Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Soliusu Endevors, Whispers of New Life

  • Thread starter Reyari Te Pewmsneri
  • Start date
Chybo listened carefully to the Chief's words after his poor introduction. He was relieved that it wasn't taken negatively, but also a little scared by the Chief's ominous and seemingly accurate descriptions of everyone. Those feelings quickly ended when the Chief's daughter voiced her discouragement and was quickly silenced. He didn't want to be rude, but Chybo couldn't help but smirk at the sight of it. His smirk turned to a full smile once the Chief brought up the topic of supper. Following the mercenary leader, Chybo bowed his head. It was obvious the man had more experience with these kind of things than Chybo did, so it seemed like a good idea to let him handle it this time.

Reyari Te Pewmsneri


The whole village of Purebloods nodded. They knew what was to be done. Teach these off-worlders how they work, and how their culture remains extant in a galaxy such as the one they hailed from. Even though they had seemed cordial. Now, things were getting serious now. Each person will learn how to be one of them. Or die trying. They all had read the disclaimer when they were all chosen to come out here.

"You may be at risk of death."

Now they realized that becoming one of the people would be a difficult challenge. However, now wasn't the time to sweat over pleasantries and trials of the days ahead. Now was a time of Jovial-ness and the quiet calm before the storm. The Chieftain and his Mate left the general area, presumably to get ready for Supper-Preparations. While everyone else readied themselves and all went about their normal business heading every-which way. The only people left in the main tree entrance area was of course. Reyari, and the the Expedition Crew. As she approached, Reyari appeared to be downright angry. Displeased. She looked upon those in the Expedition Crew as mere-children needing a baby-sitter. In some regards, she was right. None of them knew how to walk like a native, how to run like a native, or even speak their language. She gazed upon The Monster The Monster eye balling him up and down. She shook her head, and made a sound through her teeth. "Tssk." she promptly waved her hand. Gesturing for them to follow. Dismissively. She walked off the platform, and steadily began walking up the natural spiral stair case next to her. Surely, the Expedition Crew weren't fools to not follow.

As they ascended, the Expedition crew would note the larger and larger steps to take up the natural stairway. Easily stepped across by Reyari's 8 FT + Height, but a bit difficult for those in the crew to do so. Surely, as they looked down a massive drop at least a hundred feet would be the end for anyone who made a mis-step. They eventually entered another large chamber, naturally created by the multitude of trees that made up their Home-Tree. A massive dining area, which was packed with pandemonium where most were sat around a campfire set up in the middle of the room. Even from here, basic cooking equipment was seen being used to cook rudimentary foodstuffs. Oddly, off to their right a small highly-advanced lab was seen, with a multitude of pods layed out in a semi-circular fashion. On another note, four Blue-Skinned Natives wearing Labcoats were seen operating the machinery, and writing things down on data-pads. If an eagle eyed member of the group would notice. These Natives had eyebrows, where their other counterparts. Such as Reyari didn't. Odd. And that the number of pods correlated directly with how many Natives were standing operating the machinery. ten pods, to four individuals. Strange. It seems that there were empty pods judging by the number of Humanoids standing by it. Odd.

As they walked, the sounds of the village picked up. Native music, hung in the air and songs were sung in this merry tone which warmed the hearts of those around them. Gazing upon the faces of the natives who sat on the floor they all had smiles and were neatly conversing with each-other. Many of them had rudimentary board plates in-front of them, piled high with some sort of meat and vegetable. Reyari took up a position at the far side of where her Father was seen eating and sat down and gestured for everyone else to do so. Reyari, was promptly passed a plate full of the same foodstuffs, as with everyone else by the natives around them. Reyari's face hadn't changed. Still quite angry and cross with her father. Now was the time to ask questions if there were any. It was probably a good idea to ask a great many as now would probably be the /ONLY/ quiet time they would get in the next three days.

The Monster The Monster Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Suya Baeji
Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Leenic followed behind the Chief's daughter, not having anything in particular to worry about at the moment other than watching his step. On the way up the stairs, he decided it would be simpler to just use his jetpack to easily follow them. He activated the thrusters and hovered close to the rest of the group as they made their way up, coming to a landing at the top and brushing himself off. "Not too shabby." He said, waiting for the rest to finish the last few steps.

Once the others had reached the top, Leenic fell back into the group. This time, however, he moved over to Suya Baeji and nudged her arm with his elbow in order to get his attention. "Pardon me, miss." He began. "But I would enjoy knowing why a Jedi is out this far in the galaxy? Surely, there isn't a bounty on your head, is there?"
Sergei didn't break stride as while this princess type may have had a couple of feet on him, he was no stranger to hoofing it up and down mountains on mission, deciding to comfortably walk behind to ensure no one else fell off the stairs. He kept a comfortable pace as he watched the others, ready in the moment that someone slipped and started falling. Because that was something he didn't want to particularly deal with while moving at the front. It would be much easier to catch someone if he saw it coming first, rather than having to listen and hope someone else caught it for him. He watched the Mandalorian simply use his rocket pack to fly alongside them, and Sergei chuckled in his helmet to himself. He'd have to see about getting some of those or something, because it sure looked like it could come in handy.

He got to the top of the steps and gazed around, noting all of the things about the room quickly, and immediately spotting the difference in the ones wearing lab coats. Which was what got his attention, why did they have lab coats? And then he looked between the dressed aliens and the natives and started noting the differences, eyebrows, posture, the expertise that they operated the equipment. These were definitely science types, but they didn't fit into the perspective of the rest of the people he'd seen at all. He made a mental note to keep an eye on them, and the fact that while they counted four, there were ten pods behind them. Thankfully he had a plan for it.

He turned his attention back to the main room, noting the food being passed out and taking a seat where he was gestured to. Having a larger plate of food set before him, possibly as an inside joke, Sergei began to amaze those around him as he set about to demolish the plate, eating what a couple of the larger natives had taken for servings as someone who was while much smaller, but also Sergei. His body when off mission demanded calories to maintain his size and strength, and didn't want to offend the locals by refusing the food. And while Sergei was absolutely ravenous in his consumption, he was also careful to avoid making a mess and quite efficient, deciding to eat first and talk later. He didn't want the food to go to waste. When he finished his plate a local sitting next to him, looked at the plate, looked at Sergei, and back again muttering something under his breathe. Sergei simply smiled as he reached down to his belt, pulled out a handkerchief, and politely cleaned the sides of his mouth. And then quietly let out a belch as he didn't want to interrupt peoples' ongoing conversations. He then put the cloth away and looked over at the princess, seeing that she was to be their teacher, decided to start asking some questions and talking.

