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Approved Starship Solar Vanguard

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  • Intent: To create a freighter for Khael's future travels
  • Image Source: Here, and Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Blockade Runner: With a host of advanced systems such as a frequency jammer, masking code modulator and perhaps most importantly a SLAM, the Solar Vanguard has been refined over its long history into a proficient blockade runner.
  • Catch Me If You Can: The Solar Vanguard is often the fastest vessel in any system. Originally a freighter vessel, the engines have been so heavily modified over the years in order to run the tightest of planetary interdictions or ditch any pursuing attacking crafts.
  • Shoddy Offense: Modified as a blockade runner that relies on its superior speed and decent defense while on the move, the Solar Vanguard has a lackluster complement of weaponry as it is intended to outrun any attacker. If caught exposed or should it's engines be hampered even slightly the Solar Vanguard stands very little chance, despite its heavy armour and shields.
  • No Amateurs, Please: The Solar Vanguard is a supremely fast, agile ship, and it's four ion drives and superb handling require only the most superlative pilot in order to properly control it. In the hands of a novice, or even your average pilot who is unfamiliar with such quick ships, it will be nowhere near as effective.
  • Fire Control Vulnerability: As the pilot will so often require their full concentration on simply manoeuvring the vessel, the Solar Vanguard was fitted with a fire control system that aids them in point-defense against other crafts. However, as each of the ship's armaments are transferred to the FCS control button in the cockpit, and system is activated more often than not, a direct hit from an ion cannon while it was active would cripple every weapon system until full repairs can be carried out, leaving the ship extremely vulnerable.
The Solar Vanguard is a singular vessel, having started life in the dockyards of Mandalore as a simple freighter that over the years, and the many pairs of hands from each of its different owners, has been transformed into a superlative blockade runner. It's many countermeasures allow it to pass itself off as less than the wild, nimble craft it is or coast towards any cordon unnoticed with its modified, military-grade baffled engines before darting through with a boost from its SLAM overdrive systems once close enough that any larger vessels could not hope to hit it or launch harassing fighters in time. In the hands of its current owner and pilot, it is used to smuggle exotic goods to those most desperately "in need".

Crew: 2 (Ideal), 1 (Minimum)
Passengers: 10
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons
Consumables: 3 months
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Khael Vhijaric Khael Vhijaric

  • The youtube link is perfect, and it is a ship from the Star Citizen, so please link their official website or their imdb link as source too.
  • And for this ship size, Hangar space's rating is always 0, because of this, your ratings are overpowered (+2), please fix it.
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