Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Okay, so the Going Minor thread made two things clear: firstly, the GR leadership isn't interested in going minor and two, there are a few folks on hand who are willing to keep it afloat.

This thread is intended to discuss potential ways of doing just that. Before we begin, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • If you're part of the Republic Delenda Est crowd, kindly refrain from posting here. The case for going minor was made and rejected, so we all might as well dig in and try to make the best of it.
  • Please stay on topic. By all means, discuss and debate constructively, but try to keep it on the rails.
  • Keep an open mind and open eyes. You might not like all the ideas presented, but give them due consideration. If you see a way to tweak an existing idea, speak up. Different points of view are essential if we're gonna make this work.
Other than that, go nuts. What's the worst that could happen?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Okay, first off, I'm one of the Republic Delenda Est people, but I'm gonna pop up yet again with some solid advice that will probably be outright ignored like the last times.


When a call for leadership change happened in the Mando faction a while back, Faction Staff (I was Faction Staff at the time) decided to hold a vote because, at the end of the day, the faction leaders are the equivalent of Public Servants and, much like politicians in a Democracy, need to listen to their constituents/faction members. A vote was held to determine if the faction wanted a change, which they voted for. We held nominations and the nominees were narrowed down based on who was and was not seconded, then voted on until we had a faction leadership change to what it is now. Faction Leadership not listening to Faction Membership is one of the many, many reasons this faction is dying. Moving on.

Second, cut the drama. Yes, all factions will have drama. It's inevitable for everyone that drama in the OOC will come about at some point. However, it's the Faction Staff's job to negate it or, at least, minimize it all while staying out of the middle of it as much as possible. Is it possible to do? Generally, yes, it is possible to meet such a goal. Is it hard? Yes, it is, but so is being something like a President of a country or a CEO of a company. You want to build something, it's gonna be hard work. Quell the drama, be watchful of those who cause it, and know when to step in rationally and rationally handle the situation with fairness and tact, not heavy handed flailing that this faction is famous for (and, yes, I'm just as guilty of that during my time as Republic FO which is why I state it. I learned the hard way, so I'm passing that knowledge along).

Third, be inclusive. Too many times do I see the "Us or Them" approach to things in here and, yes, you see it elsewhere. The Mando faction was guilty of it for a time, but we grew out of it after we realized how harmful it is for a faction. You have people here and there who would love to be a part of this place and be something bigger than themselves, but when they try to they're told things like "Well, you're a Sith writer primarily, so bugger off" or "Well your alt is with the Mandos/SSC/GA/Purple Unicorns/Happy Go Lucky Car Club, so we can't trust you so we're going to tell you no, you can't bring your Jedi Master you've written for 20 years and instead we're hiring Jedi Padawn D'erp the Great with three days experience and four reports under his belt." Include people, work with people, and stop with the Meta OOC paranoia and you might, just maybe, attract a few more folks this way who would like to help because they're good people, it makes sense for their characters, or both.

Next, put a spin on things. Wanna know the biggest thing that the Mandos did that caused a huge spike? They reorganized. They let people decide just what their clans would be. No more generic "yep, we're all mandos and do the same mando things" and instead gave free license to pull from Real Life cultural sources and even let people make up new ones. One guy has a Celt-like theme for his clan, another (mine) is founded primarily along Viking lines. Others pull from Mongolian themes and even Greek concepts and yet others yank ideals out of Roman vibes. You want activity, start spinning and reorganizing.

Lastly, my suggestion.

I'd suggest a change in leadership, but that would either do nothing, put people in power that would exacerbate things, or (more likely) be blatantly ignored and probably earn me a ban from the faction. Instead, I suggest this:

Faction Leadership, take a few days and look through some history books or at least Wikipedia. Research the kark out of famous Republics through human history and see what caused them to work, how they became so popular, and try and pull out ideals from their culture. Once you do that, see if there's some way to incorporate those ideals into a new spin on the Republic and stick with it while adhering to the advice I listed above.

Faction Members, stop talking, start doing. I see maybe a dozen folks or more griping and groaning and moaning in the back room and maybe... a half dozen people actually doing something. A few Mandos had to toss in old Republic alts they dusted off to help you guys out. You've got people puppeteering entire armies and causing problems for you guys because not enough individual PCs are in the fight. When outnumbered and faced with a vastly superior force, do you think the Spartans at Thermopylae spammed report buttons against the Persians? Did the Polish at the Battle of Wizna call out favoritism against the Germans? Did US Marines at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir huff off and refused to fight because the Chinese because the felt the Chinese were powergaming?

