Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 3, 2018 #10,082 Always hug a good friend.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 3, 2018 #10,084 I could hang... *refrains from making a pun about hanging plants out loud*
Jak Sandrow "Nobody cares for the woods anymore." Character Bio Jan 3, 2018 #10,085 Aw come on, your puns are unbe-leaf-able!!
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 3, 2018 #10,086 *ROFL* ...Oh my God... I wouldn't have ever believed it would be so much fun talking with a plant... :lol: Aahaha... I got to get one for my ship!
*ROFL* ...Oh my God... I wouldn't have ever believed it would be so much fun talking with a plant... :lol: Aahaha... I got to get one for my ship!
Jak Sandrow "Nobody cares for the woods anymore." Character Bio Jan 3, 2018 #10,087 I mean, I am available for bodyguard hire, if you're looking to do slightly illegal things!
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 3, 2018 #10,089 *waits for one..then two crickets to chirp* ....I operate a legitimate business. :mellow:
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 4, 2018 #10,091 My ship has weight limits... :mellow:
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 4, 2018 #10,093 You're nearly 8 feet tall and armored like an M-1 battle tank, Matador. *folds arms over and speaks 'matter of factly* -_- My ship cannot handle such heavy metal loads. It's a small corvette class ship.
You're nearly 8 feet tall and armored like an M-1 battle tank, Matador. *folds arms over and speaks 'matter of factly* -_- My ship cannot handle such heavy metal loads. It's a small corvette class ship.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jan 4, 2018 #10,095 Ouuuu.... *wonders what she did to deserve that, as she rubs her sore posterior*
Tathra Khaeus THE UNDEFEATED Character Bio Jan 4, 2018 #10,096 [member="Marina DeVoe"] there is a deep seated need to make a joke about you being able to handle a heavy load but I'm not like that. >.>
[member="Marina DeVoe"] there is a deep seated need to make a joke about you being able to handle a heavy load but I'm not like that. >.>
Jak Sandrow "Nobody cares for the woods anymore." Character Bio Jan 4, 2018 #10,099 I would genuinely hang to get to know u bub