Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
Oh get off it. You heard I was here and came running!
Or Santeria could be redeemed and become my bbf.
Options are open.
Oh get off it. You heard I was here and came running!
Don't flatter yourself...
I've got you to do that by stalking me.
Oh I am no stalker. If I want something (or someone) - well you know...
I cannot be redeemed nor do I want to be. And I absolutely despise Jedi almost as I do an Imperial...
I do, it's why you're here stalking me.
Well, you are yet to meet me. So....things can change xD
There is a name I have not seen in a while. Welcome to Chaos!
Oh my
Welcome! <3 So glad you could join us!
You are here in my space - not the other way around...
I was here first, you stalker!
I didn't even know you were here...