"So, you have a rather large tree home here, might I ask how old this tree is? I've never seen anything quite this size, and did you carve out these rooms or did they naturally appear? The local jungle is quite expansive and seems to be teeming with life. It's something I haven't seen a lot of in my travels,"

Reyari Te Pewmsneri


The townsfolk made little attempt to converse with the off-worlders at all. Only a few sideways cast glances or literal indifference in the form of blatant ignorance. In all other facts, the room itself was rather warm compared to the world outside. Heated by a campfire and lit by luminescent plants. The air around them was quite pleasant, with the wafting of cooked food filling the general area. Quiet hearty, and pleasant. The day was turning into the late night as the Natives spoke with each-other and danced to primitive instruments in a somewhat modest display of cultural significance. Surely, by viewing their clothes these natives were in perfect harmony with the environment around them, and the dances signified this face, by wearing little more than simple loincloths. Male or female, it didn't really matter.

Reyari's ear perked up when Sergei directly asked her a question. Sure, it was a simple question but Reyari was still somewhat suspicious of the individuals put into her stead. She looked toward Sergei, bright yellow eyes and all. She spoke at him in a moderately dismissive tone. All she knew, what that he was an intergalactic idiot sent here to gawk at the locals and attempt to preach "Galactic" pride at them. How they were somehow less than he was. She made sure to answer.

"Nothing that you would understand, The Soliusu have existed here for as long as anyone can remember. A very long time. My Father tells me stories, that a long time ago, before we even existed our Goddess put us here. The white coated-Pathiria. Speak of it being ten-thousand years old. Whatever science they seem to use. The rooms here, are all natural. My Father speaks of it being... here. For as long as we have existed."

Reyari seemed to struggle with making things simple. Probably because she lacked the advanced vocabulary that most Galactic Basic Speakers had, but nevertheless she answered his first question best as she could. Before moving onto the next.

"We call the planet beneath us, Eywa. Our goddess in your language. It is our cradle, the purpose we serve. Here, it binds everything together. Everything is connected. The animals the Warriors ride upon, to the smallest animal living in our home. We are all connected. The jungle is this way, because we live in balence with it. We take just enough, and give just enough so that we may live long, and prosper."

Reyari had little interest in asking the Off-Worlder's how they came here, or why they are here. Likely because it simply didn't interest her, or was an extremely controversial topic among the natives. It was something everyone knew why, but no one spoke of. Probably a taboo. In short, Reyari made her intentions clear.

"Tomorrow, you will all become one of us. You will learn to hunt, how to ride on our animals. And how to tame a Toruk. A Banshee in your tongue. Tonight, the white-coats have something to tell you before we go tomorrow."

Reyari didn't say anymore, yet she was perfectly inclined to answer any questions about herself, or her people. Whichever the Off-worlders were seeking answers to.

The Monster The Monster Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn
Sergei noted their instructor's tone, and made a mental note that at some point he was going to have to prove to this lady, that unlike a lot of other people she might have seen or heard about, Sergei was still relatively new to this whole galaxy thing. He tabled that thought for now though as he listened intently to everything she had to say, his posture and expression one of pure study and absorption of knowledge. This was their home after all. So they had lived like this since time immemorial, interesting indeed. Sergei knew of a couple of native tribes on his home planet that lived similarly, however the environment they had inhabited was a desert place with rolling dunes separated by rocky out crops and mountains. He noted that she didn't mention their people's topic on how they came to be here, however noting that most pre-spaceflight civilizations usually didn't bother with questions like that, as it distracted them from the more important topic of survival.

He clasped his hands together and and nodded as she finished her bit on their living, and spoke.

"I have seen much in my short amount of time traveling, however I must say this reminds me of home. Where I was raised, it was a rolling plain of grasslands for what seemed to be forever. My family raised me as a farmer, and so I learned to hunt and track as a child, to gather berries and wild oats, and later how to raise animals and grow crops to benefit our village. You have my respect for maintaining the balance on such a beautiful place, it is rare to meet someone who has live in this manner," Sergei spoke with respect in his tone and a reverent inflection to let them know that he was indeed serious about what he was saying.

Sergei was no stranger to living off the land and he in fact enjoyed the peace and quiet it offered to the relatively chaotic and noise filled alternative of the city and what most people called civilization. Sergei hated it. The needless amounts of noise, how it was all smashed together as speeders, denizens, and all other sorts of sounds seemed to have a shouting match all together at once to try and compete to be heard in the chaos. It ground on his conscience whenever he had to sit there and listen to it, one of the reasons he liked the fact that his helmet offered extreme amounts of sound protection, essentially dulling the noises he didn't want or need to hear. It offered him some peace in the chaotic environments he was most of the time constantly surrounded by.

"So your people, how does one decide whether they shall be a hunter, or gatherer, or even one of those that rides the mounts on the ground? I'm curious, as I was raised in a caste system, where the only way to get out of the duty you were born with, was to join the military. Most people find it odd, but I found that it had its benefits,"

Reyari Te Pewmsneri Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn

Reyari Te Pewmsneri


Reyari continued sitting. Still not touching the food that she had been given on her wooden plate. She only listened as The Monster The Monster continued to speak. Sure, his words did break a few chips off the icy cold exterior after the relaying of his own story. How he empathized with how the Purebloods worked. It was a moment to know that elsewhere in the Galaxy, people had a similar means to gather in harmony with their world around them. Then again, Reyari's home was but a blip in the sea of Chaos that was the modern Galaxy. A place of peace. Prosperity and freedom. Only for the few.

The topic of how the natives showed up on Pathorai was given as a theory before the journey here. It speaks of how they came to be out of the local Cathar denizens fleeing the Mandalorian Wars and some unknown precursor species of blue-skinned humanoids. Hence why the natives had somewhat Cathar-like facial features, and hairless blue skin. It seems that over the ten-thousand years of evolution, they had developed a symbiotic relationship with their world. As if Pathorai were "Alive" in some regards. There had been studies published by the Catharian Scientists that spoke of there being some sort of "All encompassing nervous system" located on Pathorai. Everything else just portrayed local mythologies and myths in a way that possibly had some truth to it. It seems that the secret of how they came to be would be forever lost to history.

Reyari thought it might be a decent idea to tell Sergei how they remained forever locked in a balance with nature. Unlike the rest of the Galaxy.

"We remain united with nature here. It is because of our Goddess. She wills that we should forever be in tune with the environment around us. She gave us life, our energy. And when we die, we must give it back. Over the past years, long passed. There have been plagues, diseases. But they always come around when we loose balance with our nature. When we are, it seems as if she desires this balance. A perfect harmony... The arrival of the Off-worlders from the neighboring world have... done things to disrupt this balance in some regards. They taught us how to speak their language, how their culture and customs are compared to ours. It has deeply saddened by Father to know that a few "Barons" from far away in the galaxy have arrived to disrupt the ecosystem with their metal workers, and shaking drills. Our world calls to us, the pain it feels and we are powerless to help."

