Yay I got permission *pulls out saw*
Darth Imperatus Character Character Bio Jan 21, 2015 #2,985 [member="Vrag"] Fine, snog then bang. If I must. [member="Viktor Romanov"] Still going to kill you. [member="Mit Tuxaire"] You too.
[member="Vrag"] Fine, snog then bang. If I must. [member="Viktor Romanov"] Still going to kill you. [member="Mit Tuxaire"] You too.
Vrag The Second Seal, broken. Character Bio Jan 22, 2015 #2,988 [member="Melakoth Tyrin"] I *knew* you were a cutie patootie deep down. Spank [member="Mit Tuxaire"] Snog, kill
[member="Melakoth Tyrin"] I *knew* you were a cutie patootie deep down. Spank [member="Mit Tuxaire"] Snog, kill
Darth Imperatus Character Character Bio Jan 22, 2015 #2,990 [member="Lexa Imura"] Kill. Most definitely kill.
Darth Imperatus Character Character Bio Jan 22, 2015 #2,992 [member="Whisps"] That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me on this thread!
Celty Ikon Hammer-loving Scarf Pirate Jan 22, 2015 #2,995 Stalk Gotta check when I get back home, lol.
Vrag The Second Seal, broken. Character Bio Jan 22, 2015 #2,998 mm. *licks lips* snog, spank, bang. hang, kill?