Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private So Show Me Family


Location: The Noble House
Objective: Socialize with Nobles
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble + Other Nobles if they Want

Katarine was a little nervous as she stood on the doorstep of the Noble house. She wanted to make a good impression on the family. This was the second Jedi Master of the era to invite her over for dinner to their personal home, as Caltin had invited her for training and dinner a few weeks ago. It was still weird to Katarine that Jedi owned their own homes. In her days the Jedi were forbidden from attachments and possessions but now so many Jedi had families of their own. Deep down Katarine yearned for her own, but she was still trying to figure out the best way to wrap her head around the philosophy change. Maybe observing Val's family would help.

She had brought a dessert for the gathering and was holding the sweet item as she took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.



Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

"Dinner looks great, love." Valery walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist while he finished up dinner. Pushing herself up on her tiptoes, she then kissed his cheek and settled back down with a happy little hum. Kahlil hadn't met Katarine before, but she was happy that he was joining them for dinner. He had once helped his now-wife learn to handle her past and settle into the Galaxy, so maybe his wisdom would be useful again.

Either way, his company would surely be appreciated.

"Kat could use some help settling in, so I figured making friends would help. She's such a kind soul and very eager to learn about the way the Jedi are now." She smirked, prodded a finger into his side, and wiggled it a little.

He wasn't ticklish, but she'd never stop trying.

"She even-"


"Ah, that must be her." Valery stepped away with a smile and walked over to the door to open it. "Hey Kat, it's good to see you again," Valery began before she stepped aside and allowed the woman to enter, "Please, come in. My husband just finished cooking, so dinner is ready."



Steak and potatoes.

Kahlil was in a meat mood, so, naturally that's what was for dinner. He finished slicing the steaks after their rest, setting them on plates. Was he going all out? No, no not at all. Just a little out. A little very well plated food out for another Jedi lost to time. He wanted to make sure they felt welcome, after all. He hummed as he glanced over the plates, just making sure they were done well before he glanced to the door.

They had this. Probably.

He had a kind smile as saw Katarine, giving her a simple nod once she stepped into the room.


Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Katarine smiled as Valery Invited her in.

“It’s nice to see you again too. Thank you for having me.”

She stepped inside and was immediately greeted by the smell of delicious food. A man who could only be Val’s husband joined them.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you Master Noble. The food smells delicious.”

She held up the sweet cake she had brought for dessert.

“I wasn’t sure if your children would be here and if you allowed them sweets so I gambled on cake.”



Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

A happy husband made her a happy wife. Whenever he got to show off a little with his cooking, she could tell it put him in a great mood. He was also making steak and potatoes - her favorite! Either he was trying to score some brownie points with her, or he wanted to introduce their guest to a common Noble meal.

Perhaps both - ever since Coruscant he has been very thoughtful when it came to the time they spent together.

When Katarine entered, Valery beamed a warm smile and guided her inside. The table was already set, and the decorations, furniture and pictures of the family made it quite a cozy home. One she wished Kat to feel welcomed in.

"The little ones are playing and Vera and Aris are both not home. But you might see some of the kids later. And you'll be their favorite for bringing cake." Valery smirked and looked at her husband. It was probably for the best that it'd be just the three of them for now.

It meant they could talk freely.

"Please, take a seat. Can I get you anything to drink? A glass of wine or a soda or just water?" Valery smiled and looked at Kahlil to see if he was ready to bring in a meal that'd make them all drool.



Kahlil was already bringing out the food to serve all three of them. He smiled warm at the cake, taking it to at least put it in the fridge so when cake time came around, they could eat it cold. He took his own seat, idly glancing between the two woman as they spoke. "I'm sure they'll love the cake, later. We figured it'd be good to just have dinner with us. The triplets alone are certainly chaotic. They'll be back soon after dinner, at least."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


Location: Noble House
Objective: Eat and Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

“Water would be great. Thank you.”

Katarine took a seat at the table they had sat. It all looked delicious.

“This all looks great.”

Kat looked around the house as she sat there.

“Your home is beautiful.”

It was still weird for her to see Jedi having homes. She hoped they would have gone to talk about the changing philosophy. Kat was trying to decide if she could have a family someday.



Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

"I'll get you some water," Valery smiled and walked around the table, only stopping to briefly place her hands on her husband's shoulders. She gave a gentle squeeze as a way to thank him for his cooking, and left to fetch Katarine a large glass of cold water.

When she returned and settled in her chair, she looked over at her husband and smiled lovingly, "I certainly can't complain having a husband who cooks this well." She smirked and reached for her silverware to start cutting up her steak. Valery loved cooking herself, but nothing was quite as good as Kahlil's cooking.

"I'm glad you like it," Valery said as she looked around, "We've tried our best to make this our happy place." The kids sure loved it and it was the first time Valery truly felt at home as well.

"Maybe we can show her around the city too sometime, love?" She asked her husband before turning back to Kat, "How have you been settling in?"



Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Katarine took a drink of the icy water and tasted that it was crisp and clean. She enjoyed it immensely and started to cut up her potatoes as the table began to talk.

"How have you been settling in?"

"Pretty good. I must say though I am surprised by a lot of the changes in the Jedi Order. So many of them have their own homes and families but back in my day attachments like that were forbidden. It's a pleasant change because I see how happy families make people, such as yourselves, but it's a confusing shift to work my head around."