Reyari let her statement sink in. She felt as if a few of the Rich Miners coming in from the Outer-Rim have caused untold suffering for the animals in the jungle nearby. She didn't name any names, but if Sergei had been watching those in the ship with him. A particular Oil-Baron was there to mind a extremely hard to come by metal. A sort of super-conductor used in Star Destroyers of the Confederacy of Independent systems. His words mentioned something along the lines of Genocide for the natives, to force them into work to further fill his coffers with tainted credits. As Sergei continued, Reyari listened intently. Seemingly interested that now he was something relatable. Unlike the rest in the Expeditionary Crew.

"Caste System? I do not know this word. But if you say we are born into our roles. You aren't right. At a young age, we are taught everything. The Females, knitting, weaving, cooking, hunting, fighting. Same for the males, with lesser focus on the creation of our goods. They are mainly fighters for us, but they are in balance with female warriors too. I am a Huntress, and a Warrior. We can pick and choose what we wish to focus on during our upbringing. Choice is a word that is sacred to us. To be without choice, is to be without freedom. The subject of a "lie" or how your people say. Is an utterly alien thing to us. We never lie to us. Even when it would be necessary. We never have to lie. We own our problems, and learn from them. I hear that lying is extremely common for the men and women who control worlds in the rest of the Galaxy."
Sergei sat and absorbed the information offered, noting that they used religion to justify their balance with nature. And while Sergei agreed with the whole living in balance sense, he didn't believe in the religion portion. Not that he'd say anything, but if it was one thing he learned, there was no greater galactic power at play anywhere. Things happened either because people were either being terrible to each other, or because bad luck happened. Nature itself was a self correcting thing, but he also knew that she in and of herself was something you can learn and explain. His forefathers had done so for generations, been able to predict down the to hour when it would start raining, when it was time to plant which crops, and how to start the exchange between the land and their livestock to make the most of it. To provide food for all out of a seemingly small plot of land. Sergei had heard a few rumors about the "Barons" she spoke of, but the government had made itself quite clear. There was to be no interference between his training, and the development of things on planet. It didn't mean he liked it, but he sure as hell couldn't do anything about it, not without good reason. But once that reason presented itself these government types would know terror as one of the scariest men alive would now make it his mission to burn not only their holdings on this planet, but their very own government buildings on their own world to the ground. Sergei didn't have many living enemies, and for good reason. When someone did something to warrant The Dire Wolf's attention and wrath, they died. End of story. Sergei did his best to tame his anger as she mentioned this, and was quite good at it.

And then she began to speak on the topic of his home, a touchy subject to him, but one that he was willing to speak on amicably. She mentioned lies, and Sergei figured that she had drawn that conclusion as it was custom in his world that if you were born into a profession that was the one you had. Unless you did the one thing that Sergei did, which was to enlist in the Army. He could see the misunderstanding, and set to make this right and ensure that she indeed understood his words.

"I regret I may have mis-spoke. So the way my home's system works, is that while there are public schools, due to the lack of resources available there isn't much for them to teach to people growing up. You say that everyone learns the same thing growing up here? That you learn all of the necessary skills to contribute to society, and to survive. In my home, it is simply not possible to do this, as we are constantly at war with our neighbors. My country tried to maintain balance but our enemies refused to allow this, so we had to resort to this system. Most who were content with living life as they had grown up, would get the best education from their forebears on how to not only do what they were doing, but continue to improve on that craft, such as farming, or fixing things, or building structures. This allowed those who were content to learn from those knowledgeable in a craft that contributed to our society, while also allowing them use minimal resources as a whole. There is no tension because each caste understands that without the other, they cannot exist or function. And for those who weren't satisfied, there was a very simple option to go to another caste. You do what I did, and join the army, it would be a massive group of warriors for you. Our sole purpose was to defend the borders of our nation, protecting society as a whole, and either using our skills that we learned before to help protect our homes, or learn new ones to do the same. I did not join because I wanted to change castes, instead I joined because I wanted to serve our nation and protect my home. We never learned to lie to each other, as we understood that the only way we would survive, was together. We had to trust each other, and work as a whole to stay alive. Unfortunately, as you can see my being here, it still wasn't enough," Sergei sighed as he finished, his features settling into a small depressed look as he'd remembered a few things that he wished he hadn't.

He was quick to hide those feelings however, as he still didn't trust those present enough with a glimpse at Sergei's true self. His recruits had yet to earn that right, and he wasn't open to strangers. He may not ever lie, but that didn't mean he had to tell everyone everything.
Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Leenic was buisying himself with merely pushing his food around his plate, he couldn't eat with his helmet on and he couldn't take his helmet off in the presence of others. He glanced around the table, noticing how much these people reminded him of his own tribe. He wasn't paying much attention to anything really, and found himself somewhat alone out here. His "mentor" and the soldier had talked quite a bit, and he noticed that the man had become slightly sadder since the beginning of the two of them talking.

He sighed and pushed himself back from the table. "Excuse me." He said, walking away from the table to an opening in the tree. Using his jetpack, he navigated himself onto a large branch that stuck out from the tree and sat down. After quickly looking to make sure he was alone, he removed his helmet and ran his gloved hand through his hair. He took a deep breath and focused his energy on sensing the things around him, he had been self-training himself to be able to sense things with the force better than he already had. But, alas, all he could sense was the force-sensitives that were inside of the tree and nothing more. "Karabast." He muttered, breathing in the cool air and looking out on the planet, reminiscing about his homeworld of Kashyyk.


It's harder to heal than it is to kill.
It had been during one of Ticca's customary trips volunteering as a healer and medic that the word of the Cathar's call for scientists and the like to explore and interact with a newly discovered world had reached her. And though the message was delayed in reaching the medical station and there was a fair chance that the Catharians would only be allowing a few members onto the planet, Ticca jumped at the opportunity. The idea of interacting and potentially providing aid to the people of Pathorai was why she had even negotiated that she was allowed these volunteer trips. Ticca desired to help others, and surely something like this would be few and far between. So, having filed the necessary documentation for her change in scenery, Ticca had hopped upon a shuttle to the nearest Cathar system, and from there to hopefully be redirected over to Pathorai. 'Speaking of a change of scenery, it is supposedly a jungle world. Might be nice. It's been a while since I've been home.' Ticca mused privately to herself as the stars streamed past in hyperspace. This nostalgia was tempered with the caution that the two worlds were likely vastly different, but the live flora might be a nice change of pace from the translucent, sterile walls of the station dotted with only the physical shells and aura forms of the doctors and patients. She missed the simple "life" that coursed all around her when on Vylmira.

That same caution caused Ticca to make a few changes to her equipment in preparation for living on this world. Deciding to forgo her standard KO robes in favor of more simple attire, Ticca instead had gathered the simple robes she used when practicing on these volunteer missions. She also decided to remove her personalized Miralukan mask in favor of a simple strip of cloth wrapped around her eye sockets.



