Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Snuffed Candle

Crown Princess of the Sakura Empire
It was night time in the Imperial capital. The citizens, mostly slumbering away, blissfully unaware of goings on outside their little bubbles.

At the palace however, it was quite a different story altogether.

A sudden and out of season thunderstorm had moved in, draping the sprawling palace in foreboding darkness. The occasional flash of lightning and boom of thunder punctuated the otherwise silent night.

Crown Princess Tsubasa was peacefully asleep before being jolted up from her bed. She had become drenched in a cold sweat, her heart beat and breathing had increased rapidly. She never had a nightmare before.

After several minutes of calming herself down and failing to get back to sleep, she heard faint sobs and rushed to their source.

"Ojo! Are you okay?" she asked as she entered her sister's chambers. The younger Taiyou Princess was curled up tightly in her bed, uncontrollable sobs causing her to heave in her sleep before she to jumped up.

The younger Akaran's eyes were wildly tracing around the room and she was muttering under her breath,"Ojo, it's Tsuba, it's okay. I'm here." Tsubasa began attempting to comfort her younger sister.

It was what seemed like an eternity before the young fox's attention focused on her older sibling.

Her next words struck Tsubasa,"Tsuba-sama, it's momma. She's gone." she looked as though she had seen a ghost.

Tsubasa took in the words, and waited a bit to long to answer before the younger princess began wailing once again,"No no no! Mom's fighting as strong as ever, but she'll be back when they've won their battle and we'll all be together again. Okay Ojo, look at me? Momma's going to be okay!"

She did her best to comfort her sister, moving to embrace her and hopefully calm the girl's fears.

She wasn't Force sensitive like so many around her, but she had the distinct feeling something was wrong...


Supreme Commander Takami marched through the subterranean command center beneath the palace. She had been woken for an urgent message from Tython straight from the ground commander, Kanaan Matsuura. This was odd to her as she was expecting the battle for Tython to take longer and for Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou to announce their return.

She entered her private office, a request from the messenger, away from others. The woman donned her headset and began booting up her work station,"Colonel Matsuura, to what do owe such a pleasure?"

The response came back crackling but understandable but seemingly with more emotion than normal,"Chika! It's Ki, she's gone!"

Chika, a little perturbed at the breach in protocol, replied for clarification,"Sakura Actual, say that for me again, I couldn't quite understand you."

Kanaan came back, more frantic, sounded like she was running,"Code BLACK! The beacon has gone out! I say again, Code BLACK! The beacon has gone out!"

Chika sat back, stunned. The one Code she never hoped to live too hear was just said and here she was.

Dax Perl Dax Perl
The Reaper of Won Shasot

[ D A X...F Y R E ]

............The blaster went off in his hands, a short volley of red light that lanced towards the enemy. Radio chatter came over the garbled radio, battle chatter. For the moment, none of it concerned him. Only the soldiers, led by some white furred, fox-like alien.

............Another hail of blaster bolts erupted from his weapon towards the enemy as they pressed forward, undeterred by the red hail of heated death, simply swatting aside the bolts as if they were no more than mere annoyances. A shout to his right, and his attention was stolen away for a moment as he checked who had just gone down. In their armor though, they all looked the same.

............And so, when he faced forwards again, and felt the searing heat of a saber cleave its way across his chest, he knew his corpse would look no different than the others.

............Dead eyes looked on as boots ran past, splashing dirt and mud onto his visor. The fox continued to charge forward. Something stopped her though, a flash of steel and hint of red. A short pale woman leapt upon her, lashing out with her strange weapons. They fought viciously. The fox made distance, muffled shouting from them both. The fox drew another saber. Furious screams. The pale woman ignited red sabers of her own. Bright flashes as the sabers struck each other. Something sent the fox flying away from the pale lady, who threw her metal discs once more. Easily avoided. The fox charged. The flash of steel flying back towards the combatants. They struck the fox, and the fox fell out of view. The pale lady stepped out of view as well.

............When the pale lady reappeared, she was alone.


............Dax shot upright in his bed, a cold sweat on his skin. "Ki..." he breathed out the name, unbidden. What was that that he'd just seen? The Rogue looked over at the other side of the bed, half expecting his wife to be peacefully sleeping at his side. Her white hair would have formed a cascading halo around her head, one of her ears would twitch, some dream she was having probably making her laugh.

............But she was gone.

