Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Some Like it Hoth [Galactic Alliance Invasion of First Order Hoth|Bespin Hex]

FIV Accuser
Sabre squadron
Objective: overwatch [member="Aran Piett"]

Sabre squadron, the new special forces that she had been given command of. Sadly she was a bit late for her own training she sat up. She took a brisk pace as she walked through the halls, she got into a elevator and made her way down and into the hangar before finally arriving spotting aran as she gave a smile and approached

a problem sir are they not working hard enough?

She joked if course and nodded to them to take a break as she looked at aran, the squadron had been getting ready for whatever was to come to bespin. This wpuld be the first and true test of sabre and it's operational efficiency. Hard to believe within a few years she had made it this far as to command the special forces....really she felt proud that she got this far
[SIZE=10pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Don’t crash[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Hoth Atmosphere - Heading toward Outpost Veers[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][member="Xel"] [member="Ryan Korr"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]FO [member="TK-4261 Strain"][/SIZE]

The redhead shivered as her HUD filled with the crisp, atmosphere of Hoth and the blues and whites below. She had on winter-gear in case of the unthinkable. But still...

This place was nothing like growing up in the small canyon port of Barkesh.

And hearing Jedi Master Korr's voice in her head was still mightily disturbing. Freckled-face soured slightly. The teen had a lot of angst but she was more focused on the job. Had to protect the bombers. Back pressed against the seat of the cockpit as the throttle went down, nose pointed toward the ground.

"I'm getting readings of heavy defense emplacements. I'll draw their attention so you're clear for your run," she spoke directly to Xel. Unlike Korr, she had comms and a BB8 unit in the back, locked away in the cargo storage. Comms scrambled frequency and location so it'd be hard for an enemy to pick up. And so far, she didn't see any other fighters on their radars. Might get a clear run.

Mind briefly touched out to Korr's, still getting the hang of things. Talking mind-to-mind was the darndest thing.

Going in.

Fingers tightened around the toggle as she dropped the first proton torpedo toward the guns on the ground.
[SIZE=10pt]Objective: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Don’t turn red every five seconds when addressed by the Micah kid[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Vessel: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Aeon Flux[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Location: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Anoat Sector [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Allies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt][member="Micah Talith"] [member="Vexen"] [member="Allyson Locke"] [member="Ipsy"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Enemies: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]FO [/SIZE]

Unlike the little defel, the gangly-limbed and odd-angled small force master was VERY comfortable being on a ship within the depths of space. Her mind tended to get along more with machines and code than it did with people. The technopath had always been that way, even when she was just a slicer traipsing through the underground cafe networks of Nar Shadda.

Blue-eyes cracked open as the Talith-dude sauntered in, oozing swagger and cocky grins.

Thin-lips pressed even thinner as she quietly stared back until a moment past awkward. Finally, bony-butt slid off the seat and her civilian issued fanny-pack was adjusted over her hips. Converse-clad shoes remained un-tied and left on the bench behind in favor of the grav-boots.


Thin-suit was on beneath her skinny-jeans. #savesomestyle

The blonde gave a mouse-like nod to Micah and scurried past him toward the shuttles to find a seat. Shoes caught on the decking just once but no one could catch the burn that flashed over her pale cheeks as she quickly righter herself from the stumble.
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Brennan Cabrol"], [member="Irajah Ven"], [member="Mishel Ren"], [member="Ara Ren"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Ghorua the Shark"]

Alkor sifted through the structured chaos as the evacuation came full tilt. His sensors picked up various heart rates and blood pressures in his immediate vicinity, some abnormally calm while others ranged close to dangerous levels. The regular guard of Bespin collaborated with First Order defenses as they worked hard to get civilians out of their homes. Their homes, that on a whim had become a warzone. Alkor remembered briefly the terror stricken attendant when the realization struck. These people were losing everything, all over a dispute between two governing bodies.

He watched one boy as he stumbled, seemingly forgotten in the madness. "Mama?" the child questioned fearfully. "Papa?"

War was a reality many people never saw. Children forcibly separated from parents, boys forced to war and killed- the harsh truths of the galaxy were often forgotten beneath the comfortable lie of "peace." The Alliance cried it out, cried out freedom as they stormed toward Bespin.

Alkor hated people like that.

He knelt beside the child and peeled the helmet from his head. "Are you alright?" he asked softly. The boy stared at him, bewildered. "I'm here to help you. Do you know where you're going?"

"Mama and Papa," he whined desperately. "I can't find them. I've looked everywhere, and now everyone is scared and I'm getting scared, too."

"It's alright to be scared," Alkor told him. "Fear keeps us alive. But you have to be stronger than the fear. Can you do that?"

His bright blue eyes matched the Dark Jedi's gaze, and he sniffed. "How do I do that?" he asked.

The Corellian remembered, so very long ago. Back in Coronet, when his mother was lucid enough to hold him. He remembered how scared he was, how the drunken men had stormed into his house, and the things he saw. He remembered his mother's assurance, her words of strength.

He remembered the cruel, harsh teachings of his Master. The importance of power over himself. Crushing all emotion, tempering each thought with rationale- Alkor remembered becoming a machine. For many years, it eclipsed his humanity, and it kept him alive.

The boy who watched drunken men as they terrorized his mother had died. His legacy was a man no better than those he had feared. Alkor knew what he had to say to this child, though he had no right to say it.

"No matter what it is you're afraid of," his voice turned soft, and his mother's words poured from his mouth. "Be brave. You are stronger than those fears. If you run, you'll only get further from what you're looking for." He placed a hand on the boy's head, and his lips curled into a smile. "You have to go forward. Always forward."

"Forward..." the boy looked up at him in awe.

"That's right," Alkor nodded. "See that line?" he asked, and gestured toward the refugees. The child nodded. "If you follow it to the end, you will find your parents. Ask the guards. They can help you."

