As the assaulted MP groaned and cursed in pain, Uther scooped up Yandi, carrying right back into the cell block to plant her butt on a seat at a small desk. Other MPs started to follow him in, but he raised a hand to wave them off, then slid the door shut with TK.
"You just made things considerably more difficult for yourself..." his tone remained cool, but there was a bit of an edge in his voice that hadn't be present before. It hadn't even been ten minutes, and she was already wearing his patience thin. "Assaulting an officer and a soldier, yet another offense to add on on your laundry list of charges. While I'm no expert on criminal law, you probably just bought yourself a nice spot in some penal colony in the Outer Rim. If you were looking to dig up rocks for the rest of your life, then you may have just gotten yourself the golden ticket."
Now Uther wasn't exactly sure what would happen to her if he just left her there, but it was better to scare her out of her bad girl routine.
"Seriously, what were you thinking attacking him? You could have waited until you were out of the jailhouse to try your shenanigans. You don't even make a good delinquent."
[member="Yandi Vex"]