Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private So Show Me Family


Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

"Active is one way to put it." Valery snickered and looked at him with her usual loving eyes. She could ramble about her kids for hours if nobody stopped her, so it was a good call that he had answered Katarine's question instead. The kids were all doing wonderful, and that is what mattered most.

Especially now, during times of war.

"If you're wanting to start dating yourself, do you want it to be a Jedi?" Valery asked curiously before she took a bite from her steak. Katarine had asked questions about Jedi relationships, so she wondered if that's what she was looking for.

Though, she supposed some of it still applied even if she dated outside the Order.

"I could always introduce you to some people," she teased just a little, a smirk growing on her lips, "I recently flew with Revenant Squadron. Some good people in there and certainly not sore on the eyes either." She smiled warmly and reached for her glass before turning back to Kahlil.

Still grinning a little.

"The steak is very good, love."



Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Katarine felt her cheeks go pink at the mention of her dating. Truthfully she spent a lot of time in the underworld while undercover so she was no stranger to flirting, but when it came to an actual relationship that’s where things got murky. As a Jedi of old that was forbidden and Kat had followed that teaching, always flirting and being undercover but never anything more. It all changed when Order 66 destroyed the Jedi. That’s when she met James Terran and started a whirlwind romance that lead to a fast marriage and the promise of happiness.

Then he left and her world fell apart.

Could she put herself through that again? The Nobles were happy. The Vanagors were happy. Even Hawk Hinata was married with children, but it all seemed so elusive to Katarine. She didn’t really know what to do.

“Oh well no … not a Jedi per say. I was just curious about how the Order had changed. “

Why was she blushing and babbling now? Get it together girl. She cleared her throat. Way to be embarrassed in front of two Council members.

“Yes the meal was delicious. I’m really thankful you both had me over. It’s nice to see this side of Jedi life. “



Kahlil bit back a chuckle, if only because Katarine was already seemingly plenty embarrassed by Valery's offer. He dipped his head in thanks for the compliments before stepping around to gather the planets, utensils, all so he could get to cleaning. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Please, don't let my wife's teasing get to you too bad. She's actually the one who's easily teased."

Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Easily teased?!

Valery's gaze snapped to him, her cheeks full of colorful blush, "H-hey now," she said with a huff and a little bit of pouting, "I'm not that easily teased... he's just trying to mess with me." She shifted in her chair and watched her husband step around the table to retrieve their plates and silverware.

Why was she feeling so embarrassed all of a sudden?

"I was serious with my offer, though. I really wouldn't mind introducing you to some people." She chuckled and stood up to intercept her husband when he came around to take her plate. She flashed him a dangerous little grin that Kat likely wouldn't spot. He was totally in trouble later tonight.

"Why don't we get a glass of wine? Sit down on the couch and talk a little further." She wasn't a fan of kicking a guest out the moment her plate was emptied, and it seemed they had more than enough to talk about.



Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

“So the great Valery does have a weakness? Teasing?”

She grinned at the exchange between husband and wife, but didn’t catch the look Valery gave Khalil. It was cute to see them playful together though as plates were collected.

“Oh thank you. Why don’t you let me help clean up?”

Katarine knew they likely wouldn’t let their guest do that but it was nice to offer. But soon Valery had supplied her with wine and they moved the party to the couch.

“I guess it couldn’t hurt to meet someone. It just feels weird… being a Jedi…. Meeting someone… “

She laughed nervously and wondered how long it had taken Valery to get over that feeling.

“How did you two meet anyway?”



"She looked absolutely lost and I happened to be between jobs, so I offered to help out. Not that she needed my help."

Unironically it ended more with her helping him. Then mutual helping. He snickered a little at the thought, but that wasn't something he'd say in company, at least. Then, dishes. He left Val and Katarine to talk for a bit so he could do the dishes. She could better explain how their relationship progressed.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

This had turned around on her faster than she could have imagined. One moment, she was teasing Katarine and trying to set her up with a cute pilot. Now, her own husband was helping Kat get back at her. Valery pouted but guided Katarine to the couch, both with a glass of wine to relax and enjoy some company.

