Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Something's Burning


He knew that she was his best chance now, knew that without her help Nari's thugs would scoop him up and scapegoat him for this entire thing. It was better to go along, help Arceneau Trade in whatever way he could and then just get the frak out and off Tatooine.

Nari had reach, but not enough reach to extend off world. "Sounds good."

What exactly would Arceneau Trade want? From him he assumed absolutely nothing. Alistair owned no business, no land, and no stake in anything of value. In fact just about the only thing he was good for was moving cargo on the down-low, something Arceneau already did well on it's own. They did most of the shipping in the galaxy, easy enough to make something disappear in all of that volume if you really wanted to. Any idiot could see that.

Maybe information, she'd asked a lot of questions.

His fingers drummed against his thigh nervously, watching the doors as if a Rancor was going to burst through them.
[member="Alistair Fenn"]

It was the sound of approaching footsteps and the cry of a familiar, but thickly accented voice that caught Saffron’s attention. There had been little to discuss - honestly, the time waiting had been spent on trying to keep out of the way and out of sight of potential guards on Nari’s payroll.

Eyes wide, the blonde lay waiting beside a few cargo boxes. When she heard Dawes voice, Saffron cried out, “ I’m here!” A half stumble and a hand wave beckoned. Dawes was with four other Omega Pyre guards. They had blaster rifles at the ready, and when they spotted Alistair, they brought the muzzle up to aim at him.

“Put your hands up in the air!” Dawes cried,thinking that the scoundrel was a threat.

"Oh fuck not again." Alistair said to himself as he quickly shot his hands up into the air.

There wouldn't be any civil disobedience this time, no arguing or moving forward while being coy. He had learned his lesson for the day, and quite honestly these guys carried a far better kit than any of Nari's guards. He figured that they were with Saffron, or hoped so anyway.

"No trouble." He said quickly. "I'm with her."

One hand tweaked to quickly point at Saffron, though it stayed up high within the air.

Somehow the Smuggler tried to make his expression softer and more innocent, but he found it rather difficult. Over the years he'd learned to be harder and tougher, going against that now as...well next to impossible. It was best to just hope Saffron would keep her word and not just have him shot.
[member="Alistair Fenn"]

“He’s with me, Dawes,” Saffron assures, moving in front of the line of fire, prompting the guards to lower their blaster rifