Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish [SO/GA] The Cleansing of Thule

There was something else Venge noticed as Shan Pavond Shan Pavond retreated. A presence in the Force that didn't feel entirely light or dark, but rather...grey.

"Well, this is intriguing," she mused, as she tried to pinpoint the source of the presence, turning in a slow circle to scan her surroundings. "I haven't encountered a Grey Jedi in a long, long time."

TAG- Tella Voland Tella Voland

Tella, turning her viewfinder to the Sith Lord, noted she was still at attention and not moving from her position, appearing as if she were looking for something. Knowing what that meant, Tella drew her presence in the Force close and inward to herself. Since she had not used any active powers and was simply observing from some distance away, this would hopefully make it difficult to get a sense of where exactly she was, especially given she had followed a more Consular type training and was skilled in the manipulation of the Force. Hopefully the Sith would get bored and go on to fight her actual enemies rather than investigate further.

Unfortunately, she could not do the same for her men, so if the Sith Lord really went out of her way to do so, she could detect them instead. Raising a fist, Tella whispered to her men.

“Go and get the shuttle prepared, we may have been noticed. Be prepared for combat with an S-level threat if she decides we are more interesting than the rest of the Jedi she’s supposed to be hunting today.”

Lady Venge Lady Venge
Equipment: lightsaber, grappling hook, smoke bomb x3
Tag: Liam Nargon Liam Nargon

Shasill couldn't stop himself from chuckling aloud as his opponent leapt backwards. This was too easy. Did the Padawan not know that Shasill wanted to drive him back? Or perhaps he took the Jedi ethic of kindness too seriously and decided to give the apprentice what he wanted. Which was more ground between him and the Thule Assembly.

The teenager watched amusedly as the man before him turned his leap back into a lunge forward, lightsaber slashing at Shasill's legs. Obviously trying to turn the tide of the battle. And gain ground. The apprentice couldn't allow that. But he also couldn't allow his opponent to slip past him. Giving up a meter of sand wouldn't be too bad. After all, he'd already gained several. Time to spend that allowance.

Shasill hopped backwards, just out of reach of the Padawan's lightsaber. Just as his victim had turned his backwards leap into a lunge, Shasill raised his saber over his head in a two-handed grip, and stepped forward to bring it down on the man's head.

And then it hit him. It was just a random thought in his head (he reprimanded himself sharply, though, as his mind should have been completely focused on the fight). If that strange flashback was somehow related to the ritual, it must be affecting the Jedi too? So Shasill tried to infiltrate the Padawan's mind and plant seeds of doubt and fear. He tried to invoke memories of past mistakes that may have resulted in tragedy. Those memories would create many negative emotions if the Jedi's mental defenses were weak enough. Maybe he'd get extra points from his master for turning one of the Jedi to the dark side?

But if that didn't work, killing would be enough.


Jax Thio Jax Thio doesn't play well with others.

"You loved Spasa? If so, it was only because she was most like you. And in a cowardly way you setup Pom to die," Pomsty whispered the moment Jax showed his true colors again as the aggressor. She always believed that all Jax ever did for Spasa was tainted by his desire to get revenge for the mutilations he suffered on the battlefield, and then because of Pom's close relationship with Jax's father, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex ; Jax could not live and let live. If Pom had not been who she was to him, Jax would never have even given Spasa, a second glance, as she was one dealing with internal struggle. He would have sent her away from him. "You condescending cretin." jedi would never see themselves as anything less than superior, self-righteous overlords of everyone.

'Passionate jedi? HAH!'

"The Light Side does not equal absolute good. Those who claim to be of it are quite evil indeed. All you jedi do is start fights to the death." Pomsty never killed for sport like this jedi. The rock throwing took her mind back to a time when she was just a tot. There has not been a single rock hurled at her since. She shifted the trajectory off to the side with a wave of her hand.

Electricity arced from the ground and the air, illuminating the shadowy Coven. It danced over Pomsty's body, as she willed herself to steep in the Dark Energy caused by the ritual the planet birthed forth. She swirled the electrified ground before her and drew up a handful of dirt into her palm. With a sinister gaze towards the jedi, Pomsty whispered a quick spell and the dust carried upon the stream of her breath.