Look at each of those instances. Each is decked in glory and laurels because they stood, fought, and accepted the outcomes no matter if they won or lost, lived or died. Step above yourself, step up and become a part of something greater than one person can ever be. Set aside differences and come together to stop the drama, fight fair, fight well, and fight for something, because if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

[member="Dresden Verbrennung"] [member="Popo"]

Aye I would agree.

There's two big turn offs that slapped me in the face when I came here.

One I've tried to get in touch with faction leadership and pretty much have received nothing. Now devils advocate they may be busy or what have you.

On the other hand this is your faction.

And absolutely zero things appear to be happening within it.


There is so much drama/ shitposting that I read through the other night. Yes the arguments and all that are like right there for new members to see.

I like the Republic. However I've had several characters here in the past and just been tunred off or shut down multiple times.

I think a big reason we lost all our Jedi was OOC Drama and the hundreds of new Paddies I see come stumbling in here, but getting pretty much ignored. When new folks come in we have to engage them.

My contribution to the problems?

I am actively recruiting for a Military unit that'll be brand new here, and asking around to see if any of the Padawan or even Knight level Jedi wanna get something going on. I mean hell at this point anything would be great.

Threads draw members by show of activity.

Threading is the answer fo sho!

Again not a bash just pointing out what I've observed.
Popo said:
Okay, first off, I'm one of the Republic Delenda Est people
I specifically requested the opposite of this.

Seriously though, some good advice in there. At some point when I haven't just woken up and don't feel an intense urge to blow up that infernal sun, I'm gonna try to pick out the highlights and compile them. Jack's post is easier to handle, so I'm gonna get to his first.


Jack Raxis said:
And absolutely zero things appear to be happening within it.
Yeah, kinda picked up on that myself. I had moderate success in starting up a faction thread for military types to get together and mingle, but there hasn't been a whole lot going on since.

Jack Raxis said:
I think a big reason we lost all our Jedi was OOC Drama and the hundreds of new Paddies I see come stumbling in here, but getting pretty much ignored. When new folks come in we have to engage them.
Yeah, I keep hearing that Stuff Went Down, and that pretty much killed it. Which is kind of a shame, because Jedi are always going to one of the biggest draws of any faction called the Republic, and as near as I can tell, the only organization comes in the form of salt crystals growing on the old forums.

Some sort of restructure of the Jedi Order, to include appointing a PC Grandmaster with the authority to guide them along the path of righteousness or whatever it is Jedi do would be a bonus.

[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]


Hell I'd even put the work in myself. The maddening part is just the lack of activity around here, and what seems to be a ghost town upstairs. Hey if you like the military stuff though check out dawn company. I made a thread for them in the Military section as well as a Faction thread on the Open RP forums.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic

Sup mate!
Very much don't appreciate being told my opinion doesn't matter.
My simple and straight forward in that poll thread was "...NO..." as an expression as a member of this faction regardless of position.
Same as it is for the other "leadership" members.

We are all a collaborative team and thus if there is dissent among writers and then let the dissent be made and heard and addressed and look for a resolution patiently and calmly.

The continual beating of the horse of saying "STOP the OOC Drama" is not helping whatsoever in fact from my observation and is just furthering the divide with those who want to be apart of the faction but are struggling to keep their muse due to unresolved issues from events.

Yes I will agree that staff have not handled everything appropriately and is a learning experience for us just as much as the members involved. We took over in the transition of new dominion and rebellion rules along with a change over in how Invasions are to be conducted. Are the best at this, no and I and the others are always open to PM and working on getting things going.

I simply encourage initiative.
If you desire to pursue something than engage and go do it, find a partner and have fun.

[member="Jack Raxis"]

Definitely been busy (RL comes first and all) and I haven't been included in any PMs of any sort through any of your alts there my good man
I fully accept being a sloth around here and freely admit that I doubt I'm considered much of a leader rather than just a facilitator of roleplay. Thus likely a huge failure as a leader on my part in not being active enough. However people are always welcome to offer and step up. Its not we can't just be PMed about it.

Soooooo I'll say this on the whole Jedi thing. Its been messy. IC determination of leadership was inconclusive, the OOC was Inconclusive, the FO made a decision and still fairly organically evolving on where that is going. I believe now a council method is being pursued.

Now then as for solutions.

Well arguably every planet within the Pubs sphere of influence is free to be developed upon and stories to be had.

None of the staff have said "No you can't go play".

I honestly have always been a proponent of companies working with system governments and the wider GR as a major to carry out development.

Active engagements between businesses and worlds is always a fun thing.

Jedi Mediating different issues.

I want to pursue stories with the Mando's the FO, the OS, the GA, the SSC, the TKO, the ST, and any other major or minor faction any company that wants too.
[member="Caius Flavian"]

See and that's good man!

I'm here, I'll totally help rebuild the order but uh....

