Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So guys...

There isn't a core story seed that I am aware of. Tef has given us a back story but pretty much free reign. Majority of the plots so far are all player generated (as far as I know).

Jorn Mair

No we have one more spot for the Invasion thread. if you would like to join you can. need all the help we can get.

Jorn Mair

Um other thn you have to explain how you got there? no not that I can think of. But since we are already in the battle you have to get there on your own.

Jorn Mair

Um currently Mandos are fighting to over run the city and rush the Sith to the Capitol building. Sith are trying to hold us back Im fighting on the Walls. Em and Tef are going to fight Moridin. Verz and HK are in the most troubel with trying to get rid of their com systems. Sith are every where. and thats about it

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