The jedi would find the dust landing at his feet, and upon his person if he wouldn't be stepping out of the way. The dust scattered about, turned into first fistfuls of grungy toenail clippings. In the blink of an eye, what she cast began writhing like angry worms. In a moment, there produced the zombie bodies of those long gone, to whom the dust belonged.

The dead want to live again, even if granted just a moment in time; and the planet is filled with corpses. The Nightsister received pleading of their longing to exist. She breathed out over the land, which vomited up the dead from ages ago.


Astrid sensed the power of ritual the power of the darkside in the air her emotions empowered she drew on her passions and latent powers of the darkside. She spoke a few words under her breath and she shot a blast of fast moving pure darkness towards jonyna that would heavily damage anything in its path. Astrid would teleport to behind jonyna after the blast got to her and swung a slash aiming for jonynas back with her lightsaber. She would press the attack bringing a powerful swing down on jonyna.

The sith lord had morbid curiosity in her eyes as she looked at jonyna thinking of ways to experiment and torture the Cathar Infront of her. As she did with everyone it was mental game for her as she fought the Cathar "why fight for righteousness and good what does it give you but pain and suffering". The nightsister spoke as she swung her lightsaber again towards jonynas neck but this time she summoned her ichor blade and swung up attempting to cut up jonynas body.

Jonyna could only throw her arms forward, throwing her best telekinetic blast ahead of her to push back on the massive energy wave. It wouldn't stop it, but a reduction of it would keep her from behind swept away. Of course, that wouldn't help her from being struck in the back. Her guardian armor would though, leaving a gash in her coat. The Cathar snarled as she spun around as the sith came down for a second strike, quick drawing Sally with on hand to strike at the Sith's saber, the cortosis blade swinging right at the red blade of the sith in one fluid slash.

She couldn't let the sith get the upper hand. She watched as the sith summoned another sword, and thus she held a defensive stance with Lucy, while pulling the Fang out once more with her tail, firing a swarm of blaster bolts at the sith, hoping to keep her on the backfoot.

"Why? Because I'm nothing if not for the people behind me. You've never met a Denik have you?"

Tag: Astrid pentoghast

With: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Fighting: Darth Amarok Darth Amarok l Lady Venge Lady Venge

Thal truly didn't know where the aspect of his lightning came from. He'd learn later- much later, that it had something to do with his father, but, that was far from his mind of the now.

He turned his head towards the Sith, not able to answer him. He pressed his attack, streaks of blue lightning cracking the ground around him.

He pressed his lightsaber against his, sneering. There was a wild look in his eye. Perhaps he was enjoying the fight. Relishing it.

"I didn't, Sith."

That statement in of itself was scary for most people. Maybe there was more to Thal than just being a Jedi.

The force screamed danger at him, and it was right to do so- he felt himself lifted off of the ground, thrown violently backwards. Shan's barrier evaporated as he hit the ground, and Thal felt most of the impact. He rolled several feet, his lightsaber hissing away as he tumbled on the ground. He stood up slowly, composing himself, his cloak tattered and cut as the other Sith's push stopped his assault on the Sith Lord.

He grit his teeth, flexing his hands as he stood up. He screamed a feral scream, and charged. Arcs of lightning streaked across his body and to the ground again, raw, unfiltered, untrained power crackling from him. Thal was dangerous for a great many reasons- his deep-seated hatred being one of them, but more importantly, the raw power he possessed. Years of training, years of fighting made him formidable in close combat- but that anger, that hate, he never left it. It never left him. And maybe it wouldn't.

He activated his lightsaber again, barreling towards Darth Amarok Darth Amarok again. Thal went low, twirling his lightsaber from his weak hand into his strong hand- and then cut not at the Sith's torso, but went for savage slash towards his arm, trying to disable his weapon hand for an easier kill. Thal's aura changed. He was no longer trying to duel the Sith, the Sith could sense that. He was trying to kill him.


Location: Thule
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

Condescending, eh? Hardly. Being lured to be nothing more than Carnifex's plaything was not Pom's destiny, Jax knew it wasn't true especially given his conversations with Spasa Spasa . "I never said it did Pom," Jax responded calmly feeling the ground shake yet again. "Neither the light nor the Jedi are perfect. You know this and you're more than aware that I know of the Jedi's flaws. But even though the Jedi may not be perfect and they've committed grievous mistakes. That doesn't mean that the Dark Side is better I've shown you the true essence of the Force. It's balance."