"You promise?" the child asked uncertainly.

"I promise." Alkor nodded. "Hurry, it's not safe here."

He watched the child shuffle down the line, drying his tears and moving with a newfound tenacity. Alkor turned slowly, and he replaced the helmet on his head. "Things [member="Keira Ticon"] is never allowed to hear about," he mused to himself.

The evacuation of Calirissian Plaza seemed to be going well as he entered the square. People had formed the last lines toward safety and it was steadily emptying. Alkor skimmed the area with his HUD, looking to be sure there were no straggling civilians.

Satisfied, he opened the First Order comm channel. "This is Alkor Centaris," he stated. "I am assisting with the evacuation of Cloud City. First Order forces in the area, I am available to assist with further duties upon request."

Location: Cloud City, near Calrisian Plaza
Allies: [member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Mishel Ren"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | The First Order | [member="Alkor Centaris"]​
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Ghorua the Shark"]​
Objective: N/A
To the right of their group, Brennan walked with a summoned confidence within his stride, his mind on the fight that was to follow this time hindered not by the need for tactics in diplomacy. The Galactic Alliance was bringing war upon First Order soil now, it gave him the absolute freedom to take into combat upon whoever so happened to cross his path and as even only a Disciple of the Knights of Ren, he still held priority over the auxiliary troops moving out to secure the Calrisian Plaza.

”Shall we escort the good doctor here to the nearest shuttle?”
[member="Ara Ren"] suggested, to which Brennan turned to glance back briefly to the Doctor across his shoulder, his right hand falling to the holstered P-23 Sidearm and detaching the clip that held it in place with his thumb, allowing for a quicker draw upon the Blaster Pistol should the need so arise. In response to her question, he turned to spare [member="Samka Derith"] a glance, her decision by way of command. Around them the air was filled with anxiety and fear, the Darkside ever present in the calm before the storm that was to wash over the City, with it came a sense of power and excitement; Brennan's gaze lowering briefly to the ground floor as he walked swiftly, his mind taking in the smallest of details in the pavement, as if to taste the lasting moments of peace upon the floating city before his purpose would become absolute. There was a certain peace of mind in following hierarchy and the code of order that came with the Knights of Ren; every breath would be spent for the will of Seiger Ren and his peers and if he were to fall this day, it would be done going out in a blaze of aggression aimed at the enemy of the First Order, for they were challenging peace and security for all denizens living under their reign. What the Galactic Alliance misunderstood about the First Order, taking for dictatorship and the forcing of will, Brennan knew to be the pride and strength of a nation whose power stood to protect and serve the better interests of galactic society, all shaped by the Supreme Leader, he of whom would lead them into a just and prosperous future.

"This is Alkor Centaris, I am assisting with the evacuation of Cloud City. First Order forces in the area, I am available to assist with further duties upon request."
[member="Alkor Centaris"]' call came out across the device strapped across Brennan's left arm, raising the datapad to key in his activation code given to those among the Ren security priority command over the frequency if only to be temporary in order to relay their position to the offer of support. "First Order Personnel are on station within the Calrisian Plaza, all non-military personnel are being prepped for evacuation. Suggest reinforcing the area. Hostiles are en-route, ensure casualties are minimal and rendezvous with us at..." He paused, swiping the screen right to briefly check their location and where the Landing Zone for evac shuttles were expected to drop, "Grid four-three alpha. Report to Samka Derith on arrival". Perhaps he was taking liberties though his superiors need not bother themselves with those that weren't already in their line of sight. No doubt Alkor would bring with him a wealth of skill given his willingness to jump into the fight against the Galactic Alliance, though Brennan had seen the menial task of relaying information to be something he could do to keep himself busy and productive before the real challenge was to arrive.

There was a common misconception about the Knights of Ren to those few that knew of their existence, to believe that they were the same as the Sith, it irritated him something foul; though in all honesty, given the secretive Order that he stood within, Brennan was arguably one of the more eager to step into the throes of war and to see his blade bloodied by those that would oppose them. It was the nature of the path that he had chosen, to be one of the Knights of Ren to have to jump into the path of violence that others wouldn't need to and as generous or sacrificial as that might sound, deep down he enjoyed it and it was going to show this day. His shoulders carried a sway to the cloak that flowed in tail of him, his form broad as adrenaline was carried through his veins and his gaze had started to jump between individuals that got within their path scanning for any possible sign of the enemy being at their door. Around him, his presence in the force grew dark and dense, his doing nothing to hide it as was the case in most jobs requiring stealth and caution, here he would embrace all that came to him through the force, that it would keep him strong and give him the hate that was required to see another battle through.

Pride and glory to the First Order
Location: En route to Bespin, breaking out from hyperdrive
Vessel: Piloting Alliance Stealth U-Wing (U-60x)
Objective: Bespin infiltration
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Asmus Janes"], [member="Adder"], [member="Shamira_Karuto"], [member="Makai Dashiell"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Loske Matson"]
Enemies: First Order
As they cut through the clouds of Bespin, the City came into view. Meanwhile, Gabe had taken it upon himself to pull up a browncoat datalogger of news in the recent past. Nothing currently breaking, as it was clear information would be controlled in its dissemination, but more just in the recent past throughout the sector. Trends, mistreatment, anything that might be of significance. Something caught his eye and despite his original intentions, it didn't pertain to the Plaza.

He moved the cursor to show an interesting trend of stories related to the disregard of Ugnaughts and their technical expertise. Though it was clearly not openly or explicitly stated, there was a modicum of vigor in the apparent efforts taken against them. Of course, nothing really surprised the Marshall in reference to the First Order - though it did send a chill up his spine that such was the expectation. And the Alliance was just now getting to reclaiming this territory.

