Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*sneaks in when nobody is looking*

[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] Lovable you say? Is he fluffy though?

[member="Oedipus Rex"] Who is your Van-Derveld?
[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]

He was made elsewhere with the original crew, but essentially he's a clone that had DNA from my mains Jedi and from one of the original Van-Dervelds. He was a Dark Jedi, but haven't ever written him here. His name was Dejah.

That's the short short version.
[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]

If I made him, he would be a Cousin by marriage as he married Vega and Razielle's daughter Valeska... he was made as a gift for her, and because Razille wanted more Lupine babies... but from what I understand... Ket took things a very different direction here than what the original creator had intended so not even sure the way I write the species and how they have been here is the same...
Ahh, yes, Valeska. Know the name. Back when I knew the original Van-Dervelds, it was mostly the brothers and Razelle. And I put together everything that has been happening with the Lupines in this thread (plus the planet, link in that thread). This is the approved species on Chaos. I don't know how different I would say it is, I collected original data from 10-15 year old bio threads he had in places I could find before I updated me on additional info I missed. But yeah, I knew the writers, didn't play a Lupine back then.

Far as I know, the Lupines elsewhere progressed differently, became far more different than they were originally played. We chose to leave the newer bits and just take only what Ket knew and wrote in his time. [member="Kad Tor"]

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