It was dark outside, a little fire was burning in the fireplace, and the house felt warm. Now, all she needed was to get her husband to blush and turn things around.

"I did need his help," Valery said, her gaze briefly turning to follow her husband in the kitchen. "I traveled to New Cov, where my old Enclave was located. I knew I was going to find it in ruin, but nothing could prepare me for actually seeing it with my own eyes. My old home was gone," Valery said with a sigh.

"But I wasn't alone. Before I traveled to the Temple, I met Kahlil in the city and he decided to join me. He protected me while I was there, comforted me when I struggled, and even wrestled some predators for me." She smiled warmly and decided to leave out the spicier parts. They grew close together that day and night, and she wouldn't ever stop gushing about it all.

"That was the first day in my life where I truly fell in love with someone."



Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Katarine listened to Valery describe her home being gone and she knew exactly how it felt. Order 66 had taken the Jedi from her. She'd felt the death of so many people she knew, but at least she had experienced it. It was shocking enough to wake up a century latter and find the Jedi were back, let alone to have to do what Valery did and find her enclave was gone. Katarine had struggled to fit into this new time, and Valery was actually to thank for all the progress made. The woman had helped Kat more than she could possible know.

The brief sadness was replaced with radiating happiness. Valery truly did love her husband and that love may have been part of the reason the woman was able to adjust in this new timeline. In this case love had made Valery stronger, but what about with Katarine? She thought back to James and felt a pain in her stomach. That experience had not made Kat stronger, so was it really worth it to risk it again? The question swirled in her mind as the wine swirled around her tongue.

“Well I am glad you met. You have a beautiful family. I’ve always wondered what it’s like to be a mom.”



Kahlil was in the other room doing the dishes! Specifically to let the other two talk. He took his time, smiling softly as he listened to Valery gush over their relationship again. That always brought quite the smile to his face, even if he kept it mostly under wraps on just what he was feeling when she did. He'd only make her embarrassed. Or worse, embarrassed himself.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

<Get back in here, love.> Her telepathic voice lingered somewhere between a request and a threat. Dishes could wait until after Katarine headed back home! She understood her husband wanted to give her a chance to talk to Katarine alone, but she enjoyed having her husband's company when guests were over.

She was certain Kat would feel the same way.

"I'm glad we met, too. Before we got close, I could only wonder and hope, but I'm glad it's something I was able to experience." She paused and smiled.

"Hopefully, you'll find a match you're happy with." Again, Valery paused but this time she looked over her shoulder, hoping her husband would be joining them again.

"Are you planning to stay the night on Niv Hani? We'd love to show you more of it if you stay a little longer."



Location: Noble Home
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I was actually thinking of hanging around for another day. I've never been here before."

She could sense that Valery and Kahlil were having some type of interaction and it made her smile. They were so close and happy. Even before when she had met James she'd never felt that. That whirlwind marriage had been grieving the loss of the Jedi, but what she saw in the Nobles was so much more. It was real and it was strong.

"I must confess though its weird to travel and have so much down time. Things are just so different. The New Jedi Order makes sure to balance work with social and relaxation time. Its really nice. I've actually been considering getting a house... so many Jedi have them.... like a place to escape to..."



Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

He was back, but she still squinted at him just a little. Standing in the doorway wasn't good enough! She wanted him to sit down with them and be relaxed. Dishes and other chores could wait — they had a guest and Valery cared about everybody being at ease and comfortable. Katarine also seemed interested in staying on Niv Hani longer, so that made this an interesting conversation!

"I agree. Niv Hani is an interesting settlement, so there is plenty to see. And with the ongoing war, your down time is never going to last very long. Make the most of it." She chuckled and pursed her lips in thought.

"What do you usually like to see or do? Maybe my husband and I can recommend some places here." The city was great for shopping or going out, while the lake and forest were perfect for a quiet, peaceful time within nature. But there was so much more. The Epicanthix had absorbed so many different cultures that the possibilities were endless.




Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"What do you usually like to see or do? Maybe my husband and I can recommend some places here.”

