Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Some Like it Hoth [Galactic Alliance Invasion of First Order Hoth|Bespin Hex]


Location: Hilikan Incineration Plant.

Allies: [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Val Kordova"] | [member="Mishel Ren"] | [member="Samka Derith"]​
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance | [member="Shamira Karuto"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Abel"]

Objective: Eradicate Galactic Alliance Presence from Hilikan Facility.
The sweep for her head was parried by the second blade of [member="Taeli Raaf"]'s lightsaber, the beam of energy clashing with his own and bouncing away, causing Brennan to mis-step, his gaze shifting to account for his imbalance and then pursuing to lunge forward with the piercing blow. In the brief loss of footing, a pinnacle error had been forced into his place, his momentum had changed and thus he had lost momentary focus, so too losing sight with Ara Ren for but a second. One very fatal second...
”Go. Assist with th-“
[member="Ara Ren"]'s words were cut short as Brennan's lightsaber caught not the Jedi Master but was robbed of its intended mark and instead plunged deep into the lower abdomen of his Superior. An immediate wave of shock washing over him, he had not anticipated the reversal and finding the gaze of Ara's meeting with his own, the blood that she coughed up as she pushed herself closer against the charge of energy burning within, pelted drops against the side of his face. Emotion threatened to emerge within him, though he knew not how to connect the dots and communicate the appropriate feelings to this monumental failure. Protecting her was to be his priority and instead of killing the Jedi, he had instead pierced her with his own lightsaber, the life that he meant to take was not to be a woman loyal to the will of Seiger Ren, this was not what was meant to happen.

Ara's resilience startled him some, her sudden movement causing him to deactivate his lightsaber, that the blade within her would dissipate and snap back into his hilt, meanwhile his left hand reaching out to call to his palm, her own. Her final attempt to strike at the Jedi was being made out of desperation, the blow that Brennan had landed would undoubtedly result in his superiors death and thus, her weapon was now useful only to him, to ensure that at least one of them would see their mission through. The flare of crimson energy erupted from Ara's lightsaber, now within his control, Brennan launched himself backwards through the air, clearing several paces between himself and the two women, forced to re-evaluate the situation before him, his own amber blade being engaged once out of range of further harm to his ally, his feet finding the firm metal floor once more and halting in his step, eyes taking in the sight of the two struggling against one another. Taeli Raaf with her lightsaber, and Ara Ren, with her dying breath and her vibro-blade that had been buried within one of her gauntlets.

Back upon Skor II, Brennan had been forced to kill a pair of Squib and the mistake had cost him the rest of the mission forever covering his own tracks and becoming a burden to his peers, not able to follow them into the audience with the King of the small world, yet here in the now, this was something entirely different. [member="Castor Ren"] would not so easily dismiss this with a heated lecture as he had before, nor would [member="Samka Derith"] be at all pleased having sent the pair of them to take the facility. Anger consumed him, fear and resentment filled his gut as he glared across the floor at the Jedi Master who had deceived them both and forced his hand. The Security footage over the plant would relay the event to FOSB and from their, an investigation would take course, Brennan no doubt disciplined or perhaps even killed for his treason, a consequence that he would accept if that was to be Seigers Will; Now however, all that remained was the Jedi and himself. He cast Ara Ren from his mind, no longer a factor, she was as good as dead and as much as he had admired her strength in the face of such a vile disadvantage, he would not let her death keep him from pursuing his course of duty.
FIS Kuragin
Enemy: [member="Micah Talith"]
Allies: [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Magnus Ren"]

Cameron shook his head. Whether his expressed disappointment was in Micah's statement or the impending action that the Sith Lord could practically taste before it happened wasn't exactly clear. The Sith Lord knew that, as usual, Micah would not heed his warning. He also knew that the young boy would do what he could to unsettle the Sith Lord in preparation for a follow-up attack. How did he know? Well, Micah had a teacher that was rather brutally adamant about that lesson at the outset of combat training. Cameron.

The Sith Lord allowed the action, his focus on draining the life forces momentarily broken as Cameron dropped his stance and oriented his palms facing behind him. Applying his own manipulation of the Force, he abruptly slowed the effect created by Micah's attack, arresting his sliding motion within five or six feet. There was no follow-up attack, however. Perhaps Cameron hadn't been a good enough teacher? No matter...learning was a continuous, life-long process.

Straightening his stance, Cameron exhaled softly before raising his free hand, clenching his fists, and then immediately releasing his grip. In sync with his movements, the aura of the Force seized the soldiers around them before flooding their internal organs with the energy of the Force. The abrupt nature of the Sith Lord's, relatively, effortless, undefended attack would have been more than they or Micah could have truly handled. Perhaps the boy could have sensed Cameron's intention...maybe even intervened with one or two under intense focus, but it wasn't likely. After all, Cameron's attack struggled against nothing, Micah's would struggle directly against Cameron.

"You have forgotten your training, Micah. Death is a part of life. Use it to move forward, dwelling on it does no good to anyone."

There was only a brief pause.

"I have saved your life and that of your siblings in battle before. You will save yourself today, or you will die. I will give you a second chance...a courtesy afforded only to family. Get you and your people out now, or I will personally ensure that this station is your tomb. You have to the count of five."


Well-Known Member
-- -- --
Location: Bespin, Lower Levels, Hilikan Incineration Plant
Status: High Alert
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Mishel Ren"]
@First Order
Enemies: [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Adder"]
[member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Loske Matson"]
Directly Engaging: [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member=Shamira Karuto"]
-- -- --
Having discharged one of its stun blasts to no effect, the BV-S 3 droid began its follow up attack with its right arm, the one it had held in reserve. It had calculated its own trajectory and the stance of the identified foe before it - what it hadn't calculated was that the wielder of the golden blade would attempt to reflect the bolts fired at it. Initially it had only been one bolt aimed at the target, but as it closed the distance it had fired twice more, one harmlessly deflected into the floor, the other jumped from the golden blade straight into the droids left leg - it faltered, the electrical current travelling through its circuits. Capacitors were overloaded, relays rapidly burning out.