Electricity began cackling above Jax as the dust swirled around him. Jax held his Lightsaber close to his face already sensing life being summoned. An undead creature emerged from the sandstorm attempting to rush at the Jedi Master but one vertical slash split his body in half. More creatures began to surround Jax as he began to slice and dice his way towards Pom. He could sense her anger and confusion, Jax needed to get to her somehow. "Pom!" Jax shouted twirling his blade through the many corpses summoned. "I sense the conflict within you! Come back to the Jedi! I can help you!"

Reaching Pom Jax leapt high avoiding a jagged claw by the undead monster and landed in front of Pom deactivating his Lightsaber. "Please Pom," Jax said. "Let's talk, no more fighting."


The first rumblings of something terrible approaching Thule shuddered through the force. A resonance in the dark side that cast itself across the entire planet, a ringing vibration that any could feel. With it, another sound, a song. Illusory clouds began to rise up around the assembly hall, mirroring the tumult inside. Whisps of power that cascaded up to the sky in a column of darkness. When the eerie formation appeared, the civilians that had embraced their faith and drawn on the dark side cheered, praising the force for blessing them with another miracle on the world.

Within the chamber, Nwul's hands were raised skyward, his golden eyes burning as power was refracted into him through the priests assissting in the ritual. His lips thinned into a wicked smile, even as an ache passed through his body. A moment of pain that came and went. He did not so much as grunt as pale golden light began to work its way from his brainstem and through his veins, glowing beneath his skin. The burning agony only another source of emotion and power. A necessary sacrifice. He clenched his fists and drew his hands down to his chest to begin the next chant.

His eyes cast around the room to those who had been tasked with defending the ritual. He could not speak to them any longer at this juncture, but they all would know his meaning. This was when the chaos really started. What he was about to do would enrage the millions of specters across the planet, ghosts would come running towards the assembly hall from far and wide, desperate to stop what was about to happen. A few thousand might actually show up in time, though. Even so, his allies had to be prepared. As for his enemies... well... he smirked.

"J'us sesei vele, galiatul kia tave prosal. J'ur amzi kash qorej." Nwul rumbled, his voice taking on a deep bass tone. The vibrations carrying out further. He hunched over as the golden veins spread through his body, his chest heaving with the effort for a moment. He caught himself and drew another breath, throwing his hands up to the sky. "Nu itsu j'us, nu xunotai j'us, nu kots j'us kalv, nu elgits j'us vi kuras nuo sis visuom!" He bellowed to the sky, eliciting a howl that shook the entire planet. Screams of the dead, unaligned, jedi, and sith, ripped through the skies like a scramjet. Spirits, once invisible to the naked eye, ripped themselves from incorporeality and fell to the ground, their bodies convulsing with the strain.

Ghosts of those long dead appeared across the city and planet, all of them turning their eyes to the nearest living being while the rest turned their eyes on the Assembly building, rage on their faces and terror in their hearts. They shrieked and began to engage wherever they could, wanting nothing less than to destroy any obstacle between them and the monster that was seeking to consume them. When one arrived at the assembly hall, their bodies crashed against the clouds of darkness that rose up towards the sky, they clawed at it in desperation, shrieking their rage.

With the second stage of the ritual complete, Nwul focused on his awareness of the cityscape, examining what was happening as his body recovered, the glow that had spread down to his elbows and waist did not fade, though, a change to his body as a consequence to performing such a ritual. They were getting closer and the density of his dark power outside the building was becoming even more intense. The heat was rising higher and higher. Nwul's expression grew complicated for a moment and then he broke into a grin. Who to toy with next?

He observed the battle between Iris Arani Iris Arani and Xeykard Xeykard , reaching out with the force to spread a cloud of darkness at their feet, shadows roiling and lashing out to aid Xeykard with minor distractions and oppression. He felt Cora push away at him, her words echoing through his mind as she demanded to know what he was doing to the civilians. He chuckled and shook his head, "They made their choice, they asked for their faith in the Dark Side to be rewarded, and it was," He whispered in response, his tone something of a warning-their religious fervor was their own and such dignity should not be stripped from them and blamed on him.

He shrugged to no one in particular. After all, if he was going to dominate someone's mind, he'd own up to it. His brutal honesty was a point of pride for him after all.

