Kill <3
Hijinks Cheshire Shi'ido Mar 14, 2015 #4,123 Oh, maybe I wasn't precise enough... I'll do the snake thing from MIB 2, only with bladed metal chains.
Oh, maybe I wasn't precise enough... I'll do the snake thing from MIB 2, only with bladed metal chains.
Ire Night Fury Character Bio Mar 14, 2015 #4,124 Stalk/Hang. Anything intimate would have to take her completely by surprise. But that's probably what you'd like..... [member="Hijinks"]
Stalk/Hang. Anything intimate would have to take her completely by surprise. But that's probably what you'd like..... [member="Hijinks"]
Ire Night Fury Character Bio Mar 14, 2015 #4,126 *is snuggled, unsure of what to do* U-uhm........ [member="Hijinks"]
Onrai Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Character Bio Mar 15, 2015 #4,130 Bang. Way too rich a shade of blue for me to ignore.