The body of the droid lurched - only arrested by the rapid erection of a magnetic field. It was something the droid was entirely incapable of understanding, much less react to. And so it didn't. In its one track mind, the droid stretched out, the arm it had withheld striking forward with all the power of its motors. The distance between the two had been minimal and while the droid'd movement was halted it yet had one more trick, quite literally, up its sleeve. In an instant, a prong shot forward from the droids forearm - an attempt to bridge the small gap between its newly outstretched right arm and the leg of the lightsaber wielding woman. Should it make contact - a massive ion discharge would pass from prong to body. It was the last motion the droid would make as its arms began to bend at unnatural angles, smooth duraplast beginning to crack as the pressure was applied.

Only several meters away, the crippled droid's companion was met with resolve by the staunch Togruta. Having dove, its weight carried it forward and as it turned the dive into a roll a loud crack could be heard as it tumbled. Metal scraped on metal as the crushing force pressed the droids body towards the ground. Had it been any less machine and any more human, it would likely have been completely immobilized, but it was not. Red LED's illuminated the faceplate as it forced itself into a side roll, the blade just grazing along its right side. While the Togruta focused on landing, the droid made another calculation. Instead of rising - it aimed an outstretched right arm at where she would land, firing off a pair of stun bolts. Landing attacks on the enemy was deemed the priority by the droid over becoming mobile once more - perhaps to its detriment.

Meanwhile, Val Kordova, who'd come to a knee now rose to her feet. The loud snap of the blaster bolt hitting the woman square in the torso almost shocked the Special Agent, he finger quickly depressing the trigger for a follow up shot - but it was then that the woman's gaze fell upon her. A momentary sense of dread passed over her as the woman's fingertips hung outstretched. In but a moment a bright flash of light consumed Valerie's vision - and then the pain. Rippling bolts of electricity coursed their way through her body, jumping from the blaster in her outstretched hand, curling around her fingers. Involuntarily she continued to fire, her hand depressing the trigger as her body began to shake.

Burning - it felt as if her hand were on fire, her body close behind. All conscious thought devolved into coping with the pain. Her muscles contracted, the red hot tendrils of electricity burning their way from arm into the ground via way of her body. As the sound of repeated blaster bolts filled her ears, a high pitched whine began to sound, fractions of seconds before the blaster pistol in her hand shook, and with a violent crack - exploded. A forceful blast shook the air as the circuitry overloaded and sent shards of durasteel and electronics components rocketing through the air - a deadly shrapnel to those within a 5 meter blast radius.

The explosion sent the woman flying, the hand which had been firing now a mangled mess - if she'd thought the pain of the electricity was bad, this was worse. Viscera covered the woman's envirosuit as her body was forcibly pushed backwards by the blast. Everything moved so slowly - or was it quickly? She couldn't exactly tell. The pain was overwhelming, her body had been sent into an immediate state of shock. Her mouth was dry, her ears ringing. Why was everything so loud? Val felt her body slam onto the ground, the wind knocked out of her. For a brief moment, she laid their, the heat from the deck plating she could feel through the material of her suit.

Beside her, she noticed the figure of her fellow agent, Varrus. For a moment it looked like he was confused, and then she felt her body being dragged backwards. He was moving her - but where? Why? Her vision faded momentarily, waking several meters farther down the catwalk - and then he had thrown her over his shoulder. The lumbering pair struggled towards the way they'd come - at this point resistance was futile, perhaps the droids had bought them some time.

-- -- --
Back in the control room, Agent Mattson was almost literally shaking in his boots. From thin air, two violent beams of light appeared momentarily before plunging themselves deep into the blast doors. The droid had been halted - but something else continued on. Frantically he drew the blaster, pointing it towards the small tips of glowing energy as they began working their way through the door. The Ugnaughts inside grabbed at their own weapons, a wrench, a blaster rifle, even an ion carbine. Looking to his right - Agent Mattson noticed a plasma torch. *This might be better...* he'd seen the footage of Jedi and Sith alike reflecting blaster bolts with ease. Something told him this would turn out no different if that was his choice. Snagging it up, he stood carefully to one side - ready to lash out the moment the doors were breached. Keying up his mic in what might be his final message, he breathed in deeply.

:: We're at the control room - they're still coming through! ::

Val's Loadout:
1 x Lightly Armored Envirosuit
1 x DEMP II Ion Carbine
1 x Modernized DL-44 XT Blaster Pistol

2 x Cryoban Grenades
2 x Glop Grenades
2 x Ion Grenades

Agent Varrus' Loadout:
1 x Lightly Armored Envirosuit
1 x Modernized CR-2 Heavy Blaster Pistol
2 x Glop Grenades
4 x Ion Grenades

Additional Forces:
2 x BV-S 3 Security Droids


Location: Tractor Beam Generator Control
Allies: [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"] | [member="Shamira Karuto"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Makai Dashiell"] | Tech Bob, probably
Enemies: FO
Gear: Bio, yer regular ole flight suit
NPC: Amadalia Vyrn

One satisfying and one frustrating thing occurred in the next five minutes. Because bad news should always be delivered first, Adder opened the encrypted message entitled <Sorry>, and grimaced.

Meshki had done his best, but – unsurprisingly – a grizzled bookie was no match for the trained professionals of FOSB. He’d made some progress with decrypting the ledger’s contents, but nothing that could hint at its purpose.

“Feth.” Copying his data, Adder turned her attention to the SIS contact next.

This time, she smiled. The code-breaking farm had come through a minute early than expected, thanks to some manual slicing help. They were through. They were in. Adder pledged them all a round of beers in Baron’s saloon before sliding over to the mainframe terminal. Almost reverently, she laid her fingers upon the keyboard and logged in.

If she’d been a mere pilot, the words on the interface would’ve been eloquent gibberish. But she was also an engineer. Those words meant something to Adder, and so she promptly set to do the task she was sent here to do:

Redirect the flow of tibanna back to Ugnaught surface.

Say goodbye to control, she grinned to herself as she overrode the master locks. The SIS had done their job to the exemplary standard expected. She had full access, and she used it.

