As the ship crashed down into the ground Iori screamed. The cabin shook with the impact as the Force cushioned her fall. Laying there for a moment, the little girl whimpered. Was she dead? She would never see her parents again!
Slowly she felt her toes tingling and as she wriggled them the girl realized it wasn't so. But smoke had begun to billow in, so she hurried to her feet and glanced around, doing her best to stay upright. The ground was tilted at an odd angle, making her slip toward the door which had been opened by the impact.
Pressing on through the remains of the ship, Iori glanced around for her beloved Regulus. She saw the satchel as she neared the cockpit and rushed forward, taking it from the ground. Rummaging inside she found the little Lion before holding him close. "I'm sorry Reggie, I'm sorry!" Part of his fur was singed.
She could feel the heat of a fire and rushed out of the wreckage; she could not see the man anywhere, perhaps he had managed to get out too? The child covered her eyes as she stepped out into the light, the smoke billowing up through the sky. There she stood, with the wreckage at her back, on what seemed to be a barren wasteland of a world.
Oh dear, she would never survive this!
[member='Lord Sabastian']
Slowly she felt her toes tingling and as she wriggled them the girl realized it wasn't so. But smoke had begun to billow in, so she hurried to her feet and glanced around, doing her best to stay upright. The ground was tilted at an odd angle, making her slip toward the door which had been opened by the impact.
Pressing on through the remains of the ship, Iori glanced around for her beloved Regulus. She saw the satchel as she neared the cockpit and rushed forward, taking it from the ground. Rummaging inside she found the little Lion before holding him close. "I'm sorry Reggie, I'm sorry!" Part of his fur was singed.
She could feel the heat of a fire and rushed out of the wreckage; she could not see the man anywhere, perhaps he had managed to get out too? The child covered her eyes as she stepped out into the light, the smoke billowing up through the sky. There she stood, with the wreckage at her back, on what seemed to be a barren wasteland of a world.
Oh dear, she would never survive this!
[member='Lord Sabastian']