Abric Korne Character Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #2,428 I would totally drink with Commander Riker. Hang. And if you want to thread just start something and tag me.
I would totally drink with Commander Riker. Hang. And if you want to thread just start something and tag me.
Zatten Black The Zeltrochiss Oct 24, 2014 #2,429 Hang. It'll be drinking, and lots of it. I just gotta get a third person I can trick into starting it for me...
Hang. It'll be drinking, and lots of it. I just gotta get a third person I can trick into starting it for me...
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #2,430 .... I'll joi-... wait a minute... It's a trap! avoid
Abric Korne Character Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #2,431 Come on you can trust guys with beards. Right!? Hang.
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #2,432 *Charging my nopetopus powers!!!!* avoid Go! Go!Tiny typers dundundundundundun typers to de-rail threads
*Charging my nopetopus powers!!!!* avoid Go! Go!Tiny typers dundundundundundun typers to de-rail threads
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #2,434 (That moment you realise that Zatten is really Cross) Avoid nuuuu there's only one drunken uncle which is shoving liquor down my throat!!!
(That moment you realise that Zatten is really Cross) Avoid nuuuu there's only one drunken uncle which is shoving liquor down my throat!!!
Zatten Black The Zeltrochiss Oct 24, 2014 #2,436 Hang, Drink, Snog, Bang.... Rinse (possibly literally) and repeat... Why was that ever a question?