RecTrans = Gabriel Sionoma;
“I have control. Redirecting tibanna back to surface.”;
“Slow progress on ledger.”;
“Updates incoming.”;

While the tractor beams were doing the opposite of what they’d been doing for hundreds of years, Adder opened up the ledger again. Her background search on Amadalia had turned up conspicuously pristine. Clinical, even. She’d known from the get go that there was something fishy about this girl.


RecTrans = Amadalia Vyrn;
“We are aware of your interests in the tibanna trade.”;
“We are aware of your connections.”;
“As an OP representative, your assistance would be appreciated and compensated.”;
“Help us redistribute tibanna to the surface and Ugnorgrad.”;

As she sent the message, Adder rose from the cushy seat. The terminal didn’t require her immediate supervision – the SIS were still plugged in, probably raiding the system for information in the background. Anything odd would pop out at the experienced agents.

The cop herself had different plans.

Crouching next to one of the techs, Adder gave him a swift slap. The humanoid jumped up, eyes wide as he slobbered around his impromptu gag.

“I need your help…” she glanced at his nametag, “Bob.”
He shook his head.
Adder nodded.
He shook his head more.
“Guess I’ll go ask Fred then… after I make it look like you hacked into the mainframe.”

She was already rising to her feet when he began shaking his head even more frantically.

“OKE! Oke!”
“Figured you’d see it my way. Now. I’m gonna remove your gag, and we’re gonna talk about some numbers.”
He stared up at her, nodding with that same enthusiasm.
“Alright. I’m Adder, by the way.”

And then they fu—

er, decoded a ledger.

Location: Inside Hilikan Incineration Plant
Vessel: Alliance Stealth U-Wing (U-60x) (no longer in the vessel)
Objective: Bespin infiltration
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Asmus Janes"], [member="Adder"], [member="Shamira Karuto"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Loske Matson"]
Enemies: First Order, [member="Val Kordova"], [member="Ara Ren"], [member="Brennan Cabrol"], [member="Mishel Ren"]
He was too busy rigging a method into the control room, more than aware of the fact that there was likely someone on the other side waiting for him. He didn't get the chance to look down at his communications and notice the fact that Adder had been successful in her initial mission. The attack on Bespin had many prongs and they could only stop so many.

As his lightsabers cut deeper, he angled them downward, still holding the force shield around him to prevent any potential environmental damage. He realized it was warm but it felt no different then the infamous Galactic Alliance cells, suspended over the noisy magma below.

With what felt like very little time, the metal was turned into molten and slag that dripped to the ground. Like an non precise welder or cutter, he made his way. But as the door fell inward, it wasn't the Master crafter who entered. It was the Defense Drone. Gabe had whistled at it and fudged a couple of commands to force it to roam into the room, nothing more than a glorified roomba.

With it's shimmering shield held outward, Gabe armed the AI wrist blaster for stun and stepped forward to see who he might find. Of course, the KX droid continued it's work, though he was unsure of it's current efficacy.

Location: In station
Vessel: Anoat Station - Administrative Deck (Kuragin)
Objective: Get Harla home
Allies: [member="Taheera Sollo"], [member="Micah Talith"], [member="Deacon"], [member="Keric Dynt"], Galactic Alliance
Enemies: First Order, [member="Aralu Sar"], [member="Magnus Ren"]
Equipment: Amphistaff, standard hold out blaster. Ghost suit. Force Breaker Grenades. Utility Belt.

The warriors of the Vong Slayer caste were chosen upon two major reasons, for their transformation. Strong natural inclination to the force and stocky physique. The first being a requirement to allow them a method of fighting similar to Jedi. The second was to enhance that, providing them capability to move and shift as a Jedi would - given those who might witness them the suspicion that they were, in fact, attached to the force. This next maneuver didn't approach that level of deception as much as display the strength and focus of the fighter.

For when he lunged, he didn't capitalize at the cost of his center of weight. It remained firmly planted towards his stomach, shifting closely to his back leg. The lunge was strictly a moment of power pushed forward with the strength of one side of his body. So when the other attack came, it struck not against his neck but the lifted right arm that found comfort in the coil of the amphistaff. Shallow grooves slivered across its body as it shimmered and crystallized against the strike, body still working to counter the overall movement of the saber and the kinetic force of the strike. But even without that, the hidden blue flesh beneath would have sufficed for protection.

Maalik eyed his opponent as he moved to stand next to his partner. His left hand turned, ring finger touching the thumb as it bent at the wrist, as the amphistaff coiled away from his arm and formed a spear. Spinning the amphistaff, he crouched with both hands on the end and held across his body. The shaft was held at a downward angle as the mouth neared the ground.

"You must be need such formidable armor."

His moves were absent thought towards Harla's attack as he stepped forward. As the tipped swirled, showing the flexibility of the amphistaff, he jabbed the head towards center mass of the Ren to test the waters, as it were.


Well-Known Member
-- -- --
FIS Kuragin
Allies: First Order
[member="Magnus Ren"] | [member="Cameron Centurion"]

Enemies: [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Keric Dynt"]
[member="Vexen"] | [member="Deacon"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Ipsy"]
Engaging: [member="Taheera Sollo"] | [member="Atham'aali'kema"]
-- -- --
It shouldn't have been a surprise to the Disciple, and yet he felt a pang of apprehension. The mysterious foe had easily batted aside the strike he'd made. Even though Aralu knew it was more of a feint than anything else, it still angered him that his opponent was so quick. Growling as he reset his stance, he reminded himself - this was his first encounter with the agents of... well, he didn't know - but it was his first true blue combat. Had he more time he might have mused, his first bout with a true enemy of the First Order wasn't on a real field of battle, but in the somewhat uncomfortably close quarters of a space station mobility was limited - it meant no acrobatics.

After mentally chastising himself for his assumptions, the Zabrak once more faced his enemy, left foot placed slightly ahead of right. In his hands, the saberpike hummed with a violent energy, the white blade cackling. His left hand forward, towards the blade of his weapon - his right hand towards the center of the staff - Aralu's mind processed his situation in a mere moment.