He scrolled through what would be the equivalent of the tabloids for the Ugnaught labor boards. Stories and rumors, all which couldn't be confirmed, spoke of removing the Ugnaught influence from the industrial sector, particularly in the droid destruction facilities. There was also some implication of indoctrination and reeducation, though it felt far too removed from reality to be taken seriously. Gabe shook his head at the images, which showed a sort of morphing shape between Ughnaught and Human. The tabloid's address was hosted out of Ugnorgrad, a satellite extremist 'news' source that originated from Gentes. It would have been humorous if not for the gravity of the situation. Though it did get him thinking.

He stood up and approached the cockpit. He looked towards @Loske Maton. "Change of plan...I'd like to be dropped off at the Hilikan Incineration Plant. Well, not at it, but close by."

"Something going on? We got report of troops at the plaze?" The copilot to her left perked up and Gabe held out his hand.

"No, nothing like that. Just...a feeling."

He felt nothing in the change of the trajectory, as it was miniscule. Standing before all the people, he looked around. "We will be passing by the Plaza very soon. I had thoughts towards scaling the facility at this point thoughts have changed. If you wish to go that route, I won't stop you. But I will be heading towards the Incineration Plant. We will be arriving soon."
Location, Bespin, The Underground Bar
Allies: [member="Chloe Blake"] | [member="Makai Dashiell"] | [member="Kaili Talith"]
Enemies | First Order
Gear: - Thunderclap | Woebringer | Taozin Amulet | Bar full of alcohol

So when ships started actualy stopping at the platform Rekha had the group put things back post haste business needed to be normal, just in case. She was having spasms about what to do, after all she and [member="HK-36"] had not yet determined that she was free and clear. Additionally the red haired fire maiden known as [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] hadn't given her the all clear either. Perhaps this little skirmish would bring them in for a drink.

Rekha was behind the bar her weapons holstered on each hip. Her right hand rested on the hilt of the blaster, if anyone put holes in the bar she'd throw them off the platform.

For a moment she allowed herself to relax and the staff went back into customer service mode to take orders. Once the doors opened the miners came back in too, grumbling and wondering what the feth had gotten into the green eyed brunette. Business picked up quickly didn't matter to folks about what they heard they were hungry and disgruntled since half were told to leave the surface.

Eva, Ana and Jarod were smiling and moving once again like silk between tables. Eva got her share of admirers as usual Rekha kept a sharp eye in case someone decided to treat Eva unladylike. Ana could be heard around the bar laughing and flirting but she was older more experienced and knew how to handle herself. Jarod he hung back some smiling as always but tonight his posture reflected Rekha's, caution.

It felt like just another day, maybe it was and she was just over reacting. When was the last time she over reacted? She couldn't remember.

Rekha felt it in her bones she knew this was all show on her end....things were going to change....
Location: Coming out of hyperspace in the Anoat Sector
Vessel: Calrissian Class Freighter with updated Sensor Mask and cargo hold painted with Sensor-Deflector Spray
Objective: Anoat First Order Space Station
Allies: Taheera Sollo, Micah Talith Galactic Alliance
Enemies: Currently unknown
Equipment: Amphistaff, standard hold out blaster. Other equipment will be assigned

The reversion came all too quickly. The physical expression wasn't so much the issue as was the memory of such event. He recalled the way, in a clawcraft, how the full stop sent his stomach into the back of his throat. But now, he sat quietly as they came to, looking over towards Harla. The plan had changed, according to the guard, but seeing as Maalik was foreign to the initial plan, it phased him very little.

"Here, take this equipment and head to the cargo hold!"

Elsewhere, the ship had relayed information from [member="Micah Talith"]'s ship, the Aeon Flux, about a shift in plans.

The Segue 7 vomited out in view of the FIS Kuragin, in line with multitudes of civilian vessels. Likely the sort just looking for a pitstop or a place to bunk up for the night. The way space worked, it often felt lonely in the deep abyss and one could only go so long without the comfort of proximity. Except for Maalik, he often preferred the silence. The failure to stir memories from the seeping wound of his mind, to stir feelings and emotions left long ago on Selvaris, was something he looked forward to.

Standing, he overheard the communications between comms operator and space station. ::Roger that, this is Segue 7. We are complying with traffic and direction protocols. Thanks for the safe keeping.::

Maalik wasn't in the 'know' enough to know that code words were being spoken across open communications. Instead, he looked over his shoulder towards the Mirialan who was following quickly behind him through the small confines of the ship.

"Hurry up, get to the hold and you'll be briefed there!" The man behind them whispered as he nudged them through the arteries of the vessel. Maalik was content to bide his time, as the Alliance were, until they decided to tell him what was going on and what his part in this was. Just had to keep his eyes on Harla.
Objective: Secure the flank.
Location: Deep Underneath Outpost Veers
Allies: [member="Fiver"] | [member="Null"] | @Asharard Graush | [member="Selene Sinclaire"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Hatori Ikari"]
Enemies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Aver Brand"]t
Loadout: Lightsaber | MPL-32 | 6x MPL Anti-Tank Missies | 3x MPL Cluster Bombs | 3x MPL Anti-Air Missiles | F-11 Blaster Rifle | Akure Executive Dragonskin Suit | AEL Spring Bloodwalker Boots | 4x Thermal Detonators

"Quit your whining maggot!" The stormtrooper major barked at Rexus as he scrambled with his bag of detonators, "If you don't keep your mouth karking shut, I will sew it shut!" The major bellowed. The Gundark Gunners, or more reasonably, what remained of them now scrambled deep beneath Outpost Veers, setting up thermal detonators, and booby traps.

Rexus snarled at the man from behind the scarves adorning his face. The whole affair was humiliating for the newly instated thrall. How was he meant to know VX gas would filter into the rest of the station? How was he to bloody know that some knob jockey on Skor would bugger things up for them all? The ex-stormtrooper, now lived a life of grimace. With no uniform to identify him, no women patriotically offered themselves to him anymore. Now he was a joke, cast out from the very organisation he swore to serve.