............Dax ground his teeth as he threw the covers to the side and stood. Quickly, he grabbed a shirt, lazily tossed over the back of a chair, pulled it on, and left the room empty.


............Entering the command center, he drew more than a few strange looks, given his current attire. But no one thought to stop the lord as he strode purposefully through the halls. His eyes were fixed ahead, towards his destination. He didn't need to check the nameplates attached to the wall beside the doors, he knew which he needed.

............The door slid open as Dax stood in-front the office. "Chika, I need a sitrep on-"

............The man's words fell short as he gazed upon her face. The same shell-shocked look he'd seen on others before. He knew what it meant. A dark aura of anger bloomed slowly outwards, like rolling waves of hate. His hands slowly curled into tight fists, the chairs in front of Chika's desk slowly buckling, crumpling, compacted by some unseen force.

............Dax breathed in deeply, exhaled, and the sense of foreboding dissipated. Dax turned on his heels and quickly left.


............Dax wore a stern look as he approached the children's quarters. He could sense Tsubasa in Ojo's room, both awake. It figured Ojo would be the first to sense it. Tsubasa...well, there are few bonds stronger than a mother and her child's, not even the Force could surpass that.

............The man, suddenly feeling far older than his appearance, or even his soul would suggest, quietly approached the room. Light flooded into the room as the door slid open, casting him in shadows. Holding her sister, Tsubasa sat at the edge of the bed, the dutiful older sister that she was. Dax entered silently, and joined her, the mattress sinking slightly beneath the weight of three people. He smiled softly at the youngest, and gently ran his hand through her snow white hair. Just like her mother's.

............"Go back to sleep, agape mou," he said with a soft voice. "It's gonna be okay." He hated lying to her. To any of them.

............After laying Ojo back down to rest as best they could, Dax gestured for Tsubasa to follow him, guiding her towards his study. Privacy.

Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou

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Crown Princess of the Sakura Empire
Tsubasa would be lying if she said she wasn't thankful for Dax's sudden appearance in Ojo's room. Together, probably mostly his doing, putting the younger Akaran back to sleep.

He motioned and she followed, not needing The Force to know something was off. She almost began asking him questions on the path to his and mother's private quarters.

This never meant anything good.

They arrived, and she was slightly surprised to see her adopted brother, Oji, already waiting. The young prince had a stoic look on his face, but it appeared as if he had been crying not long before. She ran to him and embraced him tightly,"Of course you all would be in tune with the happenings around you. Did you both have a nightmare as well?" she would ask puzzled and deeply curious about their Force connections.

Oji would answer with a nod before speaking, separating himself from his sister's grasp. He was always moody, but now, seemed that something was really bothering him,"It's mother Tsuba-nee. She's...gone." blunt as ever.

The words struck her like a ton of stone and she covered a gasp. She stumbled, nearly falling over a chair before steadying her standing and looking at Dax for confirmation,"Papa, is it...true?"

She could feel the tears welling up, ready to spill over. In her mind she already knew, if Oji's confirmation wasn't enough, she knew her father's would send her over the edge.

Dax Perl Dax Perl
The Reaper of Won Shasot

[ D A X...P E R L ]

............Approaching his and Kimiko's...his quarters, Dax could already make out the silhouette of Oji, stiff and unmoving. As he got closer to the boy, Dax could clearly make out the red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks of the Akaran. He rested a hand on his shoulder, before gesturing for them both to enter the room, following in behind him.

............He went to the window first, crossing his arms and staring out into the black void as rain drops impacted the pain with soft thuds.

............"Of course you all would be in tune with the happenings around you. Did you both have a nightmare as well?"

............"It's mother Tsuba-nee. She's...gone."

............A soft gasp followed, and the sound of Tsubasa falling into a chair echoed in the room behind him.

............"Papa, is it...true?"

............What the hell was he supposed to say? What words of comfort? What could he say when his pain matched theirs? How was he supposed to provide them stability when it had always been Ki to do that in the first place? Dax doubted anything in the world could soften the blow they all felt in that moment.

............The sounds of bare feet running down the hall crept into the room, muffled until the door opened, revealing Saya behind it panting. "Baba! Eixa enan efialti opou..." Saya words trailed off as soon as she saw her older siblings in the room. "No..."

............Dax gestured for her to enter the room as well, the door shutting quietly behind her as she stepped in. Their father let out a deep sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. Maybe he shouldn't have put Ojo back to bed after all...they were all here anyways.