We gotta get some other Jedi's active. I'd love to take a Moderator role but however I have way too much stuff going on. As far as I can see the council Idea was completely smashed down and it just looks a mess.

My advice? Put it to a vote. You can't have a strong Jedi order without a head of that order. The NJO got one, or at least a council. The SSC got one. We need one to guide and direct.

I'm totally down to interplay between other factions, but you as our leadership figure, if I am correct you are Chancellor, should have a hand in that dude.

Let's brainstorm and be more active.

What's you short range goal and long range goal for the Republic? What kind of RP's do you enjoy? What do you want more of and less of.

Solutions my man!

BTW TK-4261 says hi :p

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
[member="Jack Raxis"]

Actually been behind on getting a post together as I'm waiting on two other people to decide whether or not they want to join in some roleplay with the First Order in establishing diplomatic ties. Also was hoping to make a similar "State Visit" kinda of tour of the FO, GA and Kathol Outback if possible. Then maybe see where the ST are at in terms of opening diplomatic dialogue.

Just with work and other things going on its been a bit time consumptive to get to it.

Caius as SC actively is looking to engage in foreign affairs peacefully (unbecoming I know of an Imperialist at heart but all pursuant to the story I've been writing for him for some time).

Honestly was going to drop a thread in the GA forum to find a solid defined leadership IC to engage with politically since the "summits" that have been called keep sparking but not igniting.''

Awh, Strain was such a gung ho Stormie!
[member="Caius Flavian"]

I think they are re organizing their political front a bit. But there's definitely gonna be some traction there. I'm not so sure about the FO. Seem's like the bad guyz to me lol.

TKO would actually be really fun to hang with. I used to RP with a lot of them when they were just The Underground, back when I ran Vassara as my main.
Caius Flavian said:
Sup mate! Very much don't appreciate being told my opinion doesn't matter. My simple and straight forward in that poll thread was "...NO..." as an expression as a member of this faction regardless of position. Same as it is for the other "leadership" members.
He's not entirely wrong though.

It's not enough for the leadership to say "this is the way things are going to be." Which, without any clarification from you or any of the others to the contrary, was exactly what it looked like you were doing. You guys set the course for the faction, but it's gonna get awful lonely if you don't have anyone with you to help man it.

Caius Flavian said:
Soooooo I'll say this on the whole Jedi thing. Its been messy. IC determination of leadership was inconclusive, the OOC was Inconclusive, the FO made a decision and still fairly organically evolving on where that is going. I believe now a council method is being pursued.

A council is a good start. Might be a good idea to start letting folks know what's going on, with the Council and with everything else. As much as I disliked Mantic, he had a knack for sending out PMs whenever something would go down that the faction needed to know about. A weekly newsletter of sorts might not go amiss. The GR still has a massive member base, even if most of them are no longer active. Start sending out those PMs and some folks might get annoyed, but I bet at least a few would be willing to go along with whatever was planned if only they knew.

In general, what the faction needs from you and [member="Suravi Teigra"] and any other FAs is visibility. You don't have to announce publicly every time you blow your nose, but if something is being discussed, it's almost always a good idea to float it to the faction and see what everyone things. And I don't mean on Skype, either. Skype is a great tool, but not everyone is in the faction chat. Even the folks that are in faction chat are likely to miss things that get buried under normal conversation. Fire up a thread, float the idea around to see who thinks what, and move forward with the suggestions in mind.

[member="Caius Flavian"]
Yeah I know, I'm jumping around more or less at random. My day just started, so I'm still kinda groggy. Also, I've got a really bad habit of playing devil's advocate to try to sharpen things, so bear in mind that I'm not trying to be an nerf herder. It just sort of happens.

Caius Flavian said:
The continual beating of the horse of saying "STOP the OOC Drama" is not helping whatsoever in fact from my observation and is just furthering the divide with those who want to be apart of the faction but are struggling to keep their muse due to unresolved issues from events.
"Stop telling the arsonists to stop setting fires, it's really getting them down."

Seems like the easiest solution would be to take away their lighters.

I've been on the site for near as not a year now, and the Republic has always, always, been infested with drama. That, more than anything, is what led to its current state. You can blame the OS or the site admin or whatever else, but about 90% of what I've seen was self inflicted. Saying the drama needs to stop might be beating a dead horse, but people are gonna keep beating that dead horse because it was one scary sumbitch that drove people away by the score.

Scrubbing away that reputation for being the Chaos salt mines needs to be the first order of business if the GR is going to make a comeback. And once again, that needs to start at the top. If people have unresolved issues with person X or faction Y, encourage them to either resolve them or make like Elsa and let it go. If they can't do either, encourage them to keep it to themselves, because perpetuating negativity is only going to keep hurting the faction.

