“Buying a chocolate milkshake,” there was such a proud, satisfied rock of his heels just with saying that. The reflective visor swung over to Sia, and one could practically read the giddiness radiating from him.
“My favorite.” he added, “You ever been to a Yum Bunnies before? This isn’t like their traditional gigs. Sad really, the girls always wear bright orange short-shorts and these short white tank tops that say,” his gloved hands came up, gesturing over his chest, “Feeling Lucky.”
“Brilliant isn’t it?” Drifter chuckled, “Known for the hot girls and their Nuna wings. You should try the spicy Corellian sauce. Really tasty!” his thumb and forefinger came together, gesturing the universal sign of ‘perfection’ in an ‘ok’ hand signal.
“My favorite.” he added, “You ever been to a Yum Bunnies before? This isn’t like their traditional gigs. Sad really, the girls always wear bright orange short-shorts and these short white tank tops that say,” his gloved hands came up, gesturing over his chest, “Feeling Lucky.”
“Brilliant isn’t it?” Drifter chuckled, “Known for the hot girls and their Nuna wings. You should try the spicy Corellian sauce. Really tasty!” his thumb and forefinger came together, gesturing the universal sign of ‘perfection’ in an ‘ok’ hand signal.