T A G S |

O B J E C T I V E | Drink Until You Drop
T H E M E | Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes)

The Order came swift from the bartender as the potent drink was poured into a giant glass fit for a herglic or a whiphid and gently handed over to the Hutt Ruling Councilor for enjoyment. While the other patrons of the establishment began to converse amongst each other there was a singular individual that caught the attention of Grangga, none other than a member of the Sith Order. The Sith had risen from the ashes once more to carve out a powerful empire, surviving the great collapse which brought about the end of several factions such as the New Imperial Order and the Ashlan Crusade.
He had had dealings with Darth Carnifex on Quesh, but this was an opportunity to expand his contacts towards other sith. So guiding himself nearer to the Sith Lord, while hooking bejeweled chubby fingers around the glass handle as grease and sweat dripped from the white mustache growing out of his bulbous head. His entourage was nearby after all, so there was no worry about being killed certainly not in front of these scum.
<<Chuca..Sith Lorda. It is not often that the Sith Order mingle with the Criminal Underworld, certainly not within the territory of the Galactic Alliance.>> Grangga explained sorta off-hand to make conversation; although asking a valid question as the Strategic Intelligence Agency was always nearby when it came to Alliance Space. The Sith had not ruled the galaxy for quite some time, not since they lost Coruscant.
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