Additionally, one of the primary concerns was cultural contamination and as such she attempted to limit her equipment to what was absolutely most vital to bring. It wasn't that difficult, as Ticca had few possessions with her to choose from. She ended up taking a small but well stocked "emergency pack" and secured it to her belt with a clasp. She also promised herself that she would use the Force if necessary, and only as necessary. Now, it was time to greet this new planet.

As the dust from the shuttle's landing settled, and the door released with its standard pneumatic hiss, the normally stoic Miralukan felt her mouth drop open. There was... so much life around her. The interwoven physical shells of the trees surrounding them practically hummed with energy as their aura forms flowed deep within the earth. Composing herself with a slight shake, Ticca glanced around to find the person in charge. This time however, rather than her extremely attuned Force Sight, it was her ears that lent her the answer. Hearing a commanding tone, she strode out that way until she could lay "eyes" upon the lead scientist nearby and then altered course to approach them. "Hello. I am Ticca, the medic. I am a part of the individuals tasked with relations with the Soliusu clan. Apologies about the delay, the communication took longer to reach me. Where might I find everyone?"

Reyari Te Pewmsneri Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil The Monster The Monster

(waves her hands excitedly I'll be joining the party ^^ )
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Reyari Te Pewmsneri


The people inside of Home-tree continued sitting by the fire. Sharing stories, and making merry with whichever sort of tribal implement they had use of. The sounds of drums, primitive flutes and small string instruments gave an overall wholesome atmosphere. A pleasant sort of place where everyone was welcome. A stark contrast to what the Expedition Team had experienced earlier when they arrived. Surely enough this would be their home for the next three days.

Reyari looked toward The Monster The Monster with interested eyes. Who knows, maybe she was growing mildly fond of this particular outworlder. But only time would tell. She listened as he poured his heart out to her. Even though she hardly knew the consequences of failure of his Magnitude. She gave an inkling of knowing how he feels. A non-verbal answer. Not of pity, but of mutual understanding. She nodded slowly as he spoke. Suddenly, a voice suddenly interrupted them. It was the Chieftan, he spoke for a little while. Perhaps of some mundane element of today's triumphs and failures. That is, until the Shaman stepped forth. She knelt on the podium where the Chieftan sat and began a song. A prayer perhaps. Likely the start of a Tribalized Religion lesson. Notably the people around Reyari and the expeditionary team began interlacing hands as a sort of eternal bond display. Each man and woman held hands. A hand reached forward to each man belonging to Sergei's Squad. Male, Female, Child it didn't matter. Until everyone held hands, did this peculiar prayer session begin. That is, if they accepted at all.

One they had all interlaced their hands. The entire tribe began to sing the prayer alongside of the Shaman, and her Husband. A slow, deep song which echoed throughout the home-tree. Giving homage to their Goddess. Eywah. That was the native name for their Goddess. As they had given birth to Pathorai, did the woman give birth to the next generations too. Reyari even sang too, her voice quite low and quiet despite those around them who appeared to be pouring the struggles of their day into it. Some sang with quite some pain, as perhaps a son or daughter died during child-birth or was simply still-born. It would appear that this ritual was a common occurrence. Perhaps occurring every day.

If anyone chose to gaze to their watches. The time would read approximately exactly 12:00 AM. It seems that Native life ended late, and perhaps began early in the day. The singing meanwhile, stuttered to a close as the people unlaced their fingers and opened their eyes. A good number of them, got up in unison and perhaps went heading off straight for the nights rest. The rest that remained were either the Old, the young, or the Warriors. After everyone had mostly filed out. Reyari and the Expeditionary Crew were left there.

Reyari promptly stood up from the lotus postion. She turned toward Sergei and spoke to his motely band of Soldiers, and The Mandalorian who sat alone peering off into the Jungles.

"Come, The "Soothsayers" have something to tell you."

Surely, this was very important as it may have to do something with the pods they saw while walking in. This could be a new adventure indeed...



Meanwhile... Back at the Central Hub of Catharian Activities ; Sector Three, Corpus Refinery Center.

Ticca Ticca was greeted upon her disembarking from the massive shuttle which penetrated orbit. Around her, she could see the daily workings of this installation. Obviously, this was far away from the Main-Hub the earlier expeditionary team had arrived at. This was a Corporate controlled Military Installation. Staffed with Mercenaries and Pocket-Filling Businessmen prodding about. It seems that within only a few days, a refinery had been built to harvest the organic material located on planet. Fossil Fuels to turn into Speeder Fuel. A rich commodity to be sure. Even as she stepped forth, Ticca's nose was filled with the choking black smoke which carpeted this area. Luckily enough, within at least five-hundred miles. There was no such thing as Pure-Blood Civilization. Having been long since driven away by Corporate Troops.

Even though Ticca had seen Catharian Troops earlier. These Mercenaries were nothing like them. They were ruffians to the core. Likely enough to force you to pay bribes. Or fork people down for money. Compared to the soft professionalism of the Catharian Army Troops and their white armor. These men were here for only a single purpose. Milk the entire planet dry without proper Authority from Cathay. Perhaps Ticca would have a case to bring to the Autocrat, Xzaien Xzaien if she so needed to. Xziaen was famously well known for her ability to simply crush rebellions like it wasn't a single problem.


As she walked, Ticca came across the Installation Commander. A soft-skinned shrewd looking man. Clearly hailing from somewhere like Corellia or one of the inner core worlds. Boy did this man reek of poor intentions. He gave off the impression of a man simply looking to fill his pockets full of blood money, and abandoning the world altogether. For some Reason, Ticca's sponsor was this man's boss. Some shrimp in the outer rim. Likely apart of the Commerce Guild. He spotted Ticca first and introduced himself.

"I'm Director Bill Scott. I'm in charge of Commerce Guild operations on this planet. Now I know the Catharian Hegemony has given you a letter, and we gave you the papers. Now, I suggest you follow what I have to say, and we'll be on right as rain."

He continued walking, Toward one of the parked Hover-Choppers in the massive landing area nearby. He continued to speak as he did so.

"So far, I'm to send you to wherever those damn Blue-Monkeys are and let you deal with them. I tell you now, That this isn't worth gauging prices over. So here's the whole spiel. You keep our operations here a secret from the Catharian Hegemony, and I'll make sure you get payed for your efforts here. Got it? Just have a look around in their home, and look for weaknesses in its structure. And I'll take care of the rest. You have that radio, I'll be contacting you over it. Just make sure to pick up, else I'm gonna have to terminate that contract."

