Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So I'm a moron

Long story short, I broke my own damn computer because I apparently have three left feet. I'm trying to fix it, but this looks to be beyond a 'turn it on, turn it off fix'. Was a thousand dollar computer when I got it, and that's a thousand dollars I do not have to spend right now. So my capacity to post has just been greatly reduced until I can come up with... something.

I've got a phone to check things occassionally, but that's about it.
Evasion Studios
[member="Ayden Cater"] If you need tech support - I'm available tonight. I fixed computers for a living, hit me up on Skype and ask what you will, or tag me here. Might be able to jury rig a situation.
The condensed version is I tripped on my wife's Kindle cable and pulled the tower down. Now I have no video from my graphics card or on-board graphics, there's a knock in the graphics card fan, and when the USB slot got ripped out, there may or may not have been a power surge that damaged the motherboard.

I actually do college IT work myself, hence my glum outlook.
Evasion Studios
[member="Ayden Cater"] Take a flashlight to the motherboard and look for any blown capacitors.

If you see any blown capacitors your motherboard is fried beyond repair. If there are not, it may be salvageable.

Also, if you're running Windows OS less than 8 (7 or below), boot in safe mode, as the graphics for onboard are far less needy, and can sustain something akin to old Windows Classic that might buy you some time. It won't be ideal, but you can pick up a graphics card (low end) fairly cheap off of ebay or newegg if you can't spend a grand (which is understandable).

If you can't get anything online, seek out a LOCAL mom&pop computer shop, that might get you by for a couple hundred (depending on parts needed).


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
D: That sounds like a droid butched surgery after which you wake up in a tub filled with ice cubes.

I'm not a tech support guy and I can't really hunt around for parts but if you ever need a Polish donkey, I know a guy.

On a more helpful note, I do have a really old computer (only runs Windows XP) that I don't need anymore, I wouldn't mind formatting it for you and re-installing the OS and just sending it to you for free. It will help you get back to posting until you get your PC fixed or replaced.
[member="Ayden Cater"]

Man that sucks harsh. Motherboards arn't to much, but I don't know how much stress you put you computer under. A graphics card can run you some big money. (You do any gaming?) If not though it won't be too bad. And you can fix this yourself!

If you want help fixing it I'd be happy to assist!
Evad said:
Take a flashlight to the motherboard and look for any blown capacitors.
A blown capacitor isn't the only symptom of an overcurrent situation (might not even be able to see the damage). Capacitors are also replaceable (requires knowledge of the cap's specs as well as how to solder, but still). Permanent damage would be if there's damage to the PCB's lamination and tracing - something that a layman can't replace without a whole new board or serious jury rigging. EDIT: And also IC's and chips, since both might be in-house products of whoever manufactured the motherboard.

Graphics card fans and heat sinks are also replaceable. The important thing is the GPU and related circuitry. EDIT: Lack of video would indicate CPU failure, assuming your CPU was onboard video capable. Of course, this could originate from the motherboard or CPU, hence why I'd suggest testing with a compatible CPU/motherboard that works. If the CPU isn't onboard video capable, then the source of the lack of video would most likely be from the motherboard.

It's situations like this that I actually have a test rig with an old motherboard ready to do any troubleshooting. Wish you luck, Ayden.


Disney's Princess
Such geek. Much love.

Come back soon o' Hat-wearing one. These other people scare me with their hip'ness. :D :p
Well I seem to have been visited by the IT Fairy in the night and had all my Magic Purple Smoke put back into my computer. It works, though I haven't the faintest idea why. Card fan still has the knock in it, so it gets a little loud, but I'll take it.

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