Behind him, Magnus was prone, no doubt the flicker of movement from the corner of his vision a struggle between he and the green skinned Mirialan. They were in a precarious situation, Aralu's back open with Magnus near the floor - but maybe he could use that as an advantage. As he tried to formulate a plan, instinct took over, a rapid and singular purpose driving his action. As the enemy's unorthodox weapon moved towards the ground he saw the deadly flexibility it granted his foe. In all his practice of various weapons and fighting techniques he'd not seen a weapon quite like this, a style so fluid, even more so than his own. It troubled him - but it was a thought he stored away for later. He heard the words of his enemy, goading him to action but he held - in combat there was little time for banter. He would not indulge his foe, at least not yet.

As his foe moved to jab the strange weapon at him, if that is what it could be called for it looked almost as much creature as weapon, he pushed a singular thought towards Magnus.

<< Electricity >>

Just as he'd concluded earlier, if the Knight and Disciple could work as a pair, there was near little that could overcome them. In a swift movement Aralu made his move as the head of the strange serpent jabbed forward.

Rather than strike out or attempt to parry the blow, he turned his head, his rear foot stepping backwards and to the side. As his body began the lateral movement, the butt end of his staff began moving as well, target? The Mirialan assaulting Magnus. A short sideways hop gave him the momentum he needed to swing the end of his saber-pike up towards the woman's back. The movement also cleared him from between the strange assailant and the Knight of Ren. If the two continued to work together as well as they had, his original foe would be greeted a nasty surprise.

It wouldn't by any means be a lethal blow, the saber end of his pike yet faced towards the strange assailant but it with the force he put behind it, was a formidable distraction should it make purchase. As he felt the movement of his body and of the pike, he grimaced inwardly - his aim had been for her lower back, but now that his body was in motion he could see he'd miscalculated. Were the strike to hit, by all appearances it was headed for her posterior.


Objective: Save more than Wampa... Target FO shuttle
Allies: GA Officially [member="John Shepherd"] | [member="Nawago"] | [member="Joza Perl"] | [member="Leo Vandermolen"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] (Others with GA characters)
Enemies: Time...
Theme X

Snow'magedden had washed over them but thanks to Joza's strength it had not consumed them. The vessel has been tossed around like a ship on a rolling ocean but the strength of the Coalitions queen of shimmy had not failed and they had made it though the worse. As the ship came to rest just over FO's outer trench lines flares dropped by a passing flight of Order fighters would help show the rescue crews where to find them.

"Everyone ok?" Bryce called out.

He didn't wait for the responses. Instead he went to begin helping the wounded, and all those still standing to evacuate.

:: [member="Sanya Val Swift"] , are you able to land and give us a lift, this boat is about sunk and if we are going to have any hope of getting the wampa to safety then we need to move fast in the confusion." :: Bryce signaled hoping his wrist link still worked.

In the confusion that ensued Bryce felt the saber call to him again, finding it still in his bag he reached for it again and as he did another vision came to him.

Ara Ren said:
Fire burned through her abdomen, robbing the knight of breath. For a moment, everything froze. Violet eyes burned into her vision, that cold, mocking smile seared into memory, overlaid with other flashes. Light surrounded her, the black photo-negative of a handprint centered, mixing with the violet and crimson lights thrown off from the four blades, one of which burned through the skin, muscle, and bone of her lower rib cage. Blood ran down her chin in small rivulets, the shredded skin now the least of her concerns as each breath sent ice through her veins, a supernova of heat and pain flaring from her gut. Ice and fire wared with each other throughout her body, the hammering of her heart as it struggled against the tide of agony overwhelming all other sounds in her mind, a gasp torn from her throat.
"She will die..." he gasped.

"Joza, get everyone rounded up with as much supplies as we can. Feth the ski shop and head straight to the caves. We need to get Nawago there, have him talk with his people and get them evacuated. I'm going to find us a new ride to haul all those that will join Nawago out. The Order must have some landing pads near here. If I ask nice i'm sure they will let us "Borrow" one."

Bryce didn't wait for a reply. With only a basic med pack and his personal bag he hurried off toward the trench lines and Outpost Veers. The visions now etched into his mind he knew he needed to move fast. What he had seen cannot be allowed to be...

Magnus Ren

Location: FIS Kuragin
Allies: [member="Aralu Sar"], [member="Cameron Centurion"] Maybe, [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] boutta catch it
Enemies: [member="Taheera Sollo"], [member="Atham'aali'kema"]
Objective: ?


The armoured form of the Ren collapsed to the floor. There wasn't going to be a landing on his feet, for he wasn't that acrobatic - so when he hit the ground, he would've began his roll. Would've. Should've. Couldn't. The Mirialan had applied the Force to his person, not on his ankles as he hadn't landed on his feet, but rather on his chest. It was odd, and his roll hadn't even begun to start as surprise rung out through the Force.

That surprise had almost instantly turned to annoyance before he could even register it as actual surprise. Perhaps later, if he were to survive the fight, but in that instance, it had only felt like adrenaline pumping through his body, and that shock of surprise was only more coursing through him - his heart pumping harder.

However, despite the woman being a healer and working on a cellular level, twisting and tugging wasn't going to get the helmet off of his head. That simply wasn't going to work unless she had actually knocked it out of place prior, or if she had magically made the locking seals disappear. At best, her attempts at twisting resulted in his head twisting about, from side to side before he felt his head being tugged every which way as she attempted to take the helmet off his head. A stray thought was his only response as his annoyance flared.


And then he was twisting his head to look not only at the Disciple of Ren that had accompanied him to the Kuragin, but to the strange, barely perceived opponent. Although he couldn't see him specifically, the weapon he used was quite clearly an amphistaff. The Knight of Ren had come across them back when... Well, he couldn't exactly remember, but he rcognized it and knew it by name. Weird. But the thoughts had already been communicated.

There hadn't been an idea as to what the Zabrak was thinking, but when he saw that leg moving backwards, it clicked for the Executioner. Left hand snapped out to the hybrid warrior's serpentine weapon, and had he not been wearing the helmet, Magnus was certain the lightning that crackled forth from his finger tips and to the amphistaff would've left the smell of burnt ozone... Or rather, ate up what atmosphere there was on the Station. A rumbling went through the bulkhead flooring, but he was otherwise busy. The hand that had snapped upwards breaking through the invisible bonds of the Force that held him pinned to the floor - his other hand reaching out to the Mirialan Knight.

