Vallory could only just guess by her tone, and her gaze turned back towards the ground. She did not want to hear that tone, knowing that she had disappointed her master. Or, at least she believed that she had done so. By how Stardust said 'Sith' it made her afraid that she had failed her master after all. But then, maybe there was hope by what Star said next. Just maybe, there was hope. And so, she began to speak of her Sith lover.
"She...she did not seem murderous. Or terrifying. Or overall dark she...she was softhearted. Kind, unlike...unlike any other Sith I have met" Vallory began to explain. Nyx felt like no other Sith that she had met.
[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
"She...she did not seem murderous. Or terrifying. Or overall dark she...she was softhearted. Kind, unlike...unlike any other Sith I have met" Vallory began to explain. Nyx felt like no other Sith that she had met.
[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]