Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish [SO/GA] The Cleansing of Thule

902 ABY

As if throwing great stones into a pond, ripples had been felt across the galaxy over the past few months. Jedi and Sith alike had sensed a presence calling out across the stars. The Sith had seen the visions of a resurgence on the horizon, more fuel to the fire to drive them towards their destiny. The Jedi had seen visions of a monster being born on a barren world, a nightmare given flesh, an eldritch evil at last breaking free of its chrysalis. After the Caldera Crisis, the Jedi were on high alert considering their ancient enemies. They dared not underestimate the lengths the Sith were willing to go to once again cast their shadow across the stars.


A world decimated by conflicts throughout the centuries, ruined by the powers of both the dark and the light, poisoned by shifting balance and imbalance. A world left to rot. At the edge of Sith Holy Space, it had become the centerpoint of the strange beacon in the force. That eerie presence casting its will out from that tragic world. The word got out, it was a cleansing. A self-proclaimed Sith Priest was preparing to stabilize the planet’s imbalance by purging the light and restoring its natural beauty. It would become a new Jewel for the Sith, and many darksiders flocked to stake their own claim on the planet and gain power from the fallout of the ritual.

The Jedi saw it differently; the backlash of such an act could very well be felt throughout the galaxy. Force sensitives were at risk of becoming ill, unprotected young jedi may very well be tainted by the dark side from the aftershock. They couldn’t allow the ritual to go forward.


(SITH - PVP) Objective - Ritual of Resurgence

“High Priest Nwul is ready to begin the ritual, brothers and sisters. His priests have gathered at the Assembly Building and the defensive shield is up. It is up to us to ensure that the Jedi who have also responded to his call in the force do not enter the building and disturb his sorcery. We have complete control over the city and the majority of the population are force sensitives who have been indoctrinated by the High Priest.

Know this, the ritual will cause strange things to happen within the bounds of the city, be prepared for anything and destroy our enemies.

Nwul has offered rewards for Jedi captured alive and for exemplary service. Knighthoods, Ordinations, and even the Governorship of the world once it is brought into the Sith fold is on the table. Show them the power of the Dark Side.”


(JEDI - PVP) Objective - The Last City

“The Sith have yet to fully commit a fleet to the world, the man leading the ritual has been confirmed not to have sworn fealty to either of the factions of the order. We have a window to several Jedi strike teams to the planet. The Alliance Fleet is unwilling to commit to the battle either, we are on our own, but so are the Sith.

Master Noble will lead the assault on the centerpoint of the alleged ritual site. The Last City of Thule. A series of turbolaser installations have been set up around the city, preventing us landing within the city itself without catastrophic losses. We will have to enter the city from the exterior and go on foot to the Assembly Building, where the ritual is taking place and put an end to it.

Word is that there are dark side fanatics in the population, they wield the force strangely, be on your guard.”


[Battlefield Conditions]

The area of The Last City is under the effects of the Ritual and the conditions on the battlefield will change periodically throughout the duration of the thread. The conditions will be updated in this post as well as in the storyteller posts, so keep your eyes open.

  • Clear Skies with some cloud coverage.
  • There is an intensity in the force, emotions are amplified in the vicinity of the city. Feelings are strengthened. Dark Side powers are slightly stronger.
  • The Locals remain in hiding and have not come out to face the enemy.

Thule, Esstran Sector, Outer Rim - Neighboring Sith Holy Space
The Last City

The violet sky of Thule glittered as Thurra set on the horizon, Sivvi rising in its wake. Shadows stretched across the ground like claws of an ancient evil grasping at the nigh-forgotten world. The once beautiful surface, cracked and torn by the power of the force and by the weight of history, had turned an almost sickly color. There were so few left alive on the world, only ghosts, the specters of the fallen, trapped by the ebb and flow of the place, a feedback loop that kept the spirits from passing on. It was a place of neither light nor dark, a twilight in the force.