............The man turned and walked towards the other three, his children, their children, placed a hand on each in turn, lingering on Tsubasa's as he knelt down to eye-level with her. "Yes, Tsubasa. Your mother..." Dax squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, grit his teeth. Saying it...would only make it that much more real. "Your mother was killed on Tython...I just got confirmation from Chika."


Crown Princess of the Sakura Empire
The damn broke and the tears rolled. She barely even registered the Zeltronian entering the room. They both cried, silently, and Tsubasa opened her arms for her other sister, who filled the embrace. The two princesses held one another for several moments.

Oji, stood in looming silence, eyeing Dax from across the room before looking upon his adopted sisters. His face softened as he sighed feeling for them, and fighting his own emotions with some success.

Oji was the first to actually speak, his voice low as he attempted not to let his feelings come through,"If that's the case, then the battle is probably going south real fast. We may need to get ready for what comes next."

Tsubasa spoke, wiping her eyes and catching her breath as she comforted Saya's quivering form,"Mother was very adamant about us not worrying about Tython. She maintained her belief in the defenders and so should we."

This was what pushed Oji over the edge it seemed,"That's ridiculous Tsuba-nee! Mom's gone now! Her beliefs don't matter anymore! If they did, she wouldn't have...left us..." he quieted down real quick and averted his gaze from her own piercing glare.

"Don't you ever speak of mother like that." she sternly scolded the younger prince.

She had definitely grown, not only as person, but as a member of this family.

"Papa? Talk to us please. I know this won't be easy at all. But, we need you. We all need each other." she attempted to lift some spirits with her words, looking between all gathered here.

Dax Perl Dax Perl
The Reaper of Won Shasot

[ D A X...P E R L ]

............The girls began to weep, and all Dax could do was stand and let them pour grief out. His own chest constricted, his throat closing. Tears of his own threatened to spill out, but the man but them back bitterly, turning around and walking towards the liquor cabinet instead, and pulling out four glasses.

............"If that's the case, then the battle is probably going south real fast. We may need to get ready for what comes next." Oji said as Dax began to pour some amber liquid from a decanter into the glasses.

............"Mother was very adamant about us not worrying about Tython. She maintained her belief in the defenders and so should we."

............"That's ridiculous Tsuba-nee! Mom's gone now! Her beliefs don't matter anymore! If they did, she wouldn't have...left us..."

............"Oji!" Dax whirled around, eyes glowing with a bright amber light as his voice raised in volume, the temperature of the room rising a couple degrees.

............Dax shut his eyes, and breathed deeply, calming himself. When he opened them again, they'd returned to their usual warm brown shade. "I'm sorry..." he apologized, turning back to the glasses and pouring the liquid in, before picking them up and passing them around. "I shouldn't have done that."

............"Don't you ever speak of mother like that," Tsubasa added, a softer touch than his own.

............"Guys please, now's not the time." Saya cut in, ever the peacemaker. "Mom wouldn't want us fighting right now." Her voice shook, the glass in her hand trembled as she carefully brought the cup to her lips and took a sip.

............"You're right, Saya," Dax said. "She wouldn't want us fighting..." He took small sip from his own glass, before looking at it, full of alcohol. Frack it. Dax knocked the whole drink back.

............Then he stared, gaze fixed at some point in the far off distance, finger idly tapping the glass. This couldn't be real. This was just...another nightmare. Not even a vision, just a nightmare. Penance for Won Shasot, or Omega, or Kaeshana, or some other battle. Some other terrible sin. He'd wake up at any moment, and she'd be right there. He'd kiss her cheek gently, and she'd stir, and sense something was wrong. She'd ask what, but he wouldn't tell her, too afraid that saying it would somehow start a chain reaction, that it would then become reality. And then they'd go on with their day, and the dream would remain just that. A dream.

............"Papa? Talk to us please. I know this won't be easy at all. But, we need you. We all need each other."

............Tsubasa's words shook Dax from his fantasy, bringing him back to bitter reality. "Y...your mother, she didn't want to leave us...I want you all to understand that," Dax said first. "But she had a duty." Flashes from when she boarded her ship invaded his mind. Him trying to persuade her to allow him to come with her. Her pushing him off the boarding ramp as it began to lift close. "And our duty now," he went on, "is to be here for each other. To support each other. We're a family." Dax set his glass aside and pulled the children into a tight hug. "We're all we got, okay?" His voice cracked as he squeezed them as tightly as possible. "She loved you guys. Still does, I know it."


