Feeling flowing from her something different then before they had coupled together as one. As if by this very act they bonded together closer then every before. Letting the feeling flow freely to him as what she saw in Xander. Just what did she see in him. The strength that she lacked or was it something different it the balance she brought to him. To tame what he was in his heart. This foreshadow of what her role in this war was to be. Make sure there was balance and thought brought before rushing in with lightsabers blazing.
Very few could view the war and battle the way she did, or hear the deep cries of the souls that bleed out on the battle ground. Compassion that was with in her came at the heavy price. Needing that strong love that made her heart beat faster is what need. That she had found in Xander.
"I would like that as still the cries of all those souls still hunt my dreams.", as she felt own muscles getting tensions. Every touch of his fingers upon her shoulder relaxed herself once again. Lending against his chest Maya head put on. "My love, you speak of my liking, if I would if I could stay here in the very place that is filled such beauty such place that will give me the much needed rest and medication to recharge me but you must do the some but to find calmness not the rage of the battle that gives you your fuel in the force, my sweet sweet love." , as she once again sure with her memory of her childhood on Haruun Kal. Keeping all flowing into him from her as she let out the warrior cage out feeling of how much she keep of her power with in her.
"Now you know there is more to me then meets the eye, the power I keep inside of me I know that that warrior must never come out into power. There is so much I want to tell you, trust you with." all around them now as if the very core of the nature of the force knew she had unleashed came the bending of the trees the plants swagging. Along with the water seem to be under her control could flow upward as if a very deep and powerful mist took hold of the place. Then came the blinding light so power and bright coming from her. All the elements of the environment came flow to and from her." You see my love I see much be on what others can see, in a place of beauty the very fabrics of the force the ripples that flow around everything living." , knowing there was only way as she place a kiss upon his very lips to release the love that drove her passion her deepest feelings for her but something more took place. It was as if they wasn't even on the planet any more but somewhere higher and more powerful then one thought possible. "Feel the good in everything even the darkness of creatures of people, there hearts might be blacken with desire of power and passion but deep down we all flow with the same force energy."
[member="Xander Carrick"]