And here's the part that's going to go over about as well as a fart in a spacesuit, but needs to be said: the GR is home to some of the most despised writers on the site. It's become something of a home for the unwanted and unloved, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Some folks came about their reputations honestly, but others just sorta got swept up in the drama and now are stuck with a bad rep and have nowhere else to go.

They aren't the problem, by and large. It's the folks who seem to thrive off of drama, who can't go into a public thread without pissing off three quarters of the site, they're the problem. We'll call them Arcona, because they get addicted to salt way too easily.

I'm not saying we should kick the Arcona out, and I'm certainly not advocating that we publicly shame anyone. What I am saying is that we the faction in general and the leadership specifically should encourage them to keep their habit behind closed doors. If they want to snort lines of salt off a stripper's backside in the comfort of their private chats, go nuts. We all need a vice. But when it comes to public threads, or faction discussions for that matter, put it away, gents.

We've all got a touch of the Arcona about us. When pushed, it's only natural to push back, even if we started the shoving match by implying someone's mother was a lady of negotiable affection. But that ish has got to stop if we're gonna make the GR a place where people can feel welcome again.
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]

I like to think that we as the PC player base run the show. The drams stops here. Don't feed the trolls under the bridge they stop coming along to feed.

We got some good writers here, we just need to thread it up and rebuild from the bottom up.

Trolls will be ignored, and life will go on.
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]

We definitely can't remain on the defensive like we did during the OS run during its height. So I'll be calling for the next invasion to put some pressure on the Mandos to throw them off kilter. Other things I would like to do is set up some skirmishes and start up a Rebellion in one of their tier 3 doms. A real proper Rebellion which isn't just an invasion in disguise. Some of the planets they're domming used to be under GR control, and the way that the Mandos usually dom, it leaves the door open for a good rebellion storyline.

I anticipated the Mandalorians becoming a threat in the long term as the Sith/Imperial factions began, and was in discussions with some of our about it, but nothing came of that because the Mandos weren't doing much at the time. Hopefully that changes since the Crusades are in full swing. I know Caius has been putting out some feelers recently, but I'll be getting in contact with the heads of the other light side factions to set something up. You've been around for a long time, so if you, or other Chaos vets could help with coaxing out some more support then that would be awesome. I'm grateful for the people that have come to our aid so far, and I'm going to work to keep them around.

Aside from PvP, I want to get our activity back up with other events like our own Doms and faction threads going.

Slightly off topic, but there's something for the Senate Guard to do. One of our Generals has been taken hostage, then Resh got tied up trying to rescue him. I'd like to go in there myself, so any assistance from you with the Guard would be cool.

[member="Jack Raxis"] I'll take that criticism, it's fair. I have to be more active while we have the wall that is that Mandos coming at us. On the Jedi issue, it was my fear that we would have a repeat event of previous GMs running off or sabotaging our threads. I'm just looking for someone who's just as committed to the GR as they are to the Jedi. I want to keep us all together. If you or other members think they can do that, then I'm open to giving you all a shot. I'll pose the question in the Jedi forum.
[member="Suravi Teigra"]

Definitely throw out some of these threads though, also get some brainstorming going on. Engage your faction and we'll hook you up with some glorious material. Like was said above, transparency really is key. The more involved folks feel, the more they feel it's their faction as well as yours, the better it will become.
Hey, folks. I'm bringing Tiland in to help with the Jedi aspect, since he's the closest to a true Jedi that I have. Been with the Pubs for close to three years now under various guises and I've been swapping them through as their stories change and it seems about time to bring Tiland in.

I think a good first start is just stories, not invasions or doms, but other threads about Republic characters doing their Republic thing. Bringing back active Jedi members would certainly be a benefit, stepping away from the Jedi political drama, and let Jedi be Jedi. Most of us are here to tell stories, and in the OOC chatter-drama, that can get lost. It's one of the reasons I have to keep drifting away from the Republic. If we focus on that again, I think that would be a good start.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
There is no ST anymore... but there is still a few IC state visits to be done.

Perhaps my last ad didn't help (the one that said Invasions guaranteed or money back).

Which minor faction would we support for us to help out in a rebellion of a Mando tier-3 rebellion? The closest candidate I know about for a rebellion in Mando-land is the Azure hex, which includes Roche.
Jack Raxis said:
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]

I like to think that we as the PC player base run the show. The drams stops here. Don't feed the trolls under the bridge they stop coming along to feed.

We got some good writers here, we just need to thread it up and rebuild from the bottom up.

Trolls will be ignored, and life will go on.
In my experience, trolls don't wither and die when you ignore them, they breed. And ours are louder than most.

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