Bitterness, and resentment now flowed through Rexus' veins. "Yes sir." He grunted through gritted teeth, as he placed another thermal detonator on the wall. The auxiliary thrall now buried himself with his work. Resigned to the lower pay grade, and an insurmountable increase in people riding his arse. Now he'd wasted nearly four years of wages, buying the blaster on his belt, the launcher on his back, and the stupid bloody monkey suit he was now attired in.

The thermal detonators the thralls now placed had inbuilt sensor beacons. As soon as someone tried to pull a fast one on the Outpost Veers garrison, the detonators would go off, burying tonnes of ice and snow upon the plucky infiltrators. So far, Rexus and the Gundark Gunners remnant had rigged about one point eight kilometres worth of tunnel with the detonators. It may cause some tremors, but . Wenck carefully applied some ice to the detonator, covering it up. Anyone who stumbled through those tunnels wouldn't see the detonators until it was too late.

The stormtrooper major looked at the auxillary's, "Alright boys, finish up another one or two detonators, and then we move. Things are heating up up top, and command wants to keep stormtrooper casualties limited." The stormtrooper officer added with a sneer, "Come on karkmonkeys, get kriffing moving!"

Magnus Ren

Location: FIS Kuragin
Companion: [member="Aralu Sar"]
[member="Micah Talith"], [member="Keric Dynt"], [member="Taheera Sollo"], [member="Atham'aali'kema"], [member="Vexen"], [member="Ipsy"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Spark Finn"],​
"I will be assuming Operational Command of this Station," the Executioner announced to the stormtroopers present at the waystation to the Command Centre. Helmeted heads twisted back and forth between and each other. Through the Force, there was the faint sensations of confusion, surprise, even amusement - undoubtedly ridicule in their imperceptible helmet communications. The Knight of Ren wasn't concerned.

"Show us some identification - You're under ar-"

Magnus' palm rose, an index and middle finger raising to launch one of the white wraiths into the wall - the leader no less, all the while uttering "Move." And blasters rose, but none fired as he directed his Zabraki companion. "Remain here. I'll contact you," he said as he looked upon the fallen trooper - the only thing he could feel now was fear. And his training in the Dark Side of the Force twisted him into relishing it - yearning for it. "Sieger will hear of your poor disregard for one of his Knights." And then he pointed to the one at the console, "Open the lift."


"What was that?"

"I-I don't know, Sir, people don't normally respond to the open broadcast."

Console technician and Officer looked back and forth at each other bewildered. "Replay that last part."

Micah Talith said:
Moving into position.
"Don't respond. Mark those ships - We'll send them over to the FOSB after we've received confirmation of success at targeted locations."

"You'll send them now," came Magnus' voice as he strode into the Command Centre.

"Who are y-?"

"Sieger's Executioner - Would you like to find out why I carry such a title?" The cloak he bore was pushed back, and the black lightsabre hilt, glistening in the light revealed before he saw, more than he heard the gulp from the Head Officer. "Good. The Station has become a target - Naturally. The Kuragin monitors traffic and communications through the sector - It keeps a log as well. Delete them." A download could be detected. Deleting them entirely would delay the Alliance and their allies from getting any sort of information from the computers.

"This is not a priority position for the Order. We will receive no reinforcements on this day. The people in this room are the first and last lines of defense. If you fail in this mission - We will likely lose the Station. Do you understand?" His dark gaze swept across the room, the force intoning in his words didn't exactly give room for interpreting his words as any other than absolute fact.

Location: Hoth - Outpost Veers - Improvised Imperial Trenches.
Allies: The First Order, The Galactic Empire, [member="TK-4261 Strain"], [member="Shaydae Desmaris"], [member="Chron Terix"], [member="Rexus Wenck"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Sol Stazi"], [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Tomas Yarrow"]. [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="HK-36"]
Personal Loadout: See Signature and Squad Loadout Below.
Squad Loadout: FO-02 Stormtrooper Armour - Snowtrooper Variant, Z6 Riot Control Baton, SE-44c Blaster Pistol, Charric/Maser Rifle, FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster, MPL-23 Missile Launcher, Concussion Grenade(s), Bio-Metric Thermal Detonator(s), G-20 Glop Grenade(s), Combat Vibroknives.


“The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our Crusade to save Humanity. Be faithful! Be strong! Be vigilant!”
- The Emperor of Mankind, Attributed. Collected Visions Page 367.

Once, in the age long forgotten by the coming darkness of Old Night, Echo Base had stood the proverbial heart of the Rebellion against Palpatine’s Empire. From the lawless Outer Regions of the Galaxy, the Rebels were able to wage a myriad of campaigns against the supposed Tyranny of the Ancient Empire. It wasn’t long until the Empire had found their secret base, and when the data from that one probe droid had been transmitted - mere seconds before it’s destruction - their Might had been unleashed. Blizzard Force fell upon the surface of Hoth with all the fury and precision expected of an Imperial Vanguard. They stalked the frigid plains before their Target with purposeful strides, as their Mechanical Pachyderms marched implacably forward towards their unseen legacy.

Now, what had once been the festering heart of the Rebellion, was replaced with the Indomitable Barbican of Imperial Steel. Echo Base was no more. It was renamed to Outpost Veers, and until this moment had served as a Vehicle Depot for the Two-Hundred and Fourty-Second Armoured Division of the First Imperial Army. Imperial High Command had thought it was Ironic, and set about making this ancient symbol of defiance into a mockery of its ashen legacy. Perhaps it would break the spirit of those who sought to assail this fearsome bastion - or have the opposite effect and spur them into greater feats of imagined heroism. It was of little concern. They would throw themselves to their deaths, painting the ivory snows beneath their feet a vital shade of crimson.

Hoth would bathe in Alliance-sworn blood before the twilight hour had come.