The Last City stood as the sole remaining bastion of sapient life on the planet, built from the ruins of past structures. The residents were those left behind, forgotten, but ever faithful. They had been traumatized by the destruction wrought by Carnifex in his duel against Vulcanus. They both feared, hated, and worshiped the Sith now. Waiting for their return with baited breath. Nwul had come to them during the night, his golden eyes marking him as one of those they had longed to see in the flesh.

Just like many worlds before it, Nwul had come to seek out tombs and libraries, truths left behind by the sith that came before. He brought with him his cult, who took little time to assume control over The Last City. Here, he studied, here, he grew once more, here, he prepared for what was to come. Secrets from ancient sith, dark sorcerers, and fallen jedi that he had studied from across the galaxy all coming together for a greater purpose. All was for the Dark Side.

Over the past few weeks, he had sent out a call through, a subtle disturbance in the force that worked its way into the minds of friends and foes alike. A lure and an invitation, a summons, a pulse through the force that rippled across the galaxy, amplified as it met with a mind that felt it and sent back out again without their knowing. Some knew his presence and would come out of curiosity or perhaps even brotherhood. Others with the drive to stop him in whatever he schemed. This was fine. Nothing was worth doing if there was not a challenge involved.

Let the Jedi come.

Within the sanctuary chamber at the center of the Thule Assembly, Nwul sat at the center with his legs crossed and his eyes lidded. The circular building had been vacated of all furniture on the inner floor save for the gallery that walked around it. Instead, a painstakingly constructed array of fixtures, structures and alignments crafted from Star Iron and alchemical components formed a complex ritual circle around him. Incense burned and hung dense, creating a carpet of smoke on the ground.

Prompted by a mental whisper, drones filled the air, hymns to the Dark Side. Robed men and women stepped into the center with Nwul, their hoods revealing faces covered in masks that expressed a wide variety of emotions, joy, hate, love, the entire spectrum. Each of them moved into position within the circle, leaving spaces for others to join them. Around them a pressure began to build, the dark side of the force gathering. Emotions burning in the air, feelings amplifying as a whirlwind of power began to form around the center.

Nwul got to his feet, his eyes finally opening. He held his head high, "Today, we take unprecedented action, Children of the Dark Side," He said, his voice soft, a faint smile behind the tone. His words were broadcast across The Last City and on an open channel throughout the sector. "The Dark Side is our god, omnipotent, everpresent, but it is also our slave and tool to wield as we see fit. A god that serves us but may also destroy us. The Dark Side is nature, both its beauty and its wrath. Splendor and destruction. God and Slave."

"God and Slave." The cultist droned and the whirlwind intensified, strength increasing, solidarity coming from fanaticism. Love for the Dark Side turning into power. A positive emotion fueling the dark arts. It was like adding nitrous to oil.

"It is only natural to feel. It is only natural to consume. It is only natural to obtain. It is only natural to protect what is yours. It is only natural to spread. It is only natural to procreate. It is only natural to revel. We Sith face our natures, acknowledge them, govern them, and wield them. We have not abandoned natures laws for the sake of sterile peace, we seek the satisfaction and contentment that comes with power and struggling to survive. God and slave." Nwul continued, holding his hands up. His power grew, his belief driving him further. The Steward of the Dark Side letting his might be known, his presence beginning to eek out across the surface of the city and beyond.

"God and Slave."

"My brothers and sisters! Today we shall perform a ritual that will consume the destabilized force alignment of this world which has weakened its connection to nature and return it to its natural state so that our kind can once again proliferate across it. We shall render down the trapped spirits of our brethren and enemies, those who have died, and use their souls as fuel for something new and marvelous. They have fallen, so nature demands that all of them be consumed and returned to the ecosystem." Nwul clenched his fists, his golden eyes glowing.

"Drink of this power with me! Let old wounds be healed, let new powers be learned from the memories of the dead, let knowledge infuse itself back with the living! And in doing so, we shall create a disturbance in the force powerful enough to force the Jedi to feel us, to send a shock through their ranks, a tremor so powerful that it may even save some of our pitiful, lost, and misguided kin and bring them back into mother nature's arms, their minds and emotions free…" He paused, his voice sounding choked, his smile widening.