He'd sit down in one of the rear seats as the rotors began to spool up. In a moments notice, the Chopper lifted off the ground, and began a direct course to where the Soliusu clan was. Now was the time to ask questions, and learn about things from a different perspective. The Catharians said that they were pleasant Natives, Ones that are quite peaceful. Compared to the Corporates musings that they were hostile savages that kill members of the Militarized Branch of the Commerce Guild quite happily and with little remorse. As far as he knew. The Armies of Cathay had no idea that the Commerce Guild was on planet...
Sergei was watching the surroundings with interest as he looked about the room, the sudden interruption seeming to give much life into room as everyone was suddenly paying rapt attention to him. Sergei could recognize the tone and body posture of the chieftain. He was giving what seemed to be a nightly ritual speech to the rest of the congregation. If Sergei was a betting man it was something about the things accomplished today, and possibly tomorrow held. The whole sort of thing where people recount the day's trials and religious types making every day special for the average person. Sergei knew the purpose, but himself didn't fall under the religious type. He'd seen too many obscene acts of men and sapient kind on each other to think that God had any part of it, and if they did exist, they certainly couldn't be happy with what they were witnessing. And more than likely had the power to change it. Which was why Sergei wasn't the kind to believe that someone with the power to change something like that, wouldn't do anything. He however went along with the general feeling of everyone else. As the people began interlacing hands, Sergei would accept this and go along with it as well, noticing one of his recruits trying to not take part but fixing that with a glare. He wasn't going to be starting an intergalactic incident because someone was uncomfortable with something. He'd sit through the ceremony not attempting to join them as he didn't want to insult the people here, but simply doing as the people to his left and right did, at least within reason.

Once done, the merc looked about him and saw that everyone else was filing out, and glanced at his watch. Midnight. Which meant that people were probably going to sleep now. Time here had moved imperceptibly quick. He made a mental note of that as he looked forward when their guide, Reyari spoke to them. Something about the Soothsayers. Interesting indeed. He motioned for his men to follow him, and would leave it up to everyone else to decide what it was that they would do.

Reyari Te Pewmsneri Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn Ticca Ticca Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil


It's harder to heal than it is to kill.
Ticca took but a few steps outside the shuttle and promptly blanched. Biting back the bile clawing its way up her throat, she gazed around at the daily workings of the Military Industrial Installation surrounding her. Finding herself immediately choking on fumes as the factories nearby churned smoke into the air as they processed the planet's natural resources. They were strip-mining the planet? Such an abuse of life and people. One that hardly made any sense considering the plentiful asteroids, comets and the like from which the resources could be extracted without ever endangering people. But then again, greed hardly made any sense.

Ticca was the reflection of calm externally, but internally she was...seething. 'Oh, that karking autocrat is going to hear it! If this is how she treats people, I have some choice words for her!' Ticca thought. But just as she was fuming over this detail, she noticed something. The aura forms around her were twisted almost unrecognizable from their greed and exuded their sickness and ill intentions like open sores. Additionally, the armor clinging to their physical shells housing those abominable aura forms was hardly the professional grade nor intent of the other Catharian Troops she had seen. For that matter, none of the aura forms read as Catharian. It was enough of a discrepancy to shift her suspicion. True, suspicion was all she had, but something told Ticca that these people were not here legally but rather to make a discreet buck.

Noticing the Commander, Ticca turned towards him as he stepped forwards to introduce himself to her. Something didn't sit right with her about his words. 'Was that a veiled threat?' She thought privately to herself, suddenly realizing the precarious nature of her position. True, she was angry and might have dealt with him herself but that most likely would cause an international incident with Cathay being subject to blame for his death. The trail would go cold, and the evidence would disappear. Besides which, they might revoke her papers, at which point it would be a task to explain why she was here. She fortunately still had her letter of invitation, but caution told her to take the more discreet route in pursuing this. "Director Bill Scott, I see." She replied, in a manner that suggested she was checking her pronunciation of the (unusual- at least for her) name.

Following the man towards the Hover Chopper, her reservations about the man and her private anger towards him grew only worse as he continued speaking. It was words she had heard often as one of Vylmira's Bladewalkers. Criminals such as he offering temptations such as credits and the like in order to sway her to not arrest them and buy her silence on their activities. It had never worked, and Ticca was not pursuaded now. She was a Knight Obsidian and more than that a medic. She stood ready to help others whenever she could, whatever the danger. Perhaps she would not be able to help overtly as of yet, but there were ways of dealing with a serpent.

And in fact, Ticca had just been handed one of the pieces to their downfall. He had given her a radio of all things. Perhaps she might put some of her old Bladewalker skills to use. If she could secure some privacy, she might be able to slice through whatever censoring they had on their transmissions and get a message to the Autocrat.

However, this was also a good opportunity to understand things from another perspective. And whilst the Dark half of her screamed for justice, the Light half sought to understand and empathize. Perhaps out of genuine curiosity, perhaps out of a seeking of balance between her halves as her Knight Obsidian training taught to her, she did indeed ask. "What makes you call them hostile savages that kill without remorse?" Ticca intoned. To that question, her Dark half retorted 'No, really? You come and burn their planet and expect them to welcome you with open arms?'

Reyari Te Pewmsneri Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil The Monster The Monster Chybo Fenn Chybo Fenn
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Reyari Te Pewmsneri

Reyari lead Sergei to the innermost chamber again. Right up to the pods the Expedition Crew had passed a few minutes earlier. There stood two Science Types, clearly of the same species as the local Pure-bloods. They wore white-lab coats and typed endlessly on data-pads and portable terminals. Whatever they were working on, it must have been important. Each member of the expedition crew all had to submit a genetic sample to the Catharian Scientists. For some prior unknown purpose. Now, it was likely they would be told why.

The Lead Scientists Stepped forward. His face quite young looking compared to the two subjects displayed on the screens above the pods. An eagle eyed viewer would note that the man they were speaking to had the listed age of Sixty-Seven, and his co-scientists the age of thirty five. They both looked easily in their twenties judging by their faces. They were monstrously tall, exactly like Reyari, yet had characteristically alien features. Angular faces, Eyebrows, and long blonde hair compared to the completely uniformly colored black hair of the natives. They were obviously clones. Meanwhile, the lead scientist spoke in a completely accentless drawl. Not of Pathorai, but one from Cathay herself.

"Hello there Expedition, I am Dr. Ryun Karson, this is Dr. Sherman Wilco. We are you go to for information about the pilot program. Your DnA sequencing was used to create clones. Obviously, we have sequenced native DnA with yours giving you the outward appearance of one of the natives. In short, we could have you pilot non-cloned bodies. But that could result in a catastrophic death of both the piloted body and your body. Which is why we cloned them. In the weeks you have been traveling, your sample was used to grow a body based upon your genetic sequencing. We have the bodies here now, upstairs in a comatose state."

Dr. Wilco knelt down and showed Sergei his interim body.

