Location: Shorehaven Shore, at the edge of the jungle
Objective: Get to somewhere less nauseating...
Gerwald Lechner
Lunara Azure
She knew it would be painful, as Ǻsmund had told her so, but words could only prepare one so much. She didn't fear pain, for pain was only information, but all of this knowledge couldn't soften the reality. No matter how painful it was to have her body preparing to rearrange itself, it couldn't hold a candle to the breaking of her heart when she found herself all alone, and without warning. She knew the risk of the change for her sex, with the introduction of non-Lupo genes to her people, but the records showed her line so very pure, and yet - YET! - this is what she feared: death, for it would not be her alone that was lost.
"I... no, no-one," she shook her head. It should have been Ǻsmund, after him, Freya, but now, a... nameless one. Alfie rubbed at her eyes, pressing palms into them, where they stayed for a few moments while the nameless one and the woman talked, until he was addressing her again. Could she walk? Well...
could she? Her hands fell from her eyes and her gaze rose to look not only on him, but the both of them.
"It hurts..." she replied, almost defiantly,
"...but I can walk."
would walk. She wasn't
broken. The only way past this pain was through it - that she knew for certain. It couldn't be dulled, so that she might know the details of her full, true self. For the second time in so few minutes, Alfhildr Ástríðr Ótta began to stand from her crouch, gritting her teeth and refusing to let the pain deter her, this time. It was stubborn, it was prideful, and driven by embarrassment at even being
seen like this by unfamiliars, but no-one was laughing. She had spent much of her young years with a key lesson impressed upon her, year after year: don't show weakness. Though this was meant when faced with the
human element of Islimore, this was a foreign land.
Risen as far as to be bowed over still, her hands on knees kept her steady as she regathered herself, mentally, to complete the rise. Moisture stung at the corners of her eyes, an uncontrollable thing, she sucked in a sharp breath, her teeth closing up again, and pushed to rise to her full height, petite as she still was. A hiccupping sob escaped her as her limbs and spine straightened, followed by her turning and heaving up the remnants of her last meal into the sand, and spitting, dripping the awful, acidic taste from her mouth... but she remained standing.
"I..." she forced, through hoarse sobs,
"...can walk."
She wished she could run away.