"I have gathered you here to help me in this task, the first of many repetitions of this ritual, to slowly eat away at the Jedi and restore the natural order. God and slave!" He called.

"God and slave!"

"Face your feelings!"

"We embrace our feelings!"

"Wield your passions!"

"Our love is a torch! Our rage is a blade!"

"The Jedi will try to stop us…" He trailed off, sounding sad, his voice cracking, "Save them from themselves."

….The ritual has begun….



Tag(s): Open
When she had first met Nwul on Jutrand the Vampiress had almost cast the notion of working with him aside, with the first assumption being that he was a fool and rather annoying.

Now, upon this day Adeline had realized that he wasn't a fool at all... But perhaps still annoying.

Today was a chance at power, from both eating energy off this ritual along with any who dared get in her way. Clad in her blackened armor she sat at her position, a brick wall of sorts that would deny any who tried to pass by as they heard the growing chants of dark power surging from the building behind her. The air was thick with darkness, the very force around Keres was being siphoned in as the ambitious Darth ate it to quell her growing hunger.

It was never a question if the Jedi would show up, only when. Whoever they were, mercy would not be granted by this new world eater in the making.

Equipment: red lightsaber, nightsister bow
Suit: xx
Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Jackson Lesan Jackson Lesan

Astrid stood there to say she was intrigued by this little ritual was an understatement but she knew once it started the Jedi would appear. The young nightsister turned sith would wait sitting there innocent people would seem to be rushing around doing her bidding as she sipped some tea she was drawing off the natural darkside of the ritual to fuel her own magic.

She wanted to see if the ritual was a success and collect any worthy prizes from those who fell here in combat with possible experiments done. On a few of the dead bodies or prisoners would be a bonus in her eyes she had ideas for sithspawn creatures and needed bodies to try things out. Living or dead it was all a matter of restraints for the nightsister as she sat there one of the civilians put a pastry infornt of her as she faked a smile for him if she could take a Jedi alive all the better but wouldn't get her hopes up today. As she sat there she awaited the eventual combat to start she hoped she didn't get a padawan otherwise this would be a dull affair.
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Tags: Open

The Dark Embrace hovered for a brief moment as the landing legs extended before sitting down near the Last City Of Thule. Before the boarding ramp had even fully extended, Lady Venge was exiting her vessel with the new Sith Lord, Darth Amarok close behind her. It had taken a considerable amount of effort between her and The Parliament to fully corrupt the fallen Jedi Alex StormWolf to the Dark Side of the Force, but once he was fully within the Dark Side's grasp, Venge gave him the name of Darth Amarok as his Sith title, and vowed to treat him as an equal, unlike the previous decades they had spent as bitter enemies.

"Something calls to me from this place, Lord Amarok," Venge declared as she gazed upon the landscape before her. "And if it calls to me, truly it will call to Alex StormWolf's Jedi friends as well."
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Tags: Open

Within the confines of his helmet, Darth Amarok's face twisted into a scowl at the mention of the name Alex StormWolf.

"That name means nothing to me. Alex StormWolf is dead. You destroyed him, my Lady. Now there is only Darth Amarok," Darth Amarok replied as he exited The Dark Embrace to stand at Venge's right side while she surveyed the landscape. "Let the jedi come. All who stand against the Sith will die."
Equipment: lightsaber, grappling hook, smoke bomb x3

Shasill couldn't help but grin, feeling the essence of the dark side slowly creep into him. The ritual was underway, destined to change this world's alignment in the Force forever. And the Jedi couldn't stop that. The young man, only fifteen now, took in a deep breath, feeling more power every second. It was invigorating. And this was just the beginning. Who knew what strength and vitality he would feel once the ritual was complete?

The apprentice leaned back against the stone wall of what used to be small church, now in disrepair. He quickly straightened up as he remembered its lack of structural integrity. Shasill wouldn't dare sneeze on it, lest he want the entire building to collapse. Not that it wasn't already half demolished. He was in the outskirts of the city, where the citizens didn't really bother to repair everything. But that was fine. It would all be destroyed anyway in the battle that was about to ensue.

