Arctica Bred to Chill Character Bio Feb 4, 2015 #3,362 Psssh! You can't handle my snoggles! I'll freeze you solid.
lordmitmar Well-Known Member Feb 4, 2015 #3,363 Fine fine. I'll go get my coat. Put a hold on that Alpha 8 slot, making my dude in the morning. >:3 [member="Arctica"]
Fine fine. I'll go get my coat. Put a hold on that Alpha 8 slot, making my dude in the morning. >:3 [member="Arctica"]
Arctica Bred to Chill Character Bio Feb 4, 2015 #3,364 You do that. *puts on blue lipgloss* 8's taken, but you can have 7. That means the only slot open is slot 3. [member="Mit Tuxaire"]
You do that. *puts on blue lipgloss* 8's taken, but you can have 7. That means the only slot open is slot 3. [member="Mit Tuxaire"]
lordmitmar Well-Known Member Feb 4, 2015 #3,365 *Grins* Right. I'm going for a psychic alpha, with a plague doctor as my playby >:3 [member="Arctica"]
*Grins* Right. I'm going for a psychic alpha, with a plague doctor as my playby >:3 [member="Arctica"]
Arctica Bred to Chill Character Bio Feb 4, 2015 #3,366 *rolls eyes* Oi, PLAGUE DOCTORS. The stuff of my nightmares... [member="Mit Tuxaire"]
lordmitmar Well-Known Member Feb 4, 2015 #3,367 *Shruggs* I love 'em, They look so badass... [member="Arctica"]
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Feb 5, 2015 #3,369 [member="Adrian"] avoid or kill [member="Mit Tuxaire"] cuddle, snog, date, bang
Kendrix Salt in a Wound Character Bio Feb 5, 2015 #3,375 Fart on... simple because. No logical reason behind it.
Vina Zomo Best Karking Healer. Ever. Character Bio Feb 5, 2015 #3,376 Hang, maybe heal any of your maladies
Vina Zomo Best Karking Healer. Ever. Character Bio Feb 5, 2015 #3,378 *raises an eyebrow* No, no, just hanging. Healing is my job. You could be my son
Kendrix Salt in a Wound Character Bio Feb 5, 2015 #3,379 JK!! Hang then. I'll get your noose ready. ;D ... And yes I know it means hang out.