Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Dec 18, 2014 #1,924 Order looks ok .. snog bang date spank
Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Dec 18, 2014 #1,926 *grabs hold of his arm to stop him*
Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Dec 18, 2014 #1,930 *grabs [member="Ian Milàn"] and runs out of here*
Hijinks Cheshire Shi'ido Dec 18, 2014 #1,932 *Hops onto [member="Serendipity"]'s back, and shoots the pink guy.*
Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Dec 18, 2014 #1,933 *runs faster as the pink guy follows and another pink guy is on her back* I hate pink!
Hijinks Cheshire Shi'ido Dec 18, 2014 #1,936 [member="Patrick Fillion"] Another creepy musical man? Kill!
Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Dec 18, 2014 #1,937 *befriends [member="Hijinks"] for killing the creepy ones, however continues to run away*
Hijinks Cheshire Shi'ido Dec 18, 2014 #1,939 *Hesitates when he sees pretty vampire, but keeps running*