Shasill suddenly found himself fighting off boredom. He wanted the ritual to succeed, yes, but...he wanted to fight someone already. A duel. He'd heard that Nwul was giving out rewards to those that captured Jedi. He would please his master. He had to. But for now, he would do best to wait patiently for the Jedi to arrive.

Tag: Liam Nargon Liam Nargon

The trip to Thule was a solemn one. She had figured the sith would stay quiet during the conflict between the GA and the Enclave, biding their time while the jedi weakened themselves against the Mandos. But now the sith were once again on them move, pushing outward and allowing themselves to be known to the NJO.

Why was it always her side of the galaxy? The Sith's empire was on the other side of the galaxy, and yet they acted out here. But it didn't matter. The jedi would respond. She'd recently gotten a set of Jedi guardian armor for the Enclave war, with her own set of upgrades, and now a sheath that would allow her blades to stay hidden within the force, as well as a trio of blasters she could use for various purposes. She wasn't a slouch when it came to firearms, but she always preferred the blade. It was much more elegant, a more artful way of protecting the innocent. Image was everything in her way of living.

As they landed, Jonyna prepped Lucy, knowing what came next was a full on battle. The songsteel hilt always felt a little heavier in her hand before a battle. She looked around the ship, noting every jedi that had answered Valery Noble Valery Noble 's call. Jackson Lesan Jackson Lesan seemed to be a new face, and the Cathar mentally promised herself to keep him safe. The moment the door opened, she was moving towards the objective, running right towards the wall, then launching herself over the wall with a blast of flame from her feet.

There were plenty of targets. But the one that took Jonyna's immediate interest was the one sipping tea. The ones around her, bystanders, seemed to be under her control. Just before landing, her feet ignited once more, slowing her down enough to land softly and charge forward towards the witch.

tag: Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast Jackson Lesan Jackson Lesan
Equipment: one pair alusteel punch daggers, one pair hilted phrik punch daggers, field medic pouch (2 bacta patches, microsutures, antiseptic), herbalist kit.
Attire: Korriban military uniform, medical insignia
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

The eleventh hour had come and gone, with the ritual well underway and its opposition sure to arrive at any moment. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and it wouldn't be long before tensions rose to a boil.

For her part A'Mia appeared very calm, even outwardly bored as she idly read more about Kashyyyk's recent history on her datapad. She had arrived relatively early with a contingent of Korriban military, wearing her new officer uniform and medic badge. Selected for both her experience in combat and capabilities with field medicine, the tall Neti woman's assigned objectives were: guard the ritual from interlopers, subdue and capture said interlopers if possible. When she eagerly volunteered it had been personal ambitions at the forefront of her mind, curiosity and excitement about what mysteries might await her on Thule, ripe for exploration and examination after the business of the ritual.

However, a small smile pulled the edge of her mouth at the first signs of imminent conflict and she tucked her datapad away. Boredom fled to be replaced by a new curiosity about who she might go toe to toe with. A'Mia had much to prove if she was to be formally brought on as acolyte, to be more fully trained in the ways of the force.

Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Ship: Link
Blasters Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Darth Nwul Darth Nwul

"I'm going to find and stop him," Valery said after she had made her way down to the planet's surface with her Padawan. Other Jedi were spreading out for various objectives, but it was her duty as the Sword of the Jedi to confront the worst of the darkness. To be the selfless blade against the most threatening foes. Darth Nwul Darth Nwul had clearly wanted her attention with his actions as of late, and she was here to give it to him.

She was here to take him and his people down.

"I expect a lot of trouble along the way, but it won't stop us." She smiled at Cora and briefly placed a hand on her shoulder. She trusted the young woman to handle just about anything on her own, but today, she hoped to keep her close as long as possible. Only if she made it to the end, and Valery was going to confront the one behind all of this, perhaps she'd urge Cora to leave it to her alone.

She couldn't drag Padawans into something far too dangerous anymore.

"Let's get moving."