Quite a beautiful specimen. Likely taken during its stay in the growing chambers. It appeared to have the Facial structure of Sergei himself, but was wholly alien in body, and skin color. Save for the Brown hair, that Sergei has. Each member of Sergei's crew was also shown their body. With each bearing a striking resemblance with their unaltered faces. The good doctor then spoke again.

"As with a boon such as this, comes a great warning. If you die while jacked in, your body will enter a massive cardiac arrest that we have almost zero chance of bringing you back from. If we do save you in the off chance, you will be completely brain-dead. As your consciousness would have died with the piloted body. Now I warn you, as you jack in tomorrow. It will be an unforgettable experience. But also jarring, we have had pilots die due to shock from their nervous system. It seems that a few of you also have the gene which prevents this from occurring. Now, I'll have Reyari send you both up for bunking. You'll need the energy, village life begins early."

The Doctor turned, and began a new process. Likely one which would fluidly connect the body of the subject to the body of the interim clone. Only time would tell, as it would have to be sequenced directly to how the neurons work inside of the subjects body. A highly delicate and complex procedure. One wrong unsequenced neuron could cause a instant brain death. It would be one to trust. The good doctors knew what they were doing. The Lead Doctor said something to Reyari, something that could be inferred as "Carry on." Before they returned to the task at hand. Meanwhile, Reyari lead them up the large stairs and guided them into the general sleeping areas. Large organic based basket or nets suspended up a three-hundred meter drop. Boy would this be dangerous, but probably exhilarating. Reyari only gestured at the empty nets to their right, ones unoccupied by the natives. If there were any more questions, or another attempt at a heart-to-heart. Now would be the time to start talking.



In the Sky, Three Minutes out from the Soliusu Tree... 4:30AM.
The Director sat there perplexed at the question Ticca Ticca asked. Surely, it would have been obvious. The guy thought he was bringing civilisation. An Imperialistic Creed which spoke of genocide to those thought beneath them. He'd looked confused for a few moments before trying to answer her question.

"From the moment we stepped on world. They have been ruthless in their attacks against us. Food trucks go missing, miners come up dead and strung up in the jungle. Whole squads of Security Personnel found dead and half eaten. Constant attacks on our outer wall, and the destruction of the Oil-Refinery we have on planet. Everyone we know to have been captured, winded up either dead or missing. We are sure they are dead too. It seems these savages eat people because it excites them."

He'd turn away before looking down at the jungle below. A ever encompassing wall of greenery. Barely lit by the local Gas Giant. Even from here, the ever bristling world of Cathay was Visible in the night's sky. Ever glowing as the beacon of Civilization this far in the Unknown Regions. The massive space-station above its surface was also visible. A symbol of growing Catharian Power and might. Seemingly so far away, yet so close at the same time. The Jungle below was awash with colors. Blue, Green, and white. It was alive even at this frankly ridiculous hour of the night. A jungle brimming with activity... The Director spoke again.

"Now, the Autocrat of Cathay has no idea we have set up shop on planet. And I would like to keep it that way. I've had brokers funnel your DnA sample to the Catharian Bio-Engineering team. This could make for a great effort to secure a body for us. I'm sure someone out there will pay very well for this opportunity. Your job, find that body. Jack into it, and make your way back to the extraction point outside of the Tree. We'll pick you and send you back home. Hopefully the Scientists there would buy the disguise. Your papers are with you right? Then make sure to keep those visible at all times. These aliens are dangerous."

The Helicopter eventually grew closer and closer to the tree. Enough so that they landed a few hundred feet away from the tree. In Ticca's mind. Hundreds of blips would appear, all seemingly friendly if she could read auras too. The Director made sure to speak again before leaving.

"Come back with the body, or don't come back at all. If you prove to betray us. It will be the last thing you do. The Autocrat will feel our wrath too. So this is all on you."

One of the Door Gunners made their way to Ticca, before forcefully shoving her off. And throwing her Medical bag after her. It seems these Corporate types didn't like associates such as herself. Who knows, perhaps money and a place far from Pathorai would be great. The Chopper spooled up again, and hilted off back in a seemingly random direction. Probably to throw of Catharian Authorities. Leaving Ticca all alone in the early morning darkness.


A few meters away, stood the entrance. Guarded by several largely built Tribesman who wore beads and animal skulls. Not a single Human skull anywhere. Each of them seemed to be Tribals... Save for a single man. Presumably sent to keep watch for the last expedition member stood guard. He was clad in the characteristic white armor of a regular Catharian Shock Trooper. Yet, instead of the Close Faced helmets used during battle. He wore a open faced helmet. Which concealed everything above his upper lip in a Duraplast shield. In his hands, held tightly was a SICPR. Or, Standard Issue Catharian Pulse Rifle. He was alone though, and judging by the insignia on his shoulder guards. He was a obviously a Private First Class. It seems, he saw Ticca first even during the pitch black darkness which encompassed the area. Judging by the sudden appearance of shock on his face, and his sudden raising of his Pulse Rifle. He'd take aim directly at Ticca's center mass before calling out to her. Judging by his accent, he was of Concord Dawn descent. Unvocoded, and purely conjured up by his normal vocal cords.

"You! Identify yourself! Are you apart of the Expedition? If so, which number, and purpose?"

The Monster The Monster
Sergei followed their guide with a guarded sense of alertness about his surroundings. He kept glancing around at the surroundings, like he was waiting for the ambush that was to come. Which never did, but he watched nonetheless. He knew better than to let his guard down around strangers, in a foreign land. When they finally arrived to the scientists with the pods, Sergei felt himself instinctively want to reach for his pistol, but actively kept himself from doing so. He didn't trust anyone from Cathay itself, or most people in general. He found that a lot of people were always looking to work an angle for something they wanted. No one, ever gave out anything without expectations for something in return. When the scientist began to explain the clones and how they planned to have Sergei and his men "pilot" them, Sergei mentally recoiled at the thought. He'd spent years, almost a decade now, of training his body to be a pure instrument for him to work from. He knew every muscle, every fiber of his being and how it would react to stress and how much he could take exactly. He'd trained himself and had been trained under the most strenuous of circumstances to push his body past normal human limits, and while these aliens were physically large and possibly stronger than Sergei, they didn't have the same type of hardening he had. He was more than a little skeptical for someone to tell him that he would instead be leaving this for a body that was grown to match his "genetic sequencing". He wasn't afraid to voice this concern either to the docs.