He watched Shasill Kaarte Shasill Kaarte engage his opponent, he was doing well for having only a modicum of training to speak of. Perhaps he was worth the investment. His emotions were strong, but could he embrace more than just his negative emotions as fuel without destroying his own mind? That remained to be seen.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el and Braze Braze were fighting back against the nightmares he sent at them with all the strength they had. His smile turned coy at Braze's defiance and he relented momentarily, teasing his young 'friend'. He sensed Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua and her intensifying presence and wondering for a moment before deciding not to interfere further, she had a great deal of pride and he was not about to infringe on her personal enjoyment. Let her have her fun.

There she was... Valery Noble Valery Noble was closer. Delight rippled through the force as he felt her eyes upon the Assembly building. She still had a way to go. As the ghosts awoke across the planet and flooded the streets along with the fanatical flamethrowing cultists, Nwul put his entire focus on her his power rippling out in her direction like a sledgehammer. Intent taking almost solid shape as he playfully swatted at her with the force, teasing her and egging her on as the air grew thicker in the city.

His head turned as he felt another familiar presence, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr ! What a pleasure to feel his presence here.

He was about to do more but the ritual pulled him back in, the circle demanding that he take it to the next stage. Soon this world would be changed irrevocably...and so would he. Regardless of whether or not the ritual was complete, he would still have to survive when the Jedi arrived to punish him. He only hoped he wasn't too weakened by the ritual.

Nwul's eyes turned back up to the sky and he held his hands aloft as the drone of his voice resumed...

  • The intensity of the dark side increases another stage, the air his now thick and humid with temperatures around 100f (37c). Emotions are running high with passions now actively being amplified by the presence of the dark side.
  • Ripples of madness and regret continue to plague the area.
  • Specters and ghosts of fallen Jedi and Sith alike have appeared! They are attacking the living while scrambling towards the Assembly Building.
  • The civilians have begun casting fire at anyone they encounter.
  • Iris Arani Iris Arani and Xeykard Xeykard are now in the area of a 'Murky Darkness' that has favored Xeykard. Thin liquid shadows will move about trying to obscure Xeykard. They are insubstantial and cannot cause harm beyond breaking line of sight.
  • Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el and Braze Braze see less influence from Nwul as he recalls his attention from them to lull them into a false sense of security.
  • Valery Noble Valery Noble is under attack! Nwul's presence has lashed out at her directly while he urges the cultists to target her specifically.

*You lost souls, holding to the past, your time is ended. I chain you, I command you, I break you down, I use you as fuel for this world!

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Darth Amarok saw the blow coming for his right arm, and pivoted his entire body to the left, hoping to evade. It was no use. Sparks flew as Thal Mantis Thal Mantis 's saber severed, not flesh and blood, but metal and wire. The cybernetic hand, still clutching his saber, dropped to the ground.

"My right arm was sacrificed many years ago to Lady Venge," Amarok said with a sinister laugh, as he brought his left hand saber around to ward off another strike. "You'll have to do better than that to defeat me, Padawan."


Jax Thio Jax Thio 's Step Mother

The dead rose and oodles and oodles of spirits swarmed the planet surface. Pomsty hates to be touched by those…many of them are of minuscule value to her. They're jedi, normal people, and typical Sith. Their conscious energy has ever been a simple Magickal Ingredient to the Nightsister and greatest of Sith Lords alike. If an entity is dumb enough to not have any clue how to anchor themselves in the afterlife, so they cannot be mistreated in spirit form, then they deserve to be utilized for the greater power!

Pomsty blinked and Jax landed inches from her face and she immediately leaned her shoulders back while her brow twitched in surprise. The Wanica became caught up in pressing their way through the fuel for the ritual. None of the thirteen Nightsisters liked the turn of events. Pomsty wanted to scare Jax off, and as usual humiliate him; they have a good thing going the two of them. Now there is a matter of inconvenience.

The jedi put away his lightsaber. This action confused the witch all the more. Why does he start the confrontation, always being the aggressor? And this time he approaches and does more than nothing, but he goes backwards beyond simply doing nothing: putting away his weapon?! He proposed talking amidst this shitstorm.