Location: Thule
Objective: Deal with Sith
Lightsaber - Blaster
Tags: Open
The Sith. Shan had already faced against this threat back on Elom but this was a much bigger threat in his eyes. They weren't just helping evacuate people. Back then, they had basically been on the defensive whereas now they were going on the offensive. He had no clue what he might face in this battle, but he was ready. Whilst Shan still stood by his pacifism and his beliefs of non-violence, that didn't mean he wasn't going to stand by. Sometimes the best way to heal something was to rip out and kill the infection. And the Sith were an infection. His treatment for it? Either redemption or cauterisation with a lightsaber.

He was staying far away from Valery Noble Valery Noble and Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania since the Padawan thought he'd be more of a hinderance than a help if they were going towards the source of the troubles. Shan was just going to focus on helping what people he could find, and potentially stop any innocent people from being killed. Sure, that might not be too easy especially since he felt like this wouldn't end up like the first time he fought a Sith, but he had learned some new tricks since then. He also had a few new tools, as he tapped his blaster towards the belt, debating to himself for a moment...Stun bolts or did he want to stick to lethal shots? He doubted stun would do anything against the Sith, so the Mirialan kept his blaster on its lethal setting, before preparing to set out.

Allies: Valery Noble Valery Noble
Approaching: Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia

Cora has felt the call on Coruscant.

A dark, fanatical presence pulsed across the galaxy like a steady heartbeat. Foreboding. Impassioned. Perhaps the most worrying aspect of all, it had startled something familiar in her.

The moment her boots touched the surface of Thule, she understood. Darth Nwul Darth Nwul was here, and the faint threads of a connection that had developed between them now pulled fiercely at her mind.

Valery's words caused an unpleasant twisting in her gut, but the apprentice chalked it up to fervor of the Dark that surrounded them- she'd always be uneasy on worlds like this. Selvaris. Exegol. And now, Thule. Cora breathed in, slow and deep, and minimized the agitation within her before it could bubble to the surface.

Remain focused.

The hand at her shoulder made things a little easier. Valery had helped her to navigate some of the more difficult aspects of the young aristocrat's life, and Cora revered her. Idolized her. The fact that she hadn't told Valery everything almost soured the moment between them. No, she would deal with those feelings later - now, they both needed to concentrate on the task at hand.

"Of course, Master Noble." She answered, a distant smile surfacing on pale features. “We will root them out as we’ve done before.”

Her eyes flicked towards the Assembly building that loomed in the distance, and for a moment, she winced.




Sith see their destiny
The galaxy sees doom
Light and Dark clash

Fighting: Someone...soon

Thal stood near one of the younger Jedi, Shan Pavond Shan Pavond . Thal, even without the force running through his veins, was more than able to see the man's beliefs clashing. Pacifism was the morally correct route, but morals atop ashes didn't stand for much. Thal reached over to the other Jedi- whom he did not know well, and placed a comforting, reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"You're quite the man to put yourself out like this."

Not referring to him as a Jedi, or a warrior, or a soldier, or anything- Thal believed in the people that were Jedi, more than the Jedi in the people.

"We haven't met but briefly. I am happy you are here, my friend."

His hand slipped from his shoulder, to where Thal removed the lightsaber from his belt.

"The Sith called us here. Let us show them why that it was not a good idea."

He didn't know the exact circumstances of the ritual, or the requirements- but Sith Magicks was the tale of trickery, of devils and of lies. Deceit and deception, lies upon lies, truths buried beneath betrayals. The Sith were not wrong in every aspect- the way they went about it, perhaps. But Sith Magick was what Thal used to be told as tales of caution, woe, and terror. Nothing good came of it, ever, hardly, even. He knew- he had seen, what Sith could do when unleashed. When they lose themselves in their schemes, their machinations for control and power.

He did not intend to allow that here. So he stood, side by side with his fellow Jedi. And for once, Thal did not feel conflicted about a fight. Did not feel doubt, or remorse. He knew it was the right thing to do, to believe. He knew exactly where he was supposed to be, and who he was supposed to be with in the moment.

For the first time, Thal did not feel like the Son of the Wolf, a betrayer, a slave, a gladiator- He felt like a Jedi.