The force reached out to her, setting into her muscles and bones, into her very own mind to slow her own reaction speed. At least, that was the idea behind it, he didn't know what the woman was capable of - other than her supposed belief in the Alliance's being on the Station, but when he saw that staff on a trajectory for the alien's back, he figured it'd be best to otherwise distract her as the Zabrak came from the edge of her peripherals.


Well-Known Member
-- -- --
Vessel: TIE Raptor
Allies: [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Jianna Raas"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"]
[member="Jasper Daggett] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance | [member="Micah Talith"] | [member="Sieb Tevv"] | [member="Kamon Vondiranach"]
Objective: Bogey to our six!
-- -- --

Nils tried to wrap his head around the organized chaos that had been the FIS Kuragin only hours before, now steeped in utter chaos. An enemy vessel larger than he'd ever seen had appeared just outside of range of the Kuragin's weapons and unloaded an unholy number of starfighters - or at least he assumed them to be starfighters. Too small for any mass transit shuttles - it appeared they were going to have a fight on their hands. Rapidly Nils manipulated his ship's sensors via the neural link as he tried to get a readout on the fighters being deployed. Keying up their internal comm, he communicated with his wingman.

:: Striker Two. See if you can get a reading on those fighters, we'll be in conta... ::
The Captain's voice cut out abruptly as a flurry of flashes erupted on his HUD. It gave him just enough time to pull back hard on the controls, sending him up and away from the hull of the space station. His fighter climbing away from the hull he looked to his left and over his shoulder as the ion blasts were absorbed by the shields of the station. *That's not good.*

:: Got a bogey, he dropped in on us fast - there he goes! ::
Excitement began to get the better of the young ace. He could feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins, his breathing slowed, his pulse rose - this..This is why he flew, it was the fight that he lived for. Adjusting his controls and bringing himself in a shallow descent after the fighter, he picked it up streaking low across the hull of the Kuragin.

:: See if you can keep on his tail, I'll take the high angle! ::
Location: Hilikan Incineration Plant​
Objective: Hold up the Ren​
Allies: [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] [member="Adder"] [member="Abel"] [member="Kaida Taldir"] [member="Shamira Karuto"]​
Enemies: First Order​
Equipment: In signature​
Directly Engaging: [member="Ara Ren"] [member="Brennan Cabrol"]​
Well that worked better than she had hoped, Taeli thought as the turn of their grapple had resulted in the male's lightsaber going right through the girl's lower abdomen. There was a moment of disbelief from the girl, before the pain came and blood started to leak from the corners of her mouth. She could also feel the shock and, dare she call it horror, from the male as the moment caught up to him and he realized he had just stabbed and killed his likely superior.

He flipped away to land several feet meters away, regrouping himself and calling the lightsaber of the girl to his hand. The girl started to fall, a soft smile on her lips... and then she lashed out with one last gambit. A concealed vibroblade emerged from her gauntlet and stabbed at Taeli's torso. There was a pained expression as while the phrik corset she wore took most of the damage, she felt at least one rib had cracked and breathing suddenly hurt. Her armor was also slightly damaged, some sort of chilling effect from the blade weakening the section that had been stabbed.

Another breath, another flash of pain. Even as the girl fell to the floor, Taeli stepped back a bit, looking at the male. Another breath, more pain. Definitely a cracked rib, some bruising, her analytical mind taking stock. It was uncomfortable, but the pain was still manageable, especially in comparison to the girl's injury. Twirling her lightsaber in her now free hands again, she gave a smile to the male.

"Whoops," she simply said. She could feel his anger... his fear of the consequences of his actions, the resentment towards her for putting him in such a position. He was the only one left, and while she was now slightly injured and he was likely to try his best, she knew she was far more powerful than him. There was an inevitability there, but nothing was entirely certain. She would wait for him to close for the dance again, visibly wincing she as she took another deep breath and pain shot through her chest.
skin, bone, and arrogance
A L L I E S​
[member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Anora Shaw"] | [member="Shaydae Desmaris"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"]​
[member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]​
E N E M I E S​
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Naomi Carolina"]​

Objective: Bring down the shield / Survive Spots' ambush

Pierce led Tauntaun Flight in another intense bombardment of the shield and then pulled up, drawing back to prepare for another round. It would have to buckle eventually; even an Alliance -- or allied mercenary -- shield would have to crumble at some point, and Tauntaun Flight was prepared to put that theory to the test. Tauntaun Flight wheeled around, performing another strafing run against the shield at a breakneck speed, until --

:: Tauntaun Lead, orbital command :: the signal crackled across Pierce's command channel. :: Bogeys inbound on vector oh three seven! ::

"Pull up," Pierce ordered over his squadron channel. The strategy was two-fold: altitude was always better; if they went high enough, there was a chance orbital forces could give suppressing fire. The other fold? The unique shape, color, and coating of the TIE Ithaquas would make them hard to see, and what was hard to see was hard to hit with conventional weapons like lasers -- if Pierce's experience was anything to go by. A pilot relied on his instruments but only to a certain extent; he trusted his eyes more.

The Ithaquas were performing marvelously, designed as they were for a frigid environment. The TIE/R on the other hand was performing adequately, but it wasn't brilliant. After a moment, [member="Naomi Carolina"] and her friends appeared on Pierce's screens. "Attack pattern epsilon, go now," Pierce ordered. "Tauntaun Two, take lead of the other group." The fighters split -- Pierce leading half, Tauntaun two the other half -- and raced towards the skies. "Don't let them get behind you!"

Hogrum Veed

Location: Victory-X Star Destroyer, Heading for Bespin.
Allies: [member="Aran Piett"]
Enemies: [member="Vilin"], [member="Raze Lyter"], [member="Relit Vandal"] apparently.