As the alarms rang throughout the Anoat Sector, like the pagan war drums of old, the First Order and their newfound Allies had set about reinforcing their holdings with a sprawling network of trenches and - most interestingly - improvised bunkers. With Outpost Veers having a large complement of ancient AT-AT walkers, those that had taken Operational Command of the Base had elected to use their old symbols of war for another nefarious purpose, rather than acting as the mounted cavalry of old. Let those that served under General Terix have the honours of sallying forth to meet the enemy head on. The First Order would entrench themselves further and further into the Outpost - making it suicidal for anyone that sought to dig the Imperials out.

With their legs curled in upon themselves, these timeworn walkers would plant themselves on the surface of Hoth, and partially retract their troop compartments, providing the soldiers that took root within a measure of protection against the coming onslaught. The pilots remained within the armoured cockpits, utilizing their archaic armaments to add their firepower to the impressive arsenal at the Imperial’s disposal. They would hold against whatever the Alliance and their Gods sought to bring. They would stand their ground and defy those that attempted to lay claim to this world. Let them bring their foul word of liberation. Here they would face free Men and Women. Here they would fight against those that believed in the Imperial Truth. This world would be their grave.

Letting his lips curl into a prideful smirk, Sergeant Torian Pierce of the First Legion - Stormtrooper Corps, cast his gaze out across the frozen plains before what was once Echo Base. He had heard the briefings and was even invited to participate when the warning sirens began to wail. The man had recalled standing sentinel before the hololithic table with his arms crossed before his chest, viewing the force disposition and assisting his commanders in determining the Alliance’s assault routes. They would choose Outpost Veers, not because of it’s historical significance, but because of it’s strategic location. It would offer those cretins the opportunity to establish a garrison on the surface and assail the base of the Order’s hold on this frigid world.

That meant this Outpost would soon become a Firebase, one that would ideally break the relentless war machine of the Galactic Alliance. He even remembered the outcry from several of his Commanders when he had suggested using the Walkers as Improvised Pillboxes, how they raged against the proposal. It was probably the very reason why his Company had been assigned to the Frontlines, and why they had been charged with Overseeing the defence. The Sergeant had to suppress a bout of laughter as his men were dismissed. He would show them his worth, and they would know his name. The Saviour of Hoth. The Hero of the Order. He who fought against the impossible, and proved that even Gods could bleed.

With a heavy hand clamping down on his secondary pauldron, drawing him forth from his delusions of grandeur, Torian’s crimson shrouded gaze was drawn towards one of his Squad’s Troopers. Like himself, the man was clad in a variant of their standard issue armour that was enhanced to withstand the harsh temperatures of the frozen world. The outskirts of his visor had filled with a scrolling feed of data that threatened to steal his attention away from the all too familiar face. Why would he care about where the modification packages to the armour were manufactured? What did it matter to him to read about this Trooper’s service number or his spotty record? Blinking in quick succession, forcing his visor to dematerialize the scrolling feed of data, Torian’s eyes refocused on the soldier before him.

“How’s the rest of the Squad?” He asked, his voice carrying a measure of pride.

“They’re eager, Sir. Some of them are muttering about the stalled Taskforce that was sent to aid us at Skor II, and how they want vengeance.”

Torian nodded, before casting his gaze back out towards the mist-shrouded horizon. “Good,” He said, letting the prideful smirk fade into a thin-lipped smile. “We’ve got a lot to atone for. Hopefully, we can wash the stain on the Legion’s armour away with blood.”

“Hopefully, Sir. If not, we’ll die-”

Interrupted by the distant wailing sirens, the two Trooper’s instinctively turned their gaze towards the crystal-bound heavens above. The Alliance had come. They had managed to push through the Indellian Gateway, despite the ambush that laid in wait, and now orbited the pseudo-fortress world of Hoth. There was no doubt that their Navy had engaged the orbiting flotilla of Imperial vessels and defence stations, however - even though this world was well-defended - not every square inch could be defended from attack.That meant there would be Landers, carrying either entire formations of soldiers or war machines. Torian grinned.

“We’re Soldiers, Bishop,” It felt odd using the man’s warname, even more so that his hand was still planted atop his secondary pauldron.but the Sergeant was slowly starting to accept the degree of familiarity in which he addressed his men and women. “Death is a certainty. All that ever changes is the where and when.”
“Now rejoin the men. We’ve got ourselves a siege to prepare for.”

Parting ways, with the soldier affectionately named Bishop taking his post within the Iron-shod corpse of a semi-prone AT-AT, Torian turned back towards the sapphire-hued skies. Though he couldn’t see the opening stages of the battle above Hoth, a part of him wished that the Order’s Naval Forces were able to funnel their foe’s landers towards the surface. Where they would deposit their troops into the killing fields, and allow the combined forces of the Galactic Empire and the First Order to reap a bloody toll against their enemies number. His hand began to itch. The urge to hold the Mortalis started taking root, sending nervous spasms through his fingers. He was glad that he was alone for the moment. The rest of his Squad didn’t need to see the echoes of madness that gripped their Sergeant tight. They already knew of his rising temper, and how he seemed to tense at the slightest provocation - even the gesture from before had caused a tremor of anger to flicker through his veins.

With the booms of entry resounding overhead, the Sergeant turned about on his heels and descended into the interior of the improvised Bunker, and watched his fellow Snowtroopers take their firing posts. Their billowing thermal kama’s flowed smoothly behind their armoured forms as their rifles were leveled, and the pintle-mounted Megablasters were scanning the horizon for targets. Warning sirens sounded again, followed swiftly after that by the percussive detonations of Anti-Air munitions, replacing the silence that threatened to hang over the defensive emplacements like a deafening shroud.