Location: Thule, Entering Exterior of Main City
Objective: Engage the Sith
Equipment: Skinsuit, Wayward Samaritan Gear with Armor, Helmet, and Robe
Accessories: Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber, Concealed Blaster - Interior Robe Pocket , Modular Blaster - Huckleberry Holster, Nasty-Stabby
Tools: Fusioncutter
Ship: The Zipper
Ally Tags: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren
Foe Tags: Quintessa Quintessa

Briana had been visiting Susevfi when a warning had come through the Trade League filters of her computers.

A warning, and a call to arms against the Sith on Thule. Or whoever was behind this mess anyway. Their flight practices interrupted midway through a series of defensive maneuvers Briana had been kind enough to show her. Their arrival eerily silent as they touched down in an area that would keep their starfighters well outside the scope of battle and hidden.

The trade off being the trek to the city however.

A few time finding the canteen in hand and pondering taking a food capsule along the way as the gravity of the situation settled in. Information filtering through her helmet feed from various sources. The mental link to its systems still a hurdle as she blinked at the little holographic map that had been placed to the side with an updating scan of the area.

Her hood up as she became familiar with the weight of all the gear she wore.

It was comfortable at least.

The former unease she felt from the dark side no longer present as they travelled, the source still a ways away as they moved through the city, avoiding the largest veins of travel to keep out of sight. Not that Lossa wouldn't have caught stares in her attire regardless as she scanned the streets through the visor.

The broadcast initially disturbing from the one she figured was the ring leader of this whole show. Deep within herself however, a anxious glee at hearing the words.

Something that was still troubling her as they walked, carefully mapping their path in and any escape routes along the way.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Her voice sharp behind the annunciator in her helmet, not needing to look at Briana as the image in her hud shifted enough to catch Briana's face. "Little wary of unknown party invites anymore. You always end up meeting the strangest people."

An option to record through her visor popping up in her hud peripheral, and a considering hiccup in her gait as the system engaged and began recording.

"You alright?" A careful question given what she knew Briana was dealing with. Such an undertaking after Naboo with the incident of her parents. Of the troubling revelations behind the veil of secrets her father had kept over their eyes.

And her boyfriend getting shipped out during a time of need for her cousin.

Lossa was a good distraction from such thoughts, but running off to deal with a threat while the mind was bogged down with so many problems didn't seem the best setup to success. Then again, they probably weren't the only ones here to put stop the ne'er-do-wells plan. So they had that going for them.

Which was nice.

Even if the two of them couldn't reach the source, it was more likely someone would if they could at least tie up any support that might head that way.



I am.

The Dark Energy she experiences like a kiss of good fortune, a splendid sensation of euphoria which she simply cannot but dive all in to experience. Basked deep within the throngs of the Nether Realm the Nightsisters followed to lure, as surely she must. It is so few and far between that such ecstasies present themselves to her radar. A thirst for learning all there is to know, only for the sake of learning to endure in spite of rogue power, is that not what everyone desires? The galaxy itself, seems to squash most attempts to gain more and more power, before warlocks produce such a magnanimous ripple in the Force as this! Intrigue gripped hold of her, and she ventured forth to its source.

A blinding crack of light, accompanied by a thunderous boom produced, as a tear between realms led way to the Priestess slithering out of the Netherworld appearing as a traveling plume of black soot. She welcomed her Coven to join her in witnessing this glorious opportunity to take part in lending ethereal aid to the progress of the Ritual. Energies drew to this place, conjoined together and fortified the Darkness, blessed by Darksiders to serve its reign across the galaxy. Once the Priestess then materialized, she opened her mouth and twelve plumes of black smoke streamed from her throat. One by one the Late members of her Coven took formation, first in the form of dark ethereal beings, then animated skeletons before transforming into beauty manifest, as such Sirens of the Netherworld.

Pomstychtivé inhaled deeply, sensing every detail in place, every sensation feeding the Darkness…oneness…wholeness…

"Your call has been heard, Magus Darth Nwul Darth Nwul ," Telepathically she spoke to him from afar. The Priestess did not know this High Priest, but making a prior acquaintance never mattered much to her. Any call put out for the right reason is always answered by those who wish to lend assistance.

