Executive Assistant
DJ Jam Wizard put the water bottle down. The advert for Fruity Oaty Bars was winding down, its hypnotic jingle echoing through the studio. Fruity Oaty Bar was a serious backer of freedom, their commercials running after nearly hour long 'Rock Block' on the station.
Welcome back Alliance faithful! We've got Tsar from Sullust on the line. Tsar, whats going on my sentient? How's everything back in the old lava fields?
Am I actually on air? Like, live?
Tsar, you my friend are broadcasting to all free ears in the 'verse. How about that?
Wizard!!Hey...uh...DJ Jam Wizard, could I request a song for my friends? We're real bored out here on Sullust.
So what do you crazy cats do on Sullust?
Mechanics for the Galactic Alliance. We listen to Galactic Alliance Radio constantly.....but yeah, uh...request....uh, something by Bowie? To get us through.
Tsar, thanks for your service to the cause of freedom. You're keeping up the good fight and guess what? Lets turn your request into a Twofer. Where you hear freedom first?
Galactic Alliance Radio!
Ladies and sentients of the Galactic Alliance, I hate to break your Twofer apart but we've gotten word of a skirmish in the Bestine system. We'll keep you updated as we know more. Remember, Galactic Alliance Radio is your number one source for freedom. Now, back to our Twofer....
DJ Jam Wizard put the water bottle down. The advert for Fruity Oaty Bars was winding down, its hypnotic jingle echoing through the studio. Fruity Oaty Bar was a serious backer of freedom, their commercials running after nearly hour long 'Rock Block' on the station.
Welcome back Alliance faithful! We've got Tsar from Sullust on the line. Tsar, whats going on my sentient? How's everything back in the old lava fields?
Am I actually on air? Like, live?
Tsar, you my friend are broadcasting to all free ears in the 'verse. How about that?
Wizard!!Hey...uh...DJ Jam Wizard, could I request a song for my friends? We're real bored out here on Sullust.
So what do you crazy cats do on Sullust?
Mechanics for the Galactic Alliance. We listen to Galactic Alliance Radio constantly.....but yeah, uh...request....uh, something by Bowie? To get us through.
Tsar, thanks for your service to the cause of freedom. You're keeping up the good fight and guess what? Lets turn your request into a Twofer. Where you hear freedom first?
Galactic Alliance Radio!
Ladies and sentients of the Galactic Alliance, I hate to break your Twofer apart but we've gotten word of a skirmish in the Bestine system. We'll keep you updated as we know more. Remember, Galactic Alliance Radio is your number one source for freedom. Now, back to our Twofer....