Crown Princess of the Sakura Empire
Her heart was broken, and it was becoming harder and harder to hide that fact as the little family continued their discussion. Tsubasa was more than elated when Dax enveloped them all in an embrace, smiling as even the stoic and stern Oji folded and returned the gesture.

The princess even allowed herself to laugh softly as she cried.

Once they broke away, she made sure to keep her siblings and adoptive step-father close,"I know mom will be watching over us. Let's try to get back to sleep for tonight okay? In the morning we can summon a meeting of the council and see what steps we take next."

She looked at each of her siblings before focusing on Dax and attempting a smile, nudging him to agree.

Oji actually yawned, surprising the gathered group and waved his older ister off dismissively,"Yeah yeah. Time to go back to bed, I got it. C'mon Saya, I'll take you back to bed." the larger Taiyou prince moved to lift the young Zeltron and whisk her back to her own chamber.

To say Tsubasa was shocked would be an understatement. Typically her harder headed brother would fight tooth and nail against any advice or recommendations given. She gave Dax a flabbergasted look and shrugged as the younger duo exited the room,"I can never tell what he is going to do."

She sighed, letting her pent up frustration finally escape,"You have experience here Papa, what are we going to do?"

Dax Perl Dax Perl
The Reaper of Won Shasot

[ D A X...P E R L ]

............Oji's unexpected yawn brought a surprised look to all their faces, except for perhaps Saya's, who immediately began to wriggle and squirm in an attempt to free herself from her older brother's grasp. "Put me down you big furry idiot!" she whisper-shouted at him as the larger sibling carried her away. At a time like this, Dax found himself feeling very grateful. Grateful that his children could still bring a smile, no matter how small it was, to his face with their antics. He could only pray that they would always be this way.

............Dax returned Tsubasa's astonished look with an amused look of his own. "Neither can I," Dax admitted. "He's just like his father that way," he added casting his gaze towards the now closed door. Hopefully he hadn't inherited the man's penchant for Darkness. Not that Dax had much room to speak on that matter.

............"You have experience here Papa, what are we going to do?"

............Dax let out yet another sigh then, moving back to the liquor cabinet and pouring himself another glass. He had 'experience'. What did that even mean in this case. Experience with loss? Leading a still growing nation? Yes, he had experience. And all that experience had amounted to for him was pain. His own. Those he cared about and whoever was around them. Maybe the man was cursed that way.

............Dax turned and tilted the bottle of amber liquid towards his daughter in offer. "I don't know Tsuba," he admitted. "The Empire was your mother's ship to sail. It's different from Won Shasot. All my time there is spent trying to keep the Clans from tearing each other's throats out." The man would have poured the girl another glass if she'd accepted. Either way, he set the bottle down and took a sip as he moved to sit at the edge of his bed, shoulders sagging as the 'stoic father' act fell away. "And I didn't so much as 'lead' the Alliance as I did just try and keep the peace. Internally and externally. Not that I did a good job of that either." The man sipped from his glass, pausing to think for a moment. "Your mother had strong ties in the Elysium Empire, if I recall." Dax resented that it wasn't until now that he regretted being so far removed from the Kimiko's affairs. "Akarui is small. Vulnerable. Without allies, it wouldn't take much for someone like the New Imperials or the Maw to wipe us off the map." A grim thought, but not far from reality. They'd seen such acts of aggression before. Fought against it. Been successful. But not without help. "I think the first step should be to secure those relations. Ensure that we have people we can rely on when we need them. In return, we'll have to do the same."

............Dax took another sip of the whiskey. His voice felt hoarse. He hadn't even spent that long talking, and yet, his throat was dry. Brown eyes shifted up towards Tsubasa's. "Tsubasa, you're the new Empress," Dax said. A fact she surely understood by now. "I can't lead for you. But I will always be here for you, to advise you." How many had he made that promise and made it a lie? Not this time. He wouldn't allow it. "If you need me, call. Even if I'm away on business, no matter what that is, I will fly home." The man finished his glass off and started at the sparkling crystal with a weary look. "Just make sure there's some good whiskey around for your old man, eh?"

Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou Tsubasa Kira-Taiyou


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