:: Sergeant Pierce! :: A voice called over his suit’s encrypted comms, drawing the Snowtrooper’s gaze away from the chaos ensuing in the skies above. “This is Pierce, Go ahead?” The man said, hoping to draw out the purpose of the Interruption. The Suit’s internal systems had showcased the signal coming from within Outpost Veers, and that the name rune had marked the speaker being one Specialist Trynn. :: Sir, Staff Sergeant Desmaris is requesting your presence in the armoury, on the double. ::

He scoffed. “Are you serious?"

The reply was delayed a moment, as if the brutish and blunt retort had caught the speaker off guard, but played over his suit’s internal comms system nonetheless. :: Sir, the request was made with high priority, She-::

“I don’t bloody care what that woman wants. I’ve got a fight on my hands. Would you like me to tell the Supreme Commander himself that one of his Stormtrooper’s had abandoned his posts, during an active engagement, to rush along the barricades, so that he can fulfill the requests of a bloody Quartermaster?”

Without waiting for a response, Torian severed the encrypted link and turned back to the chaos at hand. Transports began filling the horizon, laden with troops and mechanized armour, while dark - armoured figures rocketed towards the frozen surface. Yeah. There was no way he was abandoning his post. Not now. Not when things were starting to look like fun. That was when the shooting started closer to home. Mass-reactive detonations rippled through the battlefield, stitching the adjacent improvised Bunker with exploding concussive blasts. More ear-splitting reports riddled the bunker, tearing through the reinforced durasteel plating and connective cables that sheathed the immobile walker’s neck.

What came next had filled the Snowtrooper’s mind with barely constrained excitement. An aetheric ripple tore through the air, that matched no known sonic weapons, but fell into the realm of impossibility. A Force-cursed soul, perhaps one of the New Jedi Order - or maybe even one of the vaunted Eldorai Firemane? Whatever the case may be, Torian believed that a worthy challenge had finally come forth. With a savage grin adorning his lips - the Snowtrooper watched as the wave of aetheric energy tore into the snow before the semi-circular line of improvised bunkers. A snapshot, even with the mystical nature of the Force, was unlikely to connect with anything of note; especially when one was rapidly descending in an armoured coffin. These were notes that his helmet recorded and would possibly prove useful later on when - and hopefully if - the Sergeant’s armour could be recovered.

“Hold the line!” The Snowtrooper called out, letting small trickles of spittle spray against the bottom portion of his tactical visor. “Let them come to us, then light ‘em up!”


Location: Cloud City, Bespin.
Allies: Carnage Squad - Soon to be @Ignatious Rausgeber, [member="Jasper Daggett"]
High Command and the Director of the First Order Security Bureau had deployed Carnage Squad to Bespin, specifically Cloud City. There were multiple reasons for their presence on the flying city. To showcase the severity of the situation that the First Order was in, and civilians and other military assets were much more inclined to perform within the presence of Death Troopers.

Heavy boots touched ground, four Death Troopers armed with Charric Rifles.

They landed within a square, more or less vacated. Normally, at this time of day there would be dozens of people in the small park, but the City was in the process of being evacuated. As a relative border world to the Galactic Alliance - also being a precious world to the First Order - the occupants of the flying city were used to the sporadic evacuations that their Imperial Government put them through, though as members of an authoritarian state, they complied - enthusiastically too.

If there was one planet to be as devoted to the First Order, it was Bespin - Besides the Capital of course. DT-317 had noted this back when he had been a regular stormtrooper, running escort for the at the time Colonel Graush of the White Wolves when he had come to visit the mining operations ground side. Back then, it had been necessary to traverse the City, and Three One Seven had seen much of the life people lived here.

Lavish, really.

"Mission Parameters: Secure Data Cores. City layouts accessible via HUDs." Robotic clicks in confirmations sounded through the helmet encrypted channel. "Let's move," DT-317 told his Squad, fist raising before three fingers, aligned perfectly with each other directed down a side alley.

Unfortunately for the Death Trooper Fireteam, they hadn't been given the same warnings as their FOSB Counterparts. They weren't expecting company where they were going...

Hatori Ikari

Objective: Secure the flank.
Location: Deep Underneath Outpost Veers
Allies: [member="Fiver"] | [member="Null"] | @Asharard Graush | [member="Selene Sinclaire"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]
Enemies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="Aver Brand"]t
Loadout: Winter coat | Ushanka | Warm gloves | Thermos of Hot Chocolate | Stolen BRP-003 Balmorran Rail Pistol | Big-ass bag of Thermal Detonators and Demolition charges

What a day this was shaping up to be, first he was ordered out of the mess without getting a chance to eat breakfast, then he had been giving this massive bag of explosives to carry around all day, and now he was freezing and some nerf herder stormie was yelling at him about hurrying up. He handed another member of the auxiliary one of his charges, the first chance he had a lightening his bag all day, at least he didn't have another 30 some kilos of armour and weapons to carry around, just a heavy coat and a slug thrower he stole back before he enlisted, in fact Hatori didn't even remember why he stole it, but it had saved his ass a couple times, thralls were issued the absolute necessities and nothing more, anything not required for survival he had to beg, borrow or, his favourite, steal.

He leaned over to [member="Rexus Wenck"] as he dug out and passed him second explosive, and asked "Are all stormtroopers like that?"

The condensation from Hatori's breath rose in the frigid air and he took a moment to reach up and pull the flaps of his hat over his ears, frostbite was the last thing he wanted.
Location: In Transit
Allies: FO, [member="Magnus Ren"]
Enemies: GA
Gear: 2 lightsaber, Ren armor

Jaron had been called to join the other Ren on Hoth, but his flight would be delayed. The battles had begun before his arrival and his attention was diverted to Fis Kurigan. The Ren didn't care where he wound up, just that he did his job. He'd been sidelined enough, scouted for more than his fair missions. Today he was going to see some of the action.

The Knight had tracked the First Order signal to a place he could land his ship. It could be refueled as he moved about looking for anywhere he might be needed. He was greeted by quiet. Wherever he had landed was not where the First Order signal had originated. Jaron checked again, and reaching out with the force searched for an signature he could lock onto.

