FACTION: Tion Hegemony
RANK: Security Specialist
SPECIES: Saurton
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'6"
WEIGHT: 257lbs
EYES: Yellow
SCALES: golden-green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Melee: Sobek is the whirlwind of death. He is alright with a blaster, but it is in the world of melee weapons where he truly excels.
+Speed: His speed is exceptional and in combat he is often no more than a gold-green blur among his opponents.
+Disease-Carrier: His teeth and claws serve him well and a bite or scratch will often give the victim - if they survive - a horrible flesh-eating disease consequences of his atrocious hygiene.
+Immune System: He himself is immune to most diseases due to his species' extraordinary constitution.
+Strength: He is not the strongest around, but he is certainly stronger than the average humanoid. The strength of his jaws alone is enough to snap a human forearm in half with ease.
-Savage: He does not know when to stop and often gets himself into trouble for mutilating bodies and the like. Clients are warned to be extremely cautious when hiring him as he can be unpredictable and enjoys violence for the sake of violence.
-Gambler: Any wealth he acquired he almost immediately blows on prostitutes, the tables, or drugs. Most of the time it's a combination.
-Community Watch: Easily the most temperamental individual working at Darkwater Security, Sobek revels in violence to a truly astounding degree, going so far as to hack at corpses long after they are dead. He also eats people. He has a particularly unsavory past that involves criminal acts ranging from disturbing to outright appalling. Sobek is thus rarely allowed to work by himself.
-Breath Most Foul: Few can stand being around Sobek for any length of time due to an appalling lack of oral hygiene.
-Education: He grew up in an impoverished section of his trash dump of a home world. His only real education has been in how to make things die. Philosophy will be lost on him. As will most other things.
-Sociopathic Jackwagon: With foul breath, little education, and a lust for blood, few - if any - wish to be Sobek's friend. Thus he is rather a lonely saurian and takes out his loneliness by being a violating, body-mutilating sick freak and relishing in it, because it's the only thing he has to relish. Aka, a big meanie.
His exposed teeth are disgustingly unclean and his breath is unimaginably foul. People have been known to puke if they stand too close to Sobek while he's talking.
Raised in a brood with fifteen other siblings, Sobek had to fight for his right to survive from the moment he was born. He eventually ran away from it all as soon as he could, but lack of economic mobility and an education led him to the unsavory sort of jobs. He kicked around the galaxy with various mercenaries and gangs, eventually got caught by the Omega Protectorate and jailed for five years.
On his release he was met by Darth Orcus and given a job offer to come work at Darkwater Security. Not really having any other choice, he accepted.
- Guardian-class Body Armor
- Twin Ryyk blades