Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Smoke and Brimstone [Sabastian]

Iori frowned a little; had he mixed up what she had asked for with something else? After all, panna cake was a standard breakfast food! It went extremely well with carbosyrup, too. But he was her Papa now so he got the executive decision on what she ate. With a barely concealed yawn she nodded her head and began to watch what [member="Lord Sebastian"] was demonstrating.

Much of what he said was... confusing. But when he levitated the fork her eyes widened and she peeked down at Regulus. "He's magic" she whispered quietly, before returning her attention to the fork, looking for any sign of string that might be causing the suspension. But she couldn't see any. Frowning softly the little girl leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

"How did you do that?!"

Surely it couldn't just be focusing on it. Iori scrunched up her face, though her own fork did not move even an inch. Perhaps she was over thinking it?

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