"I know I mentioned this earlier, and doc I appreciate the offer for us to utilize this body, but I will politely decline for myself. My men may wish to utilize this, but I have trained myself for years to know myself inside and out. And based on what you've said, this new body will be a totally alien experience for us. If you insist on us taking this I will accept, but I am sure that I can more than handle anything here as I am,"

And Sergei wasn't being overconfident when he said this, he'd seen and done things that would make most people cringe in sympathetic pain, if not down right lose the contents of their stomach by just hearing. He wasn't a force using type either, just a man who'd devoted himself to becoming the best tool alive as a human being. And he was extremely proud of that. It was because there was one truth that any infantryman worth his weight knew by heart. When technology fails, will and determination must win the day. And technology failed him a lot. Which was why he didn't put a lot of faith in it. He listened to the rest of their spiel politely and then followed Reyari to their place to sleep. Noting the basket width and looking up to see that it had been naturally formed from the tree itself, this was definitely something of his that was exhilarating about stepping foot on new worlds. He looked towards their guide as they were out of ear shot from the docs that were prepping the "bodies" and spoke candidly.

"So, what are your opinions on us taking these new forms? You are meant to be our teacher here on world, and I would like your point of view. You may probably think that as an outsider that we aren't physically capable of living like yourselves, and while I would like to prove you wrong, you probably know and understand things I do not,"

Sergei was being up front with their teacher, deciding that honesty was for them the best option since he knew that sometimes being polite and lying sounded good but never ended well. He didn't trust the docs here, and knew more than well how far he could push himself, and that there had yet to be a challenge he wouldn't take head on. And he was curious as to what she genuinely thought, since she was a native here and didn't live with this kind of thing day to day as well. What were her thoughts on the matter?

Reyari Te Pewmsneri
Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
Leenic put his hands up and took a step back. "Now hold up! Let's take this a couple hundred steps back for a second!" He said. "You want me to what?" None of this sounded right to him, pilot a body? Who does that kinda thing? And either way, he preferred his own flesh to be encased around his brain rather than some alien life form. Plus, how would he use his armor? Questions were shooting into Leenic's brain faster than he could process them, and eventually he had to sit down to think.


It's harder to heal than it is to kill.
Ticca could sense his confusion at her seemingly obvious question. It was perhaps a obvious question, but it was intended to get him off guard. So in that matter, it had succeeded. Ticca listened to his answer, though it didn't quite change her perception of his intention. He was scum. At the details of his answers, she wondered if he had any actual witnesses of the events he claimed or if he was blaming the Pathorians for deaths perhaps caused by the dangers of this world. For example, the security forces found dead and eaten could easily be attributed to the dangerous fauna and or flora of the world. Ticca understood however that the Pathorians may be responsible for the attacks. After all, she imagined that there may be others who are not as friendly towards outsiders as the Soliusu clan were. So yes, a measure of healthy caution might be needed when dealing with others. But the abuse and hosility towards the Pathorians was unwarranted. Ticca felt like wreaking vengeance for the way that the Commerce Guild was abusing the planet and its people. And she wasn't even a Pathorian.

Ticca was summarily distracted as Director Bill Scott continued to speak. He had confirmed her suspicions that the Autocrat of Cathay had no idea of their presence there. And that they would prefer to keep it that way.
'I'm sorry, but no. I don't think so. You will not abuse these people any longer' Ticca thought to herself as she contemplated the next piece of information that he freely gave her. Ticca's eyebrow raised fractionally as she was told that the Commerce Guild had funneled her DNA sample to the Catharian bio engineers. That apparently it was a good opportunity to secure a body for them. Ticca shuddered internally. 'What do they mean, secure a body? Are they stealing a corpse? There is more going on here than I understand right now.' Ticca thought as her "gaze" scanned the endless jungle spanning just below them.

It would seem that he had finally asked her a direct question meaning that he was expecting a response. "I have my papers." Ticca said as they neared the tree and landed just a little ways away. And then suddenly, hundreds of blips appeared in her vision navigating the tree tunnels. Judging by the physical shells that Ticca could spot the majority of them were Pathorian, and all aura forms read as friendly. Once again the seething tide of anger at their abuse began to rise and was suppressed by Ticca's logical side. "You expect I might die?" Ticca asked as Director Bill Scott threatened her to come back with the body or not at all, and the consequences for failing.

Suddenly, the gunman nearby her shoved her out of the door. Ticca stumbled out with her medical bag as the Hover-chopper turned and lifted off once again, turning and flying in another direction. Ticca dusted herself off and turned to glance back towards where the chopper was quickly fading into the distance. When they got out of hearing range, Ticca muttered to herself sarcastically. "Flying in another direction huh? Yeah, I'm sure the Autocrat is scared of you." And then sighing, she composed herself and resumed her standard stoic expression as she started off towards the tree. Noticing the Soliusu guards and the lone Catharian guard in their standard armor with an open helmet, Ticca assumed that she was on the right path. Surprisingly as she started to round the corner to approach, the Catharian soldier spotted her with surprise and called out to her. Raising her hands calmly to indicate that she meant no harm, Ticca approached out of the brush and spoke evenly. Her reaction to the weapon pointed in her direction was a raised eyebrow. Jumpy, these guards were. "Rest easy guardsman. I mean no harm. My name is Ticca, of the Expeditionary Force. I am the medic." She then lowered her hands and clasped her hands in front of her as she continued to calmly approach. Ticca intoned towards the Soliusu guards. "Your jungle is quite lovely at night."

Reyari Te Pewmsneri
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Reyari Te Pewmsneri


The Director only shook his head as he listening to Tikka /complain/ /again/. He was really getting tired of that Miraluka and was thinking about leaving her here to die on her own. But nevertheless, he thought about answering her query before lifting off.

"Yes, I expect you to die. You are dealing with savages who eat Humans. Is it really that hard to understand. Now ta'ta. Good luck."

The ship finally flew away, leaving Tikka alone.

Outside, Ticca Ticca was greeted with the Catharian Guardsman, who had pointed his Pulse-Rifle at her. Only when did she shout that she was friendly did he finally drop his aim and wave back. Obviously, he didn't take two looks before thinking that she was a threat. The Guardsman greeted her as she walked forward.

"Ho' there. I seems you're late.. .ehh Ticca is it? I was briefed on the Expedition Crew members before I was sent out here. Welcome to Soliusu. I made sure to calm the others down. Infact, you're just about to miss a briefing from the Lead Scientist here. I'll lead you to him."

Meanwhile, as Tikka greeted the Soliusu guards. Many of them looked at her with outwardly given contept. Likely, they had not a clue at what she was saying at all but judging by the tone of her voice it seems to have made a moderate impression on them. Then only nodded and gestured along with their spears to follow the Guardsman. As Tikka followed, the lights of the Soliusu village seemed only to dawn on her the vast size of this tree, and its people. In the sky, Tikka could sense the presence of the Gas Giant Vertonus flying overhead. However, the world beneath her feet seemed only to scream with life. Everywhere she could sense the workings of a living planet. Electrical signals of pain, or thoughts only seemed to call out to her. It was a force-rich environment. Easy stimulation for Tikka's mind. Even though she could not see, even at night this planet was likely eye-wateringly beautiful. The wind on her cheek, and the sound of civilization entering into night only seemed to further the point of tribal life. A life far more simpler than the chaos the galaxy had to offer.

