on the ground, "but I wasn't lying, see..." Reggie squirmed in her grasp, whole body fidgeting and wanting to be put down, all the while the Force swirled around the child unknowingly. Stepping closer to the man now her feet were planted into the sand, Iori nodded her head. "You won't leave us?"

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
"I will teach you what the Force is and everything else." He held his hand out for her to take it and his right hand was on his cane. He smiled warmly at her. It was at this point if anyone was watching they would question if this was really a Sith and not just a Sith, but the Harbinger of Fear. The reason most Sith these days would question Lord Sebastian's alignment was because they did not know the true nature of Sith. Not all Sith were killers and demons. Manipulation could make a Sith appear as innocent and weak as a Politician.

The thing was this was not pure manipulation. He had dark plans for her, but not to harm her or use her. He was researching mortality, but at this moment he was a mortal and if he were to die he would need someone to continue his legacy. He saw this girl as the potential to take on his name and be his only family. "Iori, I will never leave you, my word is my bond." If she took his hand though their bond would be complete, she would be connect to him and his connection to the dark side. It was very similar to Anakin falling to Sidious, but at the same time very different. The Force was a mysterious thing, but making bonds was easy to understand; it only involved openin the heart.

[member="Iori Layth"]
She stared at him for a moment, a tiny little frown still lacing her expression. Iori had loved her family most dearly, but they would have quickly noticed that she was missing. They would have returned for her, and it would have taken just a few hours... But they didn't. For a week at least she had been alone, stealing from the good people of Serenno just to survive. With just Regulus as a companion, before they were so wrongly snatched from the street and brought here.

Looking back at the wreckage she could not help but shudder a little. "They left me" she whimpered, as if finally realising it for herself. Holding Regulus close she buried her face into his mane. In that moment sadness and rage both met and fought for dominance within the child, her cheeks reddened with a fury unbecoming of a child, while her eyes watered though no tears fell. Finally she bridged the gap between herself and the man. She wasn't stupid, she would never survive alone.

Her dainty hand met his and the deal was complete. Best she forget about Serenno; she was young enough that in a few years time it would all be a bad dream anyway.

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
He gently took her hand in his and smiled warmly, "[member="Iori Layth"] that is the former you, the you no one understood and your parents feared. Now you are Iori Sebastian. Just like me you can lose your former name and all the problems that follow the name and become someone new. I see healing in your future and a lot of fun, but more importantly you are hungry so let's go eat first."

He would whisk her offer feet and to his shoulders and began moving away until he heard movement, he saw a man crawl from the wreckage and looked wickedly at his daughter, " Iori, is this a friend of yours?"
The child blinked though she did not understand what he was talking about where names were concerned. Names did not mean anything to her, except perhaps Regulus'! Changing it did not change who you were, did it? Oh well, he mentioned food and since she was indeed starving she was more than happy to humor him. Pulled from her feet and onto his shoulders, the way her brothers once would, Iori clutched him for support and held Regulus close with her free hand.

When he directed her attention to the wreckage she peered at the man who was struggling from it and frowned. That wasn't the man who had stolen her, but perhaps someone else had been onboard? "No, Sir" she whispered to the question, before looking away from the injured individual. No doubt Tuuth was long gone by now.

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
[member="Iori Layth"]

OOC: Wow, I wrote a reply to this... not sure how it didn't post.

Lord Sebastian stood looking at the man. He was injured clearly, but there was more. He had the build of a soldier, but not a Sith. He did wear the Sith emblems to show he was in the Sith Army. He pulled himself from the wreckage and looked at the Sith Lord before him with the girl on his shoulders.

The Solider slowly stood and wiped the blood from his mouth. "That girl is ours, she belongs to the Sith Army." It then seemed the Solider realized he was in the presence of a Lord of the Sith. "My Lord, I mean no disrespect, I am the bodyguard of Darth Tuuth and he said this girl has great potential." Lord Sebastian did not agree or humor him, but did speak, "She is no longer a slave to you, she belongs to me."

He turned and headed for the city, but once out of view the shadows around the Solider came to life like hounds and devoured him. No one could know if her potential, she was to be his daughter and only he would unlock what was in her.
[No worries]

Iori shied back when the Soldier claimed she was his, and buried her face against Sebastian's shoulder. "Don't let them take us again, Reggie" she whispered to the now-still little Lion which she grasped so tightly.

She didn't want to be thrown into a cargo hold again until her lips turned blue and her body quivered. She didn't want to be played like a puppet to the dance of some fool who didn't believe that Reggie moved of his own accord, then locked in a room and almost killed as the ship crashed. No, that was not fun.

Thankfully her new Guardian turned with her still in his grasp and walked from the scene, and while Iori may not have been able to see it she felt the presence of the darkness which pounced upon him once they were out of earshot and knew that the mans fate had been a cruel one. Truthfully, however, she did not mind too much. Was that wrong of her?

As they continued to walk, the rocking motion which accompanied each step bade her to close her eyes and relax. She might have fallen asleep if she were not genuinely enjoying the sway and the sounds she could hear.

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
[member="Iori Layth"]

The white haired Echani walked into the nearest town and began hunting for a place to eat. He felt the life force of the Soth Solider leave and Iori's response to feeling it and it brought a smile to his face. It would be sometime, but she would make a fine Sith one day. He came to a small diner and lifted her off hi shoulders so they could walk in. A service droid sat them down and asked their drink orders. "I will have a hard drink." He like being surprised, so he kept it vague and waited for her to order.

It began sinking in that the Soth Lord now had a daughter he would be responsible for. His enemies know Sebastian as a warrior not to cross and some even whispered that he was the Dark Lord himself in disguise and yet such a darkness was to be a parent, an interesting concept. He pulled over his menu and began looking it over, "Iori, pick anything you like, price will never be a concern in your life again. Even get something for Reggie if he eats too." He was curious if the lion ate food. He understood the concept of Force Puppeting, but had never experienced it so he was curious to say the least.
She was very nearly asleep by the time they reached the town and her newfound Father settled her down into a chair in a cantina. With a small yawn the child rubbed at her eyes and peered around curiously, before her eyes eagerly met the menu... Only she didn't understand the aurebesh. With a frown she pondered back on some of her favourites, only honestly she was in the mood for something simple, she hadn't had anything proper to eat or drink in a while.

"Blue milk?" she said quietly, chewing on her lip as she peered down to her lion. "And maybe some panna cake? Reggie will share with me." He was good like that, Iori and Regulus were more than happy to share with one another. "Thank you, Papa." It felt good to have someone to rely upon again, she just hoped that he would stay by her side unlike her real parents.

[member="Lord Sebastian"]
Lord Senastian chuckled a little upon her requests, "cake sounds good, but let's get you something more real right now and cake can be after." The droid returned to take the order. " we will take some blue milk and corellian ale to drink and two orders of dantoonie flapjacks with syrup. For after being an order of pan a cake. That is all, you may be good." The droid memorized the order and left to go have it prepared. Lord Sebastian then grabbed two forks and put one in front of her.

"Your training begins now. The Force, it is in everyone and everything, but some more than others. Some can actually use the Force to do wonderous things. The Force, my child, is a mysterious thing to explain, but using it, that is easy. When you are scared or in trouble, do things happen you can't explain? That is the Force. Now with that fork concentrate and imagine it lifting off the ground. Reach deep inside you and do not doubt you can do it." The fork in front of Lord Sebastian began to rise and rotate in between them and then gently came back to rest in front of him.

[member="Iori Layth"]

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