He would find them in a matter of time, but for now he stuck to the shadows. It seemed to be what he was good at. The Ren had kept himself secluded since finding another place to call home other than the Bastion of Ren. [member="Ara Ren"] had helped him to find it, their time having been productive and enjoyable. She'd been different since Skor, the invasion having changed her. Their interactions were few, but the woman intrigued Jaron, and as a friend of one of his students, he welcomed her into his circle. There were few who had been allowed to push beyond a simple aquaintance.

Perhaps that was the reason his comrades didn't seem to accept him. Jaron was a lonely sort, and didn't mind it, but lately he'd been feeling it more than other times. Perhaps this day was the day to prove he had something to offer. Though he knew so much had changed since the days when he was but one of a mere handful of Ren seeking to please the Supreme Leader.

Location: Hoth​
Allies: [member="Shaydae Desmaris"], [member="TK-4261 Strain"],[member="Hatori Ikari"], [member="Kyrel Ren"],​
Enemies: [member="HK-36"], [member="Aver Brand"], [member="Chron Terix"], [member="Tomas Yarrow"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],​
Having been learning from a Knight of Ren how they operated was strange. It was unlike the Sith where each person was on their own, and only taken under the wing of someone to either one day surpass them, or to have more power under their thumb. The Knights of Ren acted as a singular unit. Vowing to aid the Supreme leader, and the First Order above personal gain. While I did see some doing it for personal gain, it was not a question of what can the order do for me, but what can I do for the order.

It was strange seeing this from the rest of the galaxy at large. However, I kind of liked that idea. Rumors had been thrown that were Jedi and Sith among our groups, but mostly it was just force adepts who wanted a place to call home. It was here I hoped by aiding the First Order, that I could find my mother. Hints of their rein had been given to me by my father, and that my potental mother could be somewhere here.

And so I would fight for every step to see the First Order rise, so that I could one day meet my mysterious mother. For now, I was given the rank of a Disciple of Ren, a learner of the ways of the Knights, even though I was a Master of the Force. So when hearing the image of Darth Vader reborn call me as an apprentice, My growl could be heard across the room.

"A Disciple I may be, for you are still weaker than myself. This mutual friendship is to aid one another. Not a Master and a Slave. Watch your tongue, or I will find someone else to be a Disciple too."

Kyrel was an interesting individual. Taking greatly after the would be Darth Vader and idolizing the being who took down the Jedi Order in his youth. However, Kyrel was not a powerful as the legendary Sith. I knew I was not either, but Kyrel still lacked in the force much more than myself. My father trained me and wouldn't allow me to leave home without me becoming powerful enough to defend myself. And here, I shall prove it to the First Order. But should Kyrel force me to be almost a slave to him in order to make himself look good among the Ren, then I will find a different place to rest my abilities with.

Dressed in my fiber armor, and having a bag over my shoulder with medical supplies if needed, I followed the man and his thunderous foot falls to where we would be deployed. Even now, I could feel the force flowing through those who came to take Hoth from us. Those who sought to destroy the very place I hoped to find my life. For that, I will fight.
skin, bone, and arrogance

Audrey took her spectacles from the neck of her blouse, put them on, and scanned the plaza with Lieutenant Tarkin, her fingers knitting together at her midsection for a few moments. She hadn't paused to take it all in yet, so single-minded was her focus on curating the museum and ensuring the irreplaceable artifacts were transported safely offworld. It wasn't that she didn't care, exactly, about the human element. She just assumed -- correctly, for now -- that it was someone else's concern. But now that it was all in front of her, the lines of scared people stretching across the plaza, waiting for the next shuttles to land. Audrey took a sharp breath; was this what it had been like for Reg? Sheparded this way and that, just waiting to die?

The Doctor's trembling hand took her glasses off and looked over at [member="Ranulph Tarkin"]. "It's very difficult," she said quietly. "To see them there. Knowing that the Galactic Alliance is bearing down on them. Knowing how little the Alliance cares about civilians in their path." Some tears spilled out from under her eyelashes, and she quickly dabbed her cheeks with her sleeve. "I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I don't mean to embarrass you -- in moments like these I can't help but think of my late husband." Audrey squeezed her eyes shut and she looked off to the distance.

"He was killed on Kaeshana," she explained to Tarkin. "He went with the scientific team, among the first to land. He wanted to find some Eldorai artifacts, to preserve them so they weren't lost during the terraforming. All he wanted to do -- all he wanted to do was help. To preserve some history. He was caught in the Alliance's attack on the scientific team. They say he was killed instantly." She cleared her throat. "Not much consolation." She cleared her throat again, the lump that grew there stubbornly clinging. "Anyway -- would you mind giving me a hand in the Galactic Civil War exhibit? These are very old, valuable items. I could use an extra pair of eyes."

Shamira Karuto

Burn the past - Heal the future

Vessel: Cargo Hold of the U60x, with rest of strike team.
Objective: Bespin infiltration
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Loske Matson"] [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] (Any others in the U-wing that I missed. I apologize if I did.)
Enemies: First Order (No direct competition that I’ve seen, yet.)
Equipment: (First mentioned here)