A simple, and peaceful place. Untouched by war, or the Feuding Galactic Powers. It was lovingly crafted by something of course. No world in the Galaxy seemed to be "Alive" such as this one. An anomaly. Or something more?

Meanwhile, the Guardsman lead Tikka up the massive stairs and into the sleeping chambers to where the Expedition crew stood arguing with the Doctor. Just in time it seems to listen in on the vital parts.


It seems that the Doctors proposition had elicited a less than happy response from his sponsors. It seemed perfectly sane to him to have someone pilot a body. Easily, he had been doing so for years if not decades. But, you must learn to walk before you can run. He spoke again, this time attempting to Clarify everything as Tikka joined them. He first spoke directly at the Mercenary, The Monster The Monster and his Crew.

"Yes- I truely insist that you do so. Its an experience like none-other I assure you. It is like... entering a new world so-to-speak. It is as if, a veil has been lifted away from your eyes. I assure you, you will be far better suited for the Jungle as one of the Pure-Bloods. Believe me, I have had some Security fools kill themselves for thinking they could match the speed of their counter-parts. It was what you signed up for right? To learn how to become one of them for this nature study?"

Next he spoke toward Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil

"I know it is a hard concept to read. But I assure you, it isn't as bad as it sounds. The body that you will be taking over through synaptic equalization is essentially you. It has the same brain, the same structure as you do. It is just that it lacks a consciousness. The consciousness that your meatsuit currently has piloting it is essentially being moved over to another. You see? However, its not without its dangers. I must warn all of you that if you die while in the Other-Body, your true body will enter a massive cardiac arrest. So- Be careful out there. Your teacher is probably going to try and get all of you killed so that you could prove who is the strongest. She doesn't seem to be really chuffed about you being attached to her hip for three days."

If anyone peered toward Reyari, they would easily note the somewhat unimpressed expression on her face at that last command. Only shaking her head disapprovingly as she turned toward the crew. Even from this height, the more Xenophilic of Sergei's crew could easily see that she was leaving nothing to the imagination while concerned with the chest area. Eh. Another thing to deal with.

"Go now, We leave at first-light tomorrow. If you do not I will leave you here to clean up. Now go."


It's harder to heal than it is to kill.
Once again, it would seem that Director Bill Scot had underestimated her question. That or Ticca was mistaken and he possessed more discipline than she had thought. She had wanted to deceive him into revealing the back up plan if she had died, but she supposed that was a bit of a stretch. Anyways, her mind had something else to focus on in the meantime. She would deal with hacking the radio and ensuring that the Commerce Guild is punished for its abuse tomorrow. For now, the guardsman had her attention as she had approached, revealing she was friendly. He had put his weapon down and waved back to her, calling out to her that she was late and that he had calmed the others down. "I know. The journey here took longer than expected." She replied, before tilting her head at the fact that it would seem she was about to miss a briefing from a Lead Scientist here. With no information as to speculate its purpose, she simply nodded gratefully at the guard's offer to lead her to where she was supposed to be. "That would be appreciated. Thank you."

Ticca felt slightly saddened when she received contempt from the Soliusu guards for her compliment. She figured it was likely that they could not understand what she was saying, but she had hoped otherwise. Still it seemed to have some sort of impression on them and as they nodded Ticca would nod back. If she understood the brief pamphlet on the planet she had received whilst journeying here, the nod was a sign of respect. Ticca followed the guardsman without another word, trying to not gawk in awe at the sheer presence of life that surrounded her. Never before had she felt so much life. In fact, she would almost swear that the planet's thoughts were calling to her just beyond her reach from the presences she felt. It was awing and painful, to know that the planet was being harmed by the Commerce Guild. 'Focus. You'll find a plan to stop them.' Ticca reminded herself as she tromped up the massive stairs and found the others of the Expeditionary Force arguing with a Soliusu member in a lab coat. Only it wasn't quite a Soliusu member, was it?

Ticca immediately picked up on the differences between the Soliusu that she had seen and the one standing before her as she melded into the group. The aura read differently and even the physical shell showed discrepancies. Eyebrows, an extra digit. It didn't take long to figure out how this had been done, given the context of the conversation that was occurring. Something about being far better matched for the Jungle as a Pure-Blood and about how the body that would take their consciousness was essentially them. Ticca's eyebrows rose in surprise. Body transference? They were talking about body transference? Ticca was interested to know, but summarily found herself distracted by another piece of pertinent information.

Her liason to the Soliusu life was standing in the corner. Her teacher, who was apparently going to test them harshly, because she wasn't going to like having them attached to her hip for the next three days. Given the general contempt that the others had shown, Ticca was not surprised but she figured that she best go introduce herself at the very least. Sidling over through the crowd of mercenaries, Ticca waved a hello to Reyari. "Hello. I'm sorry I missed our introduction. My name is Ticca. What is your name?"

Reyari Te Pewmsneri The Monster The Monster Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil
Sergei shook his head as the doctor tried to clarify things between himself and the rest of them, and Sergei wasn't convinced. One of the biggest assets that he had going for himself was that he physically knew himself that well and knew how to push himself to what seemed to be peak or beyond peak human capacity. That kind of training the average soldier or mercenary didn't have, and he'd made a name for himself by not only surviving in any environment he was thrust into, but thriving and excelling. This place would be no different. He spoke to the doctor with a clear confidence that he had earned through his years of combat.

"Doc, I'll only say this once. I've fought things you can only find in your worst nightmares. I've survived ordeals and lived on planets no being alive should ever live on. And I've fought my way through a lot of things that then and now, seemed impossible. I will be fine. That being said," He turned to the rest of his recruits "You all might want to take every advantage you can get, the choice is yours," Sergei then looked at the new comer and sized her up in a second.

Looked like one of the force sensitive types, and judging by her demeanor and gait she was one of the better tempered ones. Jedi, that's what Sergei figured they were called. He simply nodded to her in a hello but wasn't going to interrupt her asking of their guide. He did catch her name though, Ticca. Sergei would listen to the last bit of information from the docs and would go back to their sleeping area, leaving his soldiers to sit there and ogle their new bodies. This was something that none of them had seen before, and tomorrow they would find out what being inside one was like. Sergei would finally set his pack down with a loud thunk as it hit the floor. He then set his helmet down next to the pack and laid down in front of it, using the helmet as a 'pillow' of sorts. He wasn't quite asleep but unless someone had any questions for him, he would be soon. And while he wasn't the heaviest of sleepers, he could sleep through a lot except the various cues he'd trained himself to wake up to. And he got the feeling tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Ticca Ticca Reyari Te Pewmsneri Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil

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