Hogrum imagined that's what he would've heard when he spotted the blue streaks stream past the bridge of the Devastator. As the ship picked up speed, they moved faster and faster, though the difference was impossible to tell on the account of inertial dampeners and compensators at work. Still, the Lieutenant could only imagine as to their purpose - there wasn't any additional rumbling to the Heavy Cruiser - other than what was being fired at them from straight ahead.

"Curious," Captain Thailus said.

"What is?" Hogrum inquired.

"Helmsman, sound the evacuation. Everyone to their designated escape pods."

"Sir?" Hogrum said, raising dark, thick and bushy brow.

Beyond the initial surprise, there were already officers and ensigns alike heading for the exit for the Bridge. They were already on their way to their designated pods, and Hogrum sent a nod to the Helmsman. To which, he got up and hurried from the bridge. Within a minute the bridge was cleared and it was just the two of them as Hogrum followed the Captain to the helms controls.

"There isn't a feasible way to escape this..." Hogrum cautioned.

"There isn't."

The Star Destroyer had barely entered maximum range for the enemy's ion cannons to begin firing. After all, moving from extreme long range to a more standard, medium range still took time - time for which the Alliance fighters had to take to travel the extremely vast distance that was the vacuum of space. By Thailus' calculations, it gave them enough time to converse.

Hogrum, in his own mind had already come to the conclusion of what was going to happen. "I... See."

"Admiral Yvarro had you under her wing - I'm sure you've learned much more than I could've."

"What do you mean?"

"You used to be a sarcastic Junior Officer, one who could barely hold his tongue, Lieutenant Veed. You've grown since the Omega Crisis. Think on it. Now get to your pod - That's an order, Commander."

And so, Hogrum headed for the turadium blast door, and as it shut, he spotted the Captain punching something into the navigation console, and then he was sprinting down the hallway to his escape pod. Recent additions, for those on the Bridge decks, those crew and navy persons that were in other sections of the ship had likely already evacuated - dispersing throughout space and being gathered by the other ships of the taskforce. And Hogrum watched, staring out the window of the escape pod, just as he was shot out into space.

The Devastator was there one moment, and it disappeared in a flash.

There had been an idea in his mind as to the plan of Captain Thailus, but he hadn't gone through all of the steps of it. Hogrum blinked. In the space that the Devastator had been occupying, blue streaks flew through it, torpedoes and ion cannon bolts alike. There were other escape pods as well, those that had been hidden by the mass that had been the Devastator.

And pressing his face against the window of the pod, as it rotated, it came about to spot the Alliance taskforce in orbit of Bespin, and the familiar shape of the Devastator as it completed its micro-jump, turbolasers, ion cannons and missiles alike being released unto the ANS Temperance. Although the ship didn't have targeting solutions and sensors anymore, Thailus on the Bridge had reserved the right to control the guns from the Bridge, and one didn't need targeting solutions to have all guns locked in forwards position firing blindly, though the Devastator was anything but blind as it dropped out of hyperspace directly in front of them.

The micro-jump had lasted long enough to give pause and potentially surprise and wonderment as to where the ship had gone.

And then, above the Alliance taskforce were four ships. Two Fortan-II's and two Dagger-II's.

Almost instantaneously as the FIV Kama came out of Hyperspace, it projected its missile deactivation transmitter. The torpedoes that had streaked off to the Redemption had had their tracking disabled, the Redemption continuing on the path it was on as deactivated torpedo warheads screeched past the hull harmlessly. While the Kama jammed missiles, the Katar jammed sensors and the enemy's targeting solutions. The opposing forces would have knowledge of where they had dropped out of hyperspace, but akin to their own disruptor torpedoes that they had fired earlier upon the Devastator the willingness of having sensors jammed was moot.

At which the speed this occurred, it'd be difficult, nigh impossible to even discern as to what class and type of ship they were unless they had been spotted outside the window. The mark two's had barely been in use before this engagement, and the chances of them being logged into the Alliance computers as First Order ships was unlikely.

From behind and above the ANS Viperous, the Daggers and Fortans fired their combined armament upon the rear of the custom ship. Turbolaser and ion cannons alike, and Fortans fired their baradium missiles from their launchers. Akin to nukes, against an unshielded target the damage would be devastating.

And from as far as he was, Hogrum saw the flashes of light of ships returning to real space, but as to what was happening, he couldn't tell. A shadow blocked out the distant sun, he couldn't tell what the class of ship was, but based off of positioning, it was likely the Redemption, who had since rotated fire from the Temperance, and onto the Viperous as the resurgence of new ships entered the fray. Alongside them however, were anti-star fighter corvettes. As enemy fighters surged forwards, they were met with a wall of scathing laser fire to deter their advance, and if they sought to continue, well, they were destroyed as was the beauty of the ships design and function.

FIV Devastator - Flagship - Centre of Formation, Victory-X Star Destroyer. - Recharging Shields, No comms. All fire on the Temperance.
FIV Redemption - Assault Vessel - Right Flank of Devastator, Boneshatter Assault Frigate. Firing on the Viperous
FIV Death's Beverage - Support Vessel - Right Flank of Devastator, Mukhtiar Corvette. - Picking up Escape pods.
FIV Know Death - Assault Vessel - Left Flank of Devastator, Boneshatter Assault Frigate. Firing on the Temperance.
FIV Savagery - Support Vessel - Left Flank of Devastator, Mukhtiar Corvette. - Picking up escape pods.

Reinforcements from [member="Fiolette Yvarro"], since this point.

At Bespin, Support Unit: Celestian
Hogrum Veed's Disposal, Orbit of Bespin
FIV Kama | Dagger II
FIV Katar | Dagger II
FIV Dowager | Fortan II
FIV Duchess | Fortan II

2x Daggers (488m)
2x Fortans (400m)
Allies: [member="Adder"] [member="Loske Matson"] [member="Abel"]
Enemies: [member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Samka Derith"] and others in vicinity
Location: Upper Cloud City
Objective: Clear space around Cloud City. Escort U-Wings

The Jedi was unresponsive all of a sudden. Perhaps the blood had gone to his head from.being suspended upside down or maybe the shock of the crash had caught up with his system. They said Jedi had ways to shrug off damage that would bring a normal person to their knees. Either way it wasn't a good sign. Two GADF medics pushed their way out of the wreckage.