Intuition drew her thoughts to the past, and a premonition took form within her mind's eye. She saw those on approach who will not allow the Sith to exist. These storm Sith rituals and always thwart Sith tradition. The peacekeepers, those at the opposite side of the Force spectrum, are not! Look at all the government systems they allow which bring about only misery upon their people! The Nightsister could tolerate Jedi if it meant she would gain something in return, but she never, ever, could truly trust them! And then her mind's eye showed her Jax Thio Jax Thio .

"The Jedi come," she whispered Telepathically to the Priests.

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Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Quintessa Quintessa

Lossa's wry observation came as the pair emerged at the crest of the city, a small smirk breaking across her features. "Usually the strange ones make for the most interesting stories later on though, don't you think?" Even without reaching through the Force, Briana could feel it. That hungry, pervading darkness, a wisp of electric power and ferocity prickling over her skin as they pressed onwards. The sensation was eerily familiar, similar to what she'd experienced on Exegol before the dark side nexus was eradicated from its surface.

She hummed silently to herself at that, glancing to her cousin.

Unlike Lossa, with her elaborate gear and gadgetry, Briana favored a more minimalist approach when considering her equipment. Cumbersome helmets and heavy armor were often left behind in favor of being granted unburdened agility, allowing her to move with the lithe sort of grace that was required of someone whose primary strength laid in dueling. Reaching down, her hand brushed against the only visible weapon she bore — a gleaming hilt kept clipped to her utility belt, swinging gently against the curve of her hip. A reminder of her chosen path and an anchor against the swirling darkness surrounding them.

"You alright?"

Cerulean eyes flickered briefly, manicured brows gently furrowing as she discerned the true question lurking beneath the surface. Her full lips pressed into a line, pulling her gaze forward to focus on their surroundings again. It wasn't simply about her current state; rather, it probed on whether or not she was ready to be back in action after everything that'd transpired over recent weeks. "Does it matter?" she responded with a shrug, attempting to brush off the implication. Briana had always strove to do what needed to be done, what was expected of her. As a daughter, as the heir of her family, and as a Jedi — always pushing as far as she could go, continuing when others could not, despite the personal cost.

That wasn't about to change now, even if breaking down and allowing herself to sink into a dark, comforting hole, seemed much simpler by comparison. "If someone needs help, we go. When the Sith encroach, we beat them back. That's our job."

Reaching out for her cousin, Briana rested a hand of reassurance on her shoulder, drawing upon the Force to pull on the bond that'd been born of friendship and shared blood, wrapping it in a blanketed barrier of light that would increase their resolve and accuracy, heightening every sense and giving them the strength necessary for the fight she was certain laid ahead of them. "We've both got this."

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Location: Thule
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

Jax hasn't officially revealed himself to the NJO.

Not that anyone cared that he was gone, but Jax did feel compelled to join his fellow Jedi against the Sith. However, he made sure to keep his distance from Jedi assault. Besides, Jax was drawn to Thule for one other reason. An old friend Spasa Spasa reached out to Jax telling him that she was in danger. He hadn't seen Spasa for the longest time. The last time they've seen each other, Spasa was coming to terms from separating from her dark half. It felt good to guide Spasa to the right path, in hindsight maybe Jax should've contacted Spasa when he had his conflict with Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . The Jedi Master landed in an abandoned spaceport miles away from the temple. As soon as he climbed out from his X-Wing, Jax felt a ripple in the Force. A disturbance. "Damn," Jax moaned losing balance for a bit.

This whole planet was teeming with Sith Lords but something no, someone was probing Jax. He closed his eyes reaching out into the Force shifting through the darkness that clouded his vision until he saw Spasa staring right at Jax but it wasn't her. There was a great darkness that surrounded Spasa a mixture of the Dark Side and magic. It could only mean one person "No....." Jax immediately opened his eyes his biological hand shaking wildly. "It can't be...."