The Togruta allowed the speech to wash over her before closing her eyes once more, and beginning to attempt to control her breathing. As rousing and inspirational as the speech was, fear and nervousness certainly still gripped her as the ship dove towards cloud city. Just as in her Jedi teachings, meditation did manage to help her. She allowed herself to slip into that meditative state, breathing slowed.
Even if there was little to no conversation occurring the cabin, emotions ran practically rampant. Calmness, slight confusion, and determination all flowed throughout the cabin. It seemed as though the only one who was any sort of nervous was her. And if she could feel her own nervousness, then must be totally obvious to the other force users in the cabin. The Togruta blushed hotly under her mask, opening her eyes. Meditation would do nothing to help in this situation. She turned her head, looking to where one woman sat, recognizing her as Master Raaf ([member="Taeli Raaf"]) from the briefing Shamira had received before the mission had commenced. Her calm, peaceful nature drew Shamira’s attention immediately.
She reached out with a gloved finger and lightly tapped the master’s shoulder, feeling slightly embarrassed at the nervousness she felt radiating off her. Shamira pulled off the bottom half of the stealth suit covering her mouth and nose, before asking, “Master Raaf? This…this is my first full scale engagement. And even with my meditations, I..can not help but be nervous. I sense you are totally calm. How…how are you managing this?”
Her attention was drew to Master Sionoma speaking once more, giving the crew the option. Being her first engagement, she decided to wait it out, and stay with the group as best as possible. But they would be landing soon, and that nervous feeling once again set in. Her eyes flicked back to the woman, hoping her answer would help give her some courage for the coming skirmish.

Jasper Daggett

Allies: [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Jianna Raas"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] | [member="Nils Brenner"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
Objective: First flight of the TIE Raptors.

They were suited and ready to go, as orderly and disciplined as any pilot he had ever trained. These were the cream of the crop, selected from among their peers to test pilot the newest and deadliest machines available to the First Order. It made sense that they would also have their own enigmatic personalities. They ranged from young to- well, Daggett.

He smiled softly to himself. This was a beautiful thing, the ability of the Order to collect its best and brightest, and to showcase their skills for the defense of the people. He returned each salute given with a hint of pride, a genuine interest in each of the pilots evident in his sparkling eyes.

"It's good to be flying with you," he said quietly as they all green lighted their TIEs for flight. "Now, for Seiger-" he began to say as the Twin Ion Engines powered on, louder and stronger than he remembered so fondly. "-try to keep up, children."

He firmly attached the helmet to his flightsuit as he took his place in the cockpit, and it pressurized instantly. The mask filled with oxygen, and he felt his ears pop as his head went light. Every time, the same.

Yet every time, he felt young again.

His hands moved over the controls, studying them. He felt the familiarity, and tested the subtle differences. The ship responded to the touch of a veteran favorably. He glanced over the targeting systems- still idle, but very much online.

The fighter hummed steadily, impatient to embark on its maiden voyage.

::Strike Five, all systems green.::​
Objective: Render Aid to the Bespin Wing Guard with the evacuations of Civilians​
Allies: [member="Ara Ren"] [member="Audrey Saint George"] [member="Ranulph Tarkin"] [member="Irajah Ven"] [member="Samka Derith"]​
Enemies: None Directly at this point​​
The alarms started to sound, as Rhia looked at some of the members of the Bespin Wing Guard sitting in front of her. Her job turned from teacher to leading the effort of evacuation in one of the sectors of Cloud City. The small number of troopers that were with her, were some of her best hand picked guards from the Endor Prison. Running out from the precinct in the sector of the city, and looking up she could see the small group of First Order vessels patrolling around the city. They were the civilians' ticket out of here before the heat started.​
"Captain Delacroix start moving the civilians to position 3495-Delta-402."
"Right away Warden Novatinsky." The guards that joined her started to bark orders to the members of the Wing Guard, as they started to rush towards buildings to get the civilians out of the area. Captain Delacroix got a loud speak and started to issue a general alert for the area.​
"Citizens of Bespin. This is Captain Delacroix of the First Order military police, please we ask you to move in an orderly fashion to the designated evacuation zones. The Galactic Alliance has arrived and we care for your safety. I repeat please move to the designated evacuation zones. Members of the Wing Guard and Military Police will assist you if needed. Bring only what you can carry, as this is urgent."
Civilians started to move into the plazas outside their buildings, the members of the Wing Guard, and military police that were there started to point them in the way of the closest zones to them. Rhia at this point just hoped it wasn't too late.​

Location: FIS Kuragin | Anoat
Allies: GA [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Vexen"] [member="Spark Finn"]
Enemies: FO [member="Magnus Ren"]
Equipment: SI-HD Armor, Multi-Weapon Elite Model tool, a pair of blasters with extra energy cells

Well this wasn’t a good thing. Kaili had been helping Allyson do her best to feel things through the Force, but the Mechu Deru specialist struggled slightly with such things. Yet, right now there was enough flowing through the Force for even the densest of the dense to feel the shift. Yep, things weren’t going as planned. The First Order had stormtroopers, so in Allyson’s trusty bag there was a special SIS armor along with some other weaponry that she could sneak through with use of the No-Show. Allyson moved quickly after spotting the restroom.

She dipped in and locked herself into a stall. Kicking open the luggage she had with her, she revealed the armor and the weapons. One moment before she removed her rather revealing Star Tours uniform, she snapped a quick photo and quickly sent it to [member="Kaili Talith"] … or so she thought. Apparently, since she also had Micah’s comm information, so when she held her finger too long on the screen it auto selected the pair with the Talith last name. So both Kaili and Micah got a rather sexy photo of the ‘under cover Star Tours attendant’ with the attached message Can’t wait to see you at home xoxo.

When Allyson realized, what happened she cursed under her breath and sent a quick follow up message to Micah alone, DELETE THAT NOW IT WASN’T FOR YOU…. don’t tell your sister kkthxbai

Allyson continued to curse under her breath as she slipped out of the uniform and into the SI-HD armor. It didn’t’ take as long as she hummed a very heroic theme as she did so. Once she was done, she strapped on the weapons she brought with her, then inputted the stormtrooper memory image. Instantly the Armor projected the Stormtrooper uniform and she slipped back out of the bathroom and ran off to join a small group of the troopers that were gathering in the central hub of the space station. Things were getting super serious and dangerous. Allyson knew she needed to follow along till she could get her hands on a terminal to work her force magic.

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