That was a great question. What did Katarine like to do? For so long she’d just been a machine of the Republic, going where she was needed and acting accordingly. She rarely had time for fun. What did she even like?

An image came into her mind, one of her and a taller dark man dancing at their birthday party. Her twin had taught her to dance. At the thought of Dax she instinctively reached for the back of her mind where the Force dyad was, but it was empty. He was likely long gone by now.

Pushing aside the confusing feelings that thought brought up she smiled at Valery.

“Well I know I like to dance. And I know I like animals and seafood. I guess it’s really up in the air. I’ve never had a lot of time to figure that out.”

She laughed and shook her head. It really was a brave new world!



"We've not much of a zoo, but we do have a nature reserve where we've been keeping some of the fauna from Panetha. There was enough time for many to leave, and some farmers were able to bring their cattle and the like. It's.. Not much of what was lost, but, some."

And it could be a good place as any to bring her, if she wanted to see more of Niv Hani. He paused before smiling some, too.

"I believe they're hosting a harvest festival of sorts, too."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah


Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

Dancing, she could understand, but seafood?

Valery shook her head a little but didn't voice her dislike for seafood. She liked her steak and all sorts of meat, but anything that swam before reaching a plate wasn't going in her mouth.

"I was planning to drag my husband into a dance there. You could join us at the festival — I'm sure there will be plenty of people there who would like a dance." It wasn't all the romantic style of dancing either, so it was easy enough to swap dancing partners and just dance the night away.

"Tomorrow, we could show you around the nature reserve?" she looked between Katarine and Kahlil. "You could spend the night here, even. We have plenty of guest rooms."



Location: Noble House
Objective: Socialize
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Dancing and a harvest festival sounds fun. I spent some time on Usina where they have a large nature reserve. I do like those."

She finished her glass of wine and felt her cheeks rosy from the alcohol. It was a pleasant sort of evening as the sun was setting and it all seemed peaceful. The planet seemed like a good place to build a home. She wondered if she would ever get around to doing that.

"You could spend the night here, even. We have plenty of guest rooms."

"That would be great if you have the room. Will the children mind?"

She wondered when she was going to get to see the kiddos. though Vera and Aris might be away on their studies she knew.



"They love guests. More often than not it's either mine or Valery's Padawan's, so, they might hound you with questions as you're a Master." Especially since Valery and Kahlil were quite hands off when it came to any Jedi training with their family. They'd help here and there, especially with specific projects, but they couldn't be the direct overseers of their children's training.

That'd only get in the way of their growth, after ll.

"The triplets should be back on their way now, as it is."

Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Epicanthix Dress | Wedding Ring

"Mhmm," Valery agreed with her husband, "We have spare rooms too, so you have your privacy. The kids will love it, so if anything, you're going to have to find ways around them." As cute and lovely as they were, they were demanding. Even Valery herself sometimes needed a moment alone or with just her husband to relax.

But never for too long — she loved the chaos.

When Kahlil mentioned they should be on their way home, Valery looked at the clock and opened her mouth to speak. Only to be interrupted by the door opening. Three pairs of feet came running down the hallway not a second later.

"Mommy! Daddy!" they chirped together as they rushed into the living room to tackle their parents. They had been gone for the day with Briana to go play at the park, so now they wanted attention from their parents.

But one triplet had also spotted the guest. Aurra, the timid little blonde and only Noble without a connection to the Force turned to face her.

"Hello," she said quietly. "I'm Aurra."

"And I'm Aeryn!" the oldest of the three, yelled — a girl with hair and eyes similar to Valery's. She was a carbon copy of her Mom, both in appearance and in energy.




Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Before long three pairs of feet came bursting into the room and before Katarine even had time to think what to say there was the chaos that only children could bring. They threw themselves into their parents arms and then the little girls started introductions.

“It’s nice to meet you Aeryn, and Aurra. My name is Katarine. You can call me Kat if you want.”

Her deep green eyes held her smile and traveled to the other triplet who hadn’t said anything yet. Perhaps this was a shy one.

“Did you have fun today?”


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