Pomsty grumbled initially, unsure how to respond, but soon found her words. "You don't see me. You only see who you want to see when you look at me. I am simply different than you, born unto a contrasting yoke. I am not Sith and I don't need saving. I am the great matriarch of all. I am the willing, living host to all the Nightmothers who passed before. I am she who guides the youthful. The Dark Lord Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , he loves BECAUSE he and I have a precious bond. Without that reality, the galaxy will hurl out of balance and you and all people are doomed. I would never choose to evolve more towards the light than the balance that I am. I would never introduce conflict between Carnifex and I. We are oil and water already, and neither one of us make an issue of it. What good is your way as you are, jedi, because your absolute goal towards nirvana forbids you to indulge in true and natural passions? Look at you right now, standing so close to me," she crooned, "pretending you are not afraid of a repeat of the past. I see how confused you are."

It is true that they had been friends, but she knew he could never accept her as she is. Because of that fact, their friendship honestly held little value. The Darkside leaning energy of the planet such as this, helps to hold the entire galaxy in balance.

"We sift through the Force Jax, and we dwell where we are comfortable to exist without conflict from our surroundings in nature. You do not belong here, and will do well to let us be."
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Meticulously manicured blonde brows shot up as blades appeared from the woman's hair. That was new – she'd have to tread carefully, lest she end up strangled by vines.

Phrik clashed against plasma, and for a few moments, the pair remained locked while pushing against one another. A'Mia's superior strength won out, forcing her opponent to disengage with a side step just out of range of the other blade that threatened to slash at her flank.

Cora's side step turned into a spin that put a few more paces between the two. She tsked, sweat beading at her hairline already from the increased heat. How unpleasant.

"And miss the event of the season?" She quipped back pleasantly to her opponent's cheerful jab. "I do question the choice of venue, however."

"They made their choice, they asked for their faith in the Dark Side to be rewarded, and it was,"

At Nwul's whisper in her mind, her brow suddenly furrowed. There was nothing natural about this, but then again, he hadn't claimed as such. She fed notes of disappointment and irritation into their bond – perhaps she could leverage their connection to unbalance him, or perhaps it would only serve to fuel the high priest.

You are nothing short of a monster, Nwul. She bit.

Splitting her focus was difficult, though. Especially when there were unholy spectres screeching through the streets, civilians wielding flames, and she was fighting inside of a literal oven. Her attention shifted abruptly back towards A'Mia, wary of her quick movements and graceful strength. This was no ordinary soldier – she moved with the elegance of a seasoned dancer.

"I'm surprised that your lovely hair hasn't withered in this heat."

Cora fanned herself with her free hand, momentarily bemoaning the circumstances of their surroundings. That same hand flicked forward, then jerked back, an invisible grip tightened the swath of fabric around A'Mia's lower half and yanked it forwards roughly. Two fingers lifted from her grip around the saber hilt, trembling slightly with unseen tension before they too snapped forward, telekinetically sending a handful of small, sharp stones rocketing towards the young woman like shrapnel from an explosion.

Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia
Xeykard hurled forward, slashing through the wall where the Jedi was moments before, crashing inside the building. He spun to recover, only to be put on the back foot as the Jedi attacked with new vigour. He gave ground, withdrawing inside.

For a moment he felt an eye pass over them. The darkness grew deeper, not merely on this world but in his vicinity; the power of the sorcerer granted to him for just a moment. A murky smoke filled the room, and he became silent, withdrawing into the dark. Perfect, he thought. What a fool.

In a flash he sent out a burst of bloodlust and rage, only for it to disappear again. Then another, further away -- and then he appeared next to the Jedi, close enough that the dark did not obscure them both.

"Keep your presence high," he ordered. Another explosion of anger, this time to the right. His saber was deactivated now. Instead he reached into a small pouch and produced a new weapon -- a small data chip, that he held out for the Jedi to take.


Smoke. Iris didn't use her eyes often to fight. The Force had it's own blend of colors she could see and utilize to her advantage, when they weren't overpowering or overwhelming. The sudden rush of grey through the colors though was something she hadn't expected. The unnatural darkness of the Force. She knew it well, just from seeing it from the various Sith she'd fought over the years. Some could even make an absence of color.

She narrowed her eyes, lifted her blades. The flash of heightened reds around her had her turn to face them within the darkness. Xeykard was truly invisible to her without such flashes.

"Keep your presence high,"

Iris turned on a heel, dropping a saber in the process as she let the Force carry it for her. To keep her presence high as she reached out to take the chip. She stared at it quietly before finding him within the darkness above.

".. You don't have to stay, you know."

