Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So Who is Always IC?


Disney's Princess
The great thing about having a Writers Account. Is that now I can always be OOC. Lol. There is no double-standard. :D
I'm always Out of Character unless I'm posting in a Role-play, because it confuses people to say you're "In Character" in an Out of Character discussion thread.

My biggest problem with it is that some people harass new members with stuff like "I WILL DESTROY YOU" or whatever because their character is a Sith, and then act surprised when the new person didn't know they were "In Character". Always assume people around you think you are posting Out of Character, as it's inconvenient and confusing for others.

Out of Character forums are for Out of Character posting, In Character forums are for posting In Character. If you're posting OOC in an IC thread, you'd mark it with the words "OOC", show the same courtesy in OOC threads.
Tef continuing with what you said would this work?

I will hend you and bring your doom! (welcome to the site!)

would this be considered okay or not? I see people doing it sometimes and dont know if this is good or not.
I'm a bit of a mix.

Nox usually comes absolutely 100% natural to me, as I've RP'd him for so, so long. So a lot of the time I talk, spam, or anything else of the sort, that's usually IC with Nox.

I can't help it.

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