She took a few bites of her potatoes and found them to be pleasantly seasoned and delicious.

"Honestly I'm not sure how so many Jedi balance it. We were taught so much about attachments but those teachings don't seem to hold true. It's very confusing."



"As one who was raised in this era of Jedi, we were taught that in the past, Jedi were forbidden from attachments from a fear of what it could lead to. There's a risk of darkness there with bonds so personal. And yet, there's also great light to be found. I'm partial to the belief that the young shouldn't explore such relationships until they've at least passed their trials and proven they can control their emotions, but that's not the same for all."

Kahlil took a bite of his own steak, smiling softly as he glanced between the two.

"I'm sure it's quite the change, though, to be honest."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery looked over at Kat but gave Kahlil the first chance to respond. His perspective on it was interesting because he hadn't been subjected to those strict traditions. But he had married a Jedi who had spent most of her life unable to allow those emotions and wants for connection to flourish. When she met him, all of that changed and she changed along with it so much.

Sometimes, she wondered how strange she must have been to him at the beginning.

"It's a huge change. I'm from a time when attachments were forbidden, too. But I was always one to form bonds easily and it often made me feel conflicted. But... then I met him." She eyed Kahlil and smirked, then reached down to pick up a piece of potato she cut with her fingers.

Only to realize they had company. She quickly snatched her fork and ate with proper manners again.

"I had never felt so strong about anything before, so I no longer stopped myself from loving someone, and I've never been happier. Sure, it has its challenges, especially when you feel your partner is in peril, but the purpose and strength it gives to have someone you love and who loves you in return..."

She paused and let out a soft sigh.

"There's nothing quite like it."

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Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Katarine could feel the love between the two. It was genuine and happy. She yearned for such a thing but she was hesitant. It hadn’t gone so well last time.

“I see how happy you both are and honestly I wish I could find such a thing. You haven’t got a brother have you Khalil?”

She chuckled and took another sip of water. Truthfully she didn’t know what the right answer was. Attachment was supposed to be forbidden but she yearned to find her own way in the world.



Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery nearly choked on her drink and snickered when Katarine asked about his brothers, "Oh my," she commented with a smirk. Honestly, she couldn't blame her at all for asking - as biased as she was, Kahlil was the perfect husband. He was loving and caring towards his wife, and an amazing father to his children.

Every day, she felt like she hit the jackpot.

"Attachments can lead to trouble, but that's why I agree with my husband. It's important that Jedi are first in control over their emotions before they pursue anything." She looked over at Kahlil and smiled warmly.

"A healthy relationship gives so much strength and purpose to life. It helps you overcome anything, even the problems you might face when you feel attached to someone. I'm sure Kahlil can tell you all about it..." She chuckled, "I honestly can't go without him anymore. It has risks but we've always managed."


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"It's important to remember that there are weaknesses, though. There's great strength, but, yes. There is risk. When your family are the ones in danger, remember that the Jedi are more than just yourself. Rely on your fellows to keep you on the path when you might not otherwise." They themselves had, on numerous occasions, made sure to rely on others. They had to, if they wanted to remain Jedi.

Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

What the two Nobles were saying made a lot of sense to Kat. She was still uncertain how to feel towards attachments. On the one hand she did yearn for a family but on the other hand her marriage had almost destroyed her. When James Terran had just abandoned her Kat had went down a dark path. Order 66 had destroyed the Jedi and she thought her marriage would be her new path, but it ended without even a goodbye. The result had been a binge of alcohol and bad choices. Maybe attachments weren’t the problem but rather the loss of them?

“I think it’s nice to see both of you so happy. I would be scared if I lost my attachments ….”

She trailed off, knowing they understood. Their line of work was a deadly one. She tried to smile and push in to a more cheerful topic.

“So tell me how is your family doing? I’m sure there is a lot going on with the kids?”



Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

"It scares me, too," Valery admitted openly, her eyes focused on Kahlil now. "There was a time when I believed he was dead. Years, even, and those were the darkest days of my life. At the time, we only had Vera and for a girl her age to lose her father was..." Valery drew in a shaky breath but steadied herself again with a smile. There was no reason to still be sad about the past. Her husband was back and the kids were doing well.

"But there are ways through that fear, as my husband said." She smiled at him and hoped he had more to add that could help Kat feel more confident about it.

In truth, Valery always felt she needed Kahlil more than he needed her when it came to this specific part of their relationship. At the end of the day, he also needed his family, of course.

"There is a lot going on, though. Right, love?"



"Where to even begin? Vera and Aris are both well on their paths as Padawans. Colette Colette has been working her way, I feel, to a proper Knighthood. The triplets have very clearly developed their personalities and interests, and are just getting larger every day. And Eryx, well. He's still as possessive as ever of his mother. I can't even give her a hug without a sharp glare sent my way."

Kahlil chuckled a little.

"They certainly keep us active."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Katarine listened to their descriptions of their children with a smile on her face. She had never met the younger ones but she had met Vera and Aris, but not Colette yet. There certainly were a lot of Nobles in the galaxy. Katarine wondered if she would ever have a family like that. It might not be in the cards but she was at least learning what it was like to have attachments and family as a Jedi.

“I am so happy to hear they are all doing well. It seems like it would be tough to be parents and Jedi but I must say you’ve both made it look so easy.”

It was peaceful at their house and radiated happiness.


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