Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Soell Alberio

*Character art by the lovely Niloxylo, commissioned by me.

NAME: Soell Alberio
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: Won't say
EYES: Ice Blue
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale


+ Proficient with blasters
+Trained in Echani Martial Arts
+ Trained in Hijkata Martial Arts
+ Has years of military experience
+ Knows fencing and basic levels of other swordsmanship forms
+ Practical and intelligent
+ Knows basic programming and demolitions from service, but nothing too advanced

- Can appear apathetic and stoic sometimes
- Young and perhaps too forward about things
- Isn't exactly a stellar pilot

+Dual Blaster pistols
+Standard Vibrosword
+P-7 Blaster Carbine
+Senate Commando Armor

Born on the Echani homeworld of Eshan, Soell's family quickly gravitated to another world as a result of the uneasy political changes transitioning frequently at the time. Because of this, Soell found herself growing up within Republic territory, her mother and father both joining the local planetary militia to utilize their skills as Echani to make a living with the sudden move. Quick to learn the culture of her homeworld from her parents and train in Echani arts herself, Soell found the decision to aspire to become a soldier of the Republic a simple one to make as she honed both her body and mind to mold herself into the best warrior she could.

The shifting border of the Republic's territory was a constant strain on the girl's patience, however, though not the same form of stress that likely weighed on the minds of other citizens. Whereas many feared the war would come to their homes, Soell herself was more concerned with not having the time to fully train herself and enlist properly. When the time came where the young Echani woman was capable of entering the military she did not have a moment of hesitation. Entering the Republic Army, Soell felt content originally as just a member of the standard infantry.

That was until the attempted takeover of the senate and the mess that happened in politics altogether. It was then Soell questioned where she wanted to do the most with herself, and applied to transfer to the Senate Guard, looking to fill a position in the Senate Commandos, hoping with the recent turmoil of the Senate its members would encourage more growth within the unit that was historically responsible for their safety.






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