Valery Noble
A slightly annoyed yet clearly amused chuckle burst through Colette's scrunched nose at Master Valery's joke. Right, the force just shifted the layout of a whole building. She had seen some things so far with the force, but not that.
And, sure, water supply wasn't an issue NOW, but what was the plan in case it suddenly became one? Would the fountains act as a reservoir? Where was the next closest source after this one? Colette was almost ashamed to admit that she kept a small backup flask in the drawer to her nightstand just in case something like it would happen, but then she also figured that was part of her past that still haunted her — metaphorically speaking.
"I haven't managed to get it right." Colette mumbled and rubbed at her upper arm.
"They say I am too unfocused."
What followed after that was Valery giving the offer to help guide Colette through some of the exercises. The burgeoning understanding of what a 'center' was even supposed to be began to grow from that point. It took effort and a lot of it to get there, but eventually it too would sprout into…
Well, nothing all too impressive but something impressive (to Colette) at the very least. Colette was spent by the time that the evening rolled around, and the days that followed was spent doing much of the same routine until eventually, things changed for her in ways she had not foreseen.
But that was a story for next time.