Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some Ideas I have had...

It's totally fine. :D
On a completely unrelated note, I have some information gathered from my negotiations with Omega Pyre (which is still going on) that maybe I should shoot you a PM about..?
The Republic doesn't need more subforums. in theory the Jedi subforum could be in the open role play area as private/faction threads and doesn't need to be. The Senate section is the same, but since it involved policy that would be enacted for the faction as a whole it seemed more prudent to keep the information where it is. As for a separate army and navy board? Why? We barely use the forums we got. Why not just make a dedicated army and a dedicated navy thread? The forums won't get used that much especially separately as the two branches will need to coordinate for things like the Roche event which has it's own OOC thread. *shrugs* We only need to make threads as issues come up in the general chat, there is no need for other forums cluttering up things.
Yes, I agree it will look cluttered. Yet there are too many people here to just streamline and hope for the best. I say we at least humor the thought of two forums for the military and see if it works.

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