“What happened?” Asmus called. With a final glance around him he reluctantly holstered his blaster.

“Hyperdrive malfunction… or something.” replied the first medic. The other one was shaky on her feet. She was helped away from the scene by the first one to reply. She was leant against a wall a short distance from the shuttle. Probably not far enough if the fuel supply went, Asmus reflected.

“Help me get him down!” Asmus shouted back. The medic who seemed in a much better condition jogged back over.

“Who are you with again?”

“Black Squadron,” Asmus replied using the public name of the SIS squadron. “Was ordered to report back on the crash but decided to get down here.” He pulled a small multi-tool from his belt. It was supposed to be for emergency patch up jobs, but the cutting beam would get the Jedi down easily enough.

“Bold move,” the medic replies. “Do you have another shuttle?”

“Not nearby,” Asmus replied. “Does your friend need attention? Here take his weight. I'll get his legs and cut the strapping from the rails.” He wrapped one arm around the Service Corps Jedi’s legs and thumbed the multi tool. A small beam a few inches long flared to life and started to cut through the mesh. Asmus could feel the heat of the fires now. It was hard to tell if it was getting through the suit or if the intensity of the blaze was growing. Either way they needed to collect the crash survivors and put some distance between themselves and the shuttle.


Abel didn't remember much after tossin' up his lunch all over the ground. Since he was hangin' upside down he didn't get any on him. He remembered being very happy about that for some reason. It seemed important.

Next thing he knew he was wakin' up. Felt like he was floatin' away.

Oh. Am I dead?

He blinked open his eyes blearily and noticed the medics carrying him.


"He's awake," one of the medics said. "Are you ambulatory?"


"Can you walk?"

"Oh. Yeah, I think so."

They put him down and he didn't fall over immediately. That was a good sign. "Thank you," he nodded to the medics, frowning slightly at one of them. That fellow did not look very medic-y. Something about the way he carried himself said he put his boots on right in the morning. Had that swagger to him.

[member="Asmus Janes"]

Location: Space Station – Deck B – Some Hallway
Allies: GA, [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Vexen"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Deacon"] [member="Keric Dynt"][member="Ipsy"]
Enemies: FO, [member="Magnus Ren"] [member="Aralu Sar"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] etc
Objective: Escape said hallway and Find the homies
Equipment: SI-HD Armor, Multi-Weapon Elite Model tool, a pair of blasters with extra energy cells, Vital Communication Security Monitor First Order Issued (Loot from incapacitated Trooper)

As much as Allyson wanted to make a trip back to see if anymore had survived, she knew they needed to press on. It was one of those choices someone had to make and she looked towards Decan and sighed softly. “We should press on, if you want you can have two stay back and search, but we’re losing precious time.” Looking up from where they had fallen she shook her head. “If collapse is already happening, I don’t think we’re going to be on this floor much longer.” The structure was the structure and if levels were falling on themselves, well they had to keep moving or they’d be squashed with the next round of whatever just happened.

Looking around, there wasn’t much, not even a map of sorts. One would think there would be a ‘you are here’ map somewhere on the walls. Guess the First Order liked having their people get lost. Frowning, Allyson tried to think on her feet. If they moved back they would be going through the wreckage. There had to be some sort of sign somewhere that told them where they were. She remembered her entrance was on Level B – going down mean they were possibly on level C. “We have to be close to something like engineering or whatever. I need to get my hands on a maintenance panel, if I get to one of those, I can get us out of here or find us some friends.”

Heading towards the direction away from the collapse, Allyson did her best to try and feel through the force, feel through the station for something that was electronic and she could hook herself up too. Groaning, she wished she was more viable in the force over Mechu Deru.

Tela Uolmi

Allies: Wouldn't you like to know?
Enemies: You're about to find out...
Location: Upper Cloud City
Objective: What was that crash? Can I help?

What was she doing on Cloud City? That was a long story, but of all things, an invading force just had to fall upon the gas giant (as if she wasn't tied up with enough of her own problems, already) while she was on it, and the engagements up above - why she was up so high in the city, in the first place, to get an eye on things - made grabbing an escape vector less simple. That is, if she needed to leave. Which she didn't, as far as she knew. The warzone wasn't a problem, all things considered, and more temperate than the cooler climes of Csilla or Hoth. Again, long story.

What kind of idiot walks into a warzone? Probably the one that had it dropped on them, like she did, like every First Order boot she'd masqueraded amongst for most of the day, until she secured shuttle access and disappeared to the upper levels. You either did what you could, or you stayed the feth out of the way, and she was doing one, then the other. She entertained an amused thought as to whether the poor schmuck she swiped this getup off of would spend the whole engagement locked in that maintenance closet - his problem, not hers! - and lifted the blaster pistol she'd yoinked along with the uniform, as she approached the corner and remained tight against the wall, listening to the voices of what she couldn't tell was a medic, a Jedi ([member="Abel"]), and a... no. It wasn't [member="Asmus Janes"]. What were the chances?

She holstered the weapon, and moved closer to get a better look, only thinking for half a second that if it was Janes, then her disguise might not inspire faith. On the other hand, she wasn't going to prance out in the nude... more because of the live conflict than anything else. Yep. Exactly that. She adjusted her pilfered cap, and frowned at the increasing heat, but now had a visual of the back of a head she couldn't possibly mistake, and had ascertained that there were injured. Well, some people would say she was practically honour-bound to help, damning outfit or no. So, she stepped out into view, and announced herself:

"Uh, hey," she said, "you guys look like you could use some help?"

