Luca Ioneşti Oh that is putting it very mildly...
Thank you so much.
Darth Metus
Thank you ^-^
Maja Fiore Thank you for the welcome ^-^
G 3 M 1 N 1
Who doesn't enjoy "painting the roses red". Thank you! I shall keep that in mind.
Caltin Vanagor
Hardly. You are the one that stalks me; you were just lingering about the place already knowing I would eventually show up.
Well well. It has been a long minute hasn't it. Nice to see you again!
Darth Prazutis
Thank you, thank you...
Hello there, thanks! ^-^
Ala Quin
Hi hi!!!
Ashin Cardé Varanin
-lofts a brow- Oh? And how is that?
Judah Lesan
Hey you! Haha... yes well... we know how much I love creating pandemonium.
(sorry for stuffing you all in together in one response- I have a Sociology final I am writing and the due date is today x.X. My brain has melted...)
(like omg... everyone's avatar shows up when tagged... xD ... sorry it's the little things that give this dark world of finals joy)