Spasa mentioned that the rejoining was inevitable. Jax tried to reassure her Pom wasn't going to merge with her again but she brushed him off. Jax hung his head in shame his heart filled with regret for not being there for Spasa. "I should've helped you Spasa," Jax muttered beginning to run towards Pom's location. "But I'm here now, I'm coming."

Jax ran towards Pom before skidding to a stop trying to get a good look at this Witch. "What have you become?" Jax demanded unclipping his Lightsaber from his belt.


Leisurely walking towards the city with Darth Amarok at her side, Lady Venge suddenly sensed that peculiar flicker in the Force which told her there were Jedi nearby. Stopping to scan her surroundings, she soon noticed what appeared to be two Padawans all by themselves.

"Look, Darling, it seems we've found the welcoming committee," Venge said to Darth Amarok, pointing out the duo to him with an elegantly gloved hand. as the faintest hint of a cruel smile curled her lips. "I did have hopes of facing a worthy challenger here, but this is what the Jedi sent us. I suppose it shall have to do."

TAGS- Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Thal Mantis Thal Mantis


"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Iris glanced up to her shoulder, smiling faintly towards the BD unit that was perched there. There was a rush of emotion that emanated from it, calm and serene. Domxite was, as ever, reassuring to the Knight. They could handle this. The droid slipped down from her shoulder, perching like a pack along her back before it seemed to power down. From within, the lightsaber it housed emerged, launching up in the air to be caught.

She didn't hesitate this time, catching Domxite in her grasp before igniting the blade in a flash of different colors. It rippled through reds, greens, and blues until settling in a simple pink. Iris let her eyes linger on the blade, smiling ever still. Pink. Not red. Her grip tightened as she turned forward, stepping towards the figure in the distance.

"Let's not keep them waiting, right?" Another ripple of color traveled down the blade as the gem within answered. She reached up, pulling down the cybernetic mask she wore as Aurorae Aurorae .

"I hear Sith are busy people after all."

Xeykard Xeykard
Location: Public Square Outside Thule Assembly, Last City - Thule
Weather: Clear
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Allies: Darth Nwul Darth Nwul Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia Darth Amarok Darth Amarok Shasill Kaarte Shasill Kaarte Lady Venge Lady Venge Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast
Enemies: Thal Mantis Thal Mantis Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Valery Noble Valery Noble Jax Thio Jax Thio Iris Arani Iris Arani Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Direct Engagement: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

The Dark Side was alive.

In that regard, Quintessa’s connection to it had never been stronger. And perhaps, should the ritual succeed, it might grow stronger still. Her recent promotion to Knighthood—ordained by Darth Carnifex in spite of the fact that she had never enjoyed the sanction of a true master—had translated into a newfound confidence in her capabilities. She was fast. She was strong. She was faithful.

She was blessed.

High Priest Nwul had called the Sith to Thul to assist in the sanctification of the world in the Dark Side. Quintessa had answered it accordingly, upon seeing that Nwul’s ritual would only further the Eclipsing Mission, even if he did not profess explicit devotion to the true Sith’ari—Darth Carnifex. Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that some factions of the Sith Order did not acknowledge the divinity and supremacy of the Eternal Father, Quintessa could not deny the fact that the Sith as a whole were stronger than they had been in many years. Such a realization did not lessen her faith, but rather, it had remodeled it to better realize the dream of a purified galaxy, steeped in the power of the Dark Side.

To that end, Quintessa sat in meditative prayer upon a raised dais in the public square outside of the Thule Assembly. She allowed herself to fall into the embrace of the Dark Side, her devotion and love for the Eternal Father motivating her connection as guttural ur-Kittât spilled out from her lips.

Before long, she sensed the presence of an anathema. The Jedi were here.

<”Come closer, Lightblind warriors. Can you feel it? It is a power that destroys just as well as it creates. An endless field of energy that purifies the strong and the devoted, while corrupting the weak and the irreligious. Drink it in, for it is all around you, strengthened through the passions of life and scalpel of creation.”> Quintessa propagated telepathically, her voice carrying through the roiling currents of the Force to reach the Jedi in the area.

<”You may choose to wield it, or it will wield you.”>

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