[ For now. If we start getting pings of a trash heap of an airspeeder after us, then we will know. ] he joked, but there was an edge to his modulated voice that said he wasn't entirely kidding. Squibs would be the sort to try and chase them down on a salvaged scrapheap of a ship and then use those powerful tractor beams to hold them down.
[ Alex will monitor the sensors, ] he added, opening the freezer to go searching for what he could find. A few frozen packets of what appeared to be some sort of flank steak were tossed to the counter. He shut the freezer to then move towards another cupboard, opening it to search for packets of polystarch.
[ Where exactly do you gotta be to turn in your gem there, Pittin?] she hadn't told him that part yet. A few more opening of drawers and he had a collection of processed dairy slices, condiments, a plate and one bowl.
[ Alex will monitor the sensors, ] he added, opening the freezer to go searching for what he could find. A few frozen packets of what appeared to be some sort of flank steak were tossed to the counter. He shut the freezer to then move towards another cupboard, opening it to search for packets of polystarch.
[ Where exactly do you gotta be to turn in your gem there, Pittin?] she hadn't told him that part yet. A few more opening of drawers and he had a collection of processed dairy slices, condiments, a plate and one bowl.