Xeykard Xeykard
Location: Outside of the Last City, Thule
Equipmeint: Nargon Holocron, lightsaber, Fur-line coat
Tags: Shasill Kaarte Shasill Kaarte

Liam’s strike gained him back some of his lost ground, but his spin action was interrupted by the fact that his opponent merely gave ground instead of parrying the strike. The Jedi completed his twirl, but was not able to get to the Sith’s flank and create an opening towards the ritual Liam needed to stop. What was worse was that the spin had taken Liam’s eyesight away from his opponent for a moment. Only his instincts and the whisper of the Force told him to get his own blade up in time to avoid having his head removed from his shoulders.

After pushing away his opponent’s blade, Liam steadied himself and readied for another strike when his connection with the Force seemed to become hazy. Worry and fear entered into Liam’s consciousness. This was not caused by the state of the current battle, but from the billowing darkside energy pushed out from the Last City and the not so gentle intrusion of the Sith Apprentice.

Like the Sith, the visions brought to his mind were of family. Unlike the Sith Liam’s vision was one that he did not actually experience. It was the tragic truth of how he inexplicably came into his harsh father’s care at the age of five. Liam saw his mother watching him leave their home on Taris to play with some friends. Then he saw an explosion and heard his mother’s scream. For the life of him Liam couldn’t recall how he had not heard the scream or the explosion. The vision turned to his weeping mother on the day of Liam’s funeral (at that time he was called Krisstan). A desperate feeling of longing came to Liam as he almost started to rush off to join his ailing mother.

As this vision began to fade it was replaced by one of his father. One of the many times that Liam was told to go away. That he was just a nuisance, that it was no wonder that his mother abandoned him (that was the story given at least for more guilt to be pushed on Liam). As the vision faded and the battle came back into focus Liam’s despair had turned to anger for his father taking him from what could have been a wonderful home. He gripped his lightsaber tightly with both hands and started flailing away randomly towards his opponent. All sense of defense was out the window as was any discipline or form. All the teaching he had received from the holocron had not been enough to prepare him for this moment and all that was influencing him. Liam was being fed by emotion. By the darkside. Even though that drive was still to defeat the Sith in front of him and disrupt the ritual, it was a dangerous line to be sure.


Location: Thule
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

It was sad seeing Pom saying that Carnifex was benevolent, if anything Carnifex was manipulative capable of bending people to his will. If he couldn't woo you with honeyed words, then he'll try something more painful like what Jax experienced in the days before his self-exile. Pom was already wrapped around Carnifex's finger, Jax had to do something. He will not let Pom be a victim of Carnifex's manipulations. Not like Jax was which led to him leaving his friends and family behind.

"Whatever love you're experiencing with him is a lie," Jax said clipping his Lightsaber onto his belt. "You're just a tool to Carnifex, a vessel which he uses for his benefit. I know this because he tried to get to accept his power and I did."

The Jedi Master clenched his fists, unhappy memories resurfacing in his mind. He thought he moved on from the painful experience of falling to the Dark Side, but Jax realized that such scars will remain with him forever. "It felt good but It consumed me Pom and even got my stepdaughter nearly killed by Carnfiex. You're only "loved" as long as you have use to him."

Jax reached into the Force calling on a special power that used so long ago. "Facing your past mistakes can be terrifying," Jax said. "The truth is, I am afraid but I choose to walk this path to save you Pom. Because I still have reverence to the woman whom I once thought as a villain is actually someone who needs help."

The Jedi Master walked closer towards Pom giving himself fully to the Force. "Such passions can cause you to lose your sense of self." Jax said. "Can mask you from the truth. Conflict is a natural part of the Force but it's not the only one. Love, genuine love for others is what keeps the Force into balance."

Jax then wrapped his arms around Pom his body began to glow bright. "I will save you," Jax said allowing the light of the Force to touch Pom.

Contrary to the prim and proper Jedi's quip about her opponents' hair, A'Mia appeared to be thriving like a tropical plant in a well tended greenhouse. Her own exhilaration from the challenge of a skilled opponent was fed by the rising ambient darkness and her powers were gradually being boosted by the ongoing ritual. Though the strange woman seemed to lack the malice stereotypical of Sith, she was just as dogged as any other combatant on the field today.

