“No.” Mierin said quietly.
The Sith Pureblood frowned slightly, she didn't exactly know how this woman would react to what she was about to say, but it really didn't matter. There wasn't really any other options for this woman, at least not many that made any real sense.
“We required your services Miss Lacroix.” Mierin said bluntly. There was no use in sugar coating this or even trying to be subtle. “The One Sith desire to use you...talents.”
She glanced over towards Leena, eyes flickering over to the young woman for just a moment.
The Sith Pureblood frowned slightly, she didn't exactly know how this woman would react to what she was about to say, but it really didn't matter. There wasn't really any other options for this woman, at least not many that made any real sense.
“We required your services Miss Lacroix.” Mierin said bluntly. There was no use in sugar coating this or even trying to be subtle. “The One Sith desire to use you...talents.”
She glanced over towards Leena, eyes flickering over to the young woman for just a moment.