Allies: FO | [member="Kira Solvani"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Anora Shaw"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Chron Terix"] | [member="TK-4261 Strain"] | [member="Shaydae Desmaris"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Hatori Ikari"] | [member="Pharazon Draken"]

Enemies: GA | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Tomas Yarrow"] | [member=Rusty] |[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Tsuki Aihara"] | [member=HK-36] | [member="Sol Stazi"]

Directly Engaging: A mouthful of wing and snow --- [member="Aver Brand"]

Incoming: [member="Isar Kislo"]

"I know." She hissed back, while trying to make any sense out of the battle raging around them. All of that went away the moment every single fiber of her body screamed out in the instinctive alarm that they had been taught from the moment the Arkanian could walk and draw on the Force: Danger. It called out and forced her to pay attention regardless of what she wanted to do herself. Instincts, especially battle reflexes forged into her from drooling training sessions every single day for years, were difficult if not impossible to override.

Arcana's hands forced themselves up and once again the Ren tried to force her reality into the world. The shape of a dome flickered in, flickered out and just a fraction of a second on time it solidified itself around her. A blur... no, a shape, no... it was more than that. It was like the weight of a mountain slammed itself into the shield and tried its best to break through and get to them.

The kinetic force was almost too much to handle as her hands started to pulse with energy, while she tried to keep the shield up.

Blood seeped from her nose.

But the shield held.

If just barely.

For a moment the little Ren's joy at being successful turned overwhelming, before training settled in again. In her head her hands already clapped together like thunder - the way she had trained for years - but it was more difficult in reality. It felt like goo held her hands in place. A tension rising in her head, until time started rolling again all of a sudden and the tension snapped.

The palms of her hands fell together and the shield collapsed, but not inward.

Instead the combined energy of the shield lashed out in a radial aura of absorbed kinetic strength and force power.

"Taste this, fether." Arcana growled out, while the sharp pain behind her eyes rose.

Location: Hilikan Incineration Plant
Vessel: No longer in U-Wing
Objective: Infiltrate
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Asmus Janes"], [member="Shamira Karuto"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Gabriel Sionoma"], [member="Adder"]
Enemies: First Order, [member="Val Kordova"], [member="Mishel Ren"], [member="Ara Ren"], [member="Brennan Cabrol"]
Gear: Light Paddle, stealth blaster, another blaster, armour (in sig), melee shield (in sig), vibroknife, lightsabre, no-show.

Things happened in rapid succession. Unexpectedly, the security droid rallied and suddenly deployed the last trick up its sleeve. In making contact between the prong and Kaida's leg, it deployed a massive ion discharge. Kaida's attention had been focused on the woman, who even whilst in the throes of anguish caused by the torrent of lightning, fired blaster bolt after blaster bolt towards her. The Seraph's lightsabre had sprung into action, slashing bolts out of the air. Bolts bounced off her sabre, ricochetted off walls or shot towards either of the droids. With her other hand, she ramped up the lightning.

Then she felt a strong jolt as the ion discharge was unleashed. Ion weapons were generally not effective against organic targets, unless they were very powerful. They could stun though - and obviously muck up all sorts of electrical systems.

Kaida was pushed back by the stun blast, and her leg felt it needed a wakeup call. Her HUD went haywire and the targeting assistance systems in her helmet gave up the ghost, while the no-show was now a thoroughly useless toy since it lacked power to operate. Ah, well, they'd been detected anyway. Thrown into a temporary daze by the ion attack, she sustained a glancing blow from one of Kordova's bolts to the shoulder. Her lightsabre moved on automatism, for even though sight failed her, she still had her Sciia and so let it guide her. Discipline took over and she maintained her purchase upon the ground, unwavering.

With cold fire inside her eyes, Kaida crushed the prong and willed more forking arcs of bright, dazzling lightning to explode from her hand. The strength and radius had been increased, making it sweep towards both Kordova and her mechanical minion. Based on Kaida's calculation, the electrical attack should overload the robot's circuits and destroy it, while hurting her organic opponent a lot. Finally, her HUD rebooted, though at reduced efficacy.

An explosion erupted when her opponent's blaster exploded with a crack. The air was filled with the smell of burnt electronics and durasteel. There was still quite some distance between Kaida and the FOSB agent, but some pieces rained down upon her. However she was wearing phrik armour and so most shards just bounced off, though some hit hard enough to bruise. One shard sliced into a joint below her arm pit, and she grit her teeth, instinctively drawing upon her cryomancy to neutralise the intense heat while Crucitorn blotted out the pain to a degree. As the veil of smoke was lifted, she could see that the blaster-wielding woman had been blown back a good deal and was being dragged away down the catwalk.
tinker tailor soldier spy
Location: Bespin, Hotel Suite
Objective: Get our shet together
Allies: [member="Jorg"], [member="Canal"]
Enemies: Time.

Locke looked on impassively as the events unfolded before them.

The farther they dove into the rabbit hole the more uncomfortable he became with it all. A few times Elly had to look away, before being dragged back into it because of morbid curiosity and the knowing discipline that each and every single picture could contain a hint. Something that would betray to them important details of their actual mission on Bespin itself. In this instance it wasn't a good thing that Locke found it almost impossible to forget anything, be that faces or situations or details, if he was sober and clear.

All of these images would be burned into his retina for the rest of his life.

Then the last picture came around and Locke sighed to himself. Why the ladies thought it would be a good idea to take their duffel bags was anyone's question, but they'd have to get them back.

"Back to where it all began then." Elly said, before requesting the data pad, once Jorg shut it down. Yeah, they wanted to just snap it in half. But any SIS agent worth their salt knew that it wouldn't do anything at all. Nothing conclusive anyway. He blinked twice and the integrated cybernetics in his head reengaged themselves. Already he could feel the drain it caused on his body, but this was important. Took him only a moment to integrate himself with the data pad and send a kill-order on the root level, which caused the entire layer of software to be wiped out.

It wouldn't even be capable of solving a basic math equation now.

He handed it over to Canal - maybe breaking it would feel cathartic.

"I remember the club we went to, that's our best bet, yeah?" Unless they had any qualms, he gestured with his head for them to head out. The invasion was already in full force: explosions in the distance, the soft and steady cadence of Grand Marshal Rhen's voice repeating itself to the citizens of Bespin. Elliot got out of the hotel and took a moment to reorient himself.

The streets seemed almost empty now. Only a few people walking here and there, in a rush to get home? Or a secure location?

Hopefully the club would have a better chance for them.

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