Her eyes widened in a moment of clarity, locking on a thread of energy which seemed to draw outward from the padawan's chest and pointed like a compass needle toward the very center of the assembly building. The fading tip of that strange compass needle was tinged with energy A'Mia recognized as associated with Nwul himself.

"You do have an invitation-" she managed to sing out just as she was yanked and bombarded.

A strange rustling hiss escaped her as she was dragged bodily forward and her vines shielded her eyes just in time to avoid the rocky barrage. But Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania successfully caught her off guard and it made her counter sloppy. A'Mia kicked up into a backflip tumble to disengage from her opponent, leaving her feet and ankles wide open for a strike. She kept up the momentum with a push of that mass of vines to tumble backwards about 10 feet away where she popped up in a defensive stance once more.

"Wait! I could take you to him, grant you safe passage-" she managed in a perfectly amicable tone, the rest of her words cut off by a howl of ghoulish fury which arose from a cluster of recently awoken and enraged specters. A'Mia did not turn to acknowledge their approach, she had only eyes for her opponent as she awaited the woman's response to her earnest proposal.


Pomsty looked at Jax as he spoke. While what he said about needing people, and the Sith Lord needing something from her, she too received plenty in return for her allegiance and intimacy with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . She became elevated in position because of her standing with him. The Nightsisters admire him as well. There had been a time when she felt more in control, when she felt he didn't love her. It was such a big change to accept him, as she had always been the one in absolute control over her men, her servant Nightbrothers. "What you speak about, t'is just how life goes, Jax Thio. Every woman is a tool for her man, and she loves it. As is every man a tool for his woman. Is not a wrong to be so. If people didn't fill their needs through one another, then they wouldn't stick around answering one another's call. Your problem is, you don't need for anyone. It's the jedi chains about you which makes you able to give up on family. My daughters are fine Sith and they are superb Nightsisters. I love them completely in a way that is real and untainted, not some sickening exchange as you believe me guilty. It's your sickness to see people in this way, to be so critical and judgmental…NOT MINE!" Her temper flared again. She could never see where he was coming from, nor did he seem to ever try and understand her.

The Nightsisters saw the jedi apostate standing very close and through the undead influx, they pressed forward, paying attention to the jedi, watching him to anticipate his next move. When the jedi touched the Matriarch, Pomsty froze. The Wanica saw the jedi begin to glow bright as the sun and instill their Priestess with the Light of the Force. This is not an experience she is unfamiliar with although it was some time ago, however the Wanica have never been assaulted in this manner. The twelve witches turned to one another and made an instant decision to protect their Matriarch from within. They braved the horrible attack with Pomsty. As quickly as they could, the Wanica jumped back inside of her to protect her Darkness which exudes from her core!

Pomsty froze as she let out a painful groan. The experience was very intense, but not devastating as Jax may have intended. She was not alien to balance, and so she knows both sides of the extremes well enough that they are not destructive. This is one of the experiences she had intended to learn when she began her studies. She wanted to pull away, but part of her understood his intention, even if his reasoning was pretty much warped. The Matriarch doesn't need saving from Carnifex, nor from herself. Pomsty is not riddled with regret, nor anguish like the Sith. She doesn't hate others, but she does look upon them with her own sense of value or devalue. This earned her and her people galactic fame as those who shouldn't really be hugged on any battlefield. It is not a good side to their nature, but she hadn't made up her way of life.

She was born into Darkness among the Nightsisters, and later willingly learned all about the Light for the sake of perseverance. Jax is the one who doesn't belong present during this ritual. In fact, he shows little concern for his own safety. The Darkness far outweighs the Light here.

"I appreciate the gesture…from such a condescending bastard. Now respect me as your Step Mother and just skedaddle back to your own kind before you get hurt here? This is real arcane stuff that can literally introduce you to evolving into an existence you won't appreciate."

The Darkness at her core held fast profound and unaffected. Neither did the Light phase her for she knows it intimately. She could call upon the Nether swallow him up and remove him, if he doesn't comply. A serious expression cast over her face, as she gripped his wrists to slip herself free from his hug.

"You still don't know me, jedi."


