Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So........let's talk Akodya.

@[member="Rasu Gan"] As a friend to both of you I think you're being unfair trying to make her say who her crush is. *Leans over to @[member="Akodya Mune"] * Why didn't you tell me you liked someone? I would've totally supported you like you did me and Gherron.

Baros Sal-Soren


Kayvaan Niveus

I'm just a foxeh. Nothing more, nothing less. Also,
Not me probably, most likely, 100 %ly.
So no guessing? How about outright nudging? Pushing and shoving? Totally ridiculous possibilities? Hmmm I like the last one.

So Akoda has the hots for Tef. Does this mean you like your men petite?

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