Astrid pentoghast

Equipment: red lightsaber, nightsister bow
Suit: xx
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

She smiled this Jedi would put up a fight as jonyna parried both her blades seeing jonynas sword blocj her lightsaber and then cut through it she put her hilt back on her beltm Astrid couldn't help but wonder how jonyna would do as a sith in the back of her mind. She wouldn't try to turn the knight here especially as she felt the heat rise around the first she was starting to regret her choice in white clothing. As she witnessed the Cathar knight draw the blaster she used before causing astrid to teleport again several feet away from jonyna. "And here I thought Jedi where meant to be honorable nothing honorable about that" she said deflecting a few blaster bolts.

as a group of six civilians charged from around a corner wielding fire Astrid wasted little effort in taking control of their minds. Directing their madness at jonyna each shooting balls of flame at the Cathar allowing Astrid to pull souls of dead Jedi and sith to her quickly and bond them to herself. To empower her next force attack as she fueled the power of the souls and the increased darkside in the area into a force lightning that was a wall of electricity that warped stone and heated metal in its path to jonyna in a wave. Killing the civilians around them "a Cathar is a Cathar you'll look equally well as a rug or a fur coat" she said absorbing the souls of the six dead civilians she just killed. Still holding her ichor blade she stood there waiting for what came next.
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Zinder Tokarache



Location: Thule, Defensive Emplacements
Objective: Take Out Turbolaser Turrets
Equipment: Assualt Loadout (Bio) - Extra General Purpose Explosives Satchel
Squad Equipment: Forward Combat Loadout
Tags: UX-0626 UX-0626 (Closed Engagement for Now)
Approved by Nwul

The Jedi had arrived first. A small reactionary force of Marines hot on the trail of their sudden voyage. Their shuttle had touched down well outside the projected conflict zone, their earliest scans showing weapons emplacements of some sort cutting off any direct intervention from above if the worst came to pass.

Zinder kept his eyes skyward as the other specialists gathered round to devise their plan.

A small team, meant to be discreet in their goal as they knelt down.

"Two take the northern quadrant, myself and another the southern quadrant." Drawing a line through a poorly sketched imitation of the city before checking everyone for the extra satchels. "This stuff has got a kick, so get clear before you trigger the switch. No heroics. We are clearing a way in or out depending on how hard the poodoo hits the air recyclers."

A sharp nod from the other three as Zinder bumped his arm with the other designated lead.

"We've got a limited amount of time. Setup what you can before the signal goes up." They all stood, kicking the dusty map out of existence before synchronizing their chrono's and splitting up.

The sounds of battle from the interior of the city not escaping their senses as each kept a hand on their weapons. Half-ready as they leaned around corners before the other sprinted across.

The adrenal supplement system in their suits kicking into overdrive as they fought to kick up their pace.

The Northern squad reaching a Turret first, dropping a Null Grenade before rushing the guards. Point blank range with the Scatterguns barely winning out against sheer force of will as they planted a hidden charge on the generator and linked it with a clacker.

Slipping away before a larger crowd could react and moving to the next.

The Southern squad reaching a Turret within the next minute to see the guards on alert with the Northern Squads success.

"Big Boom." A whispered command to his second as they pulled the Warhead Launcher from his back. Setting aside his Scattergun and taking a glance around the building. His second taking steps back until they were clear as Zinder kept himself low. A rough guesstimate made before sliding on his knee around the corner to aim at the connection between the turret and the generator.

A sharp sound of alarm before the Launcher belched and the missile sought its forever home.

A screech from the ignition as the smoke trail bloomed, the short-lived screech ending as the missile slammed into the protective wall around the generator. The guards flinging themselves away from the large explosion as another screech filled the air.

Zinder's second shot let loose as his backup waited for the signal to emerge from around the corner, standing over his crouched form. Rifle prepared to take shots at those remaining.

The second missile struck home, gouging part of the turret while cutting the connections.

The slow whine of the generator a clear warning to Zinder as he pulled back around the corner and nearly pulled down his second. Both in cover, the generator gave a shrill grind before everything went quiet. A sigh escaping Zinder before the air filled with a buzz, and his hair stood on end.

Throwing them both over to lay flat as a cracking thunder filled the air and shrapnel bounced against the building.

The turret still standing with a large burnt imprint and shrapnel plunged into the outer plating. The surrounding entrenched position blasted outward from the overloaded generator.

The North squad pausing in wonder at the sudden eruption of sound before carrying on with their more stealthy approach as Zinder sat upright, kicking the Launcher away before patting his second on the back.

"Alright. Couple more. Move out!" Unsure if he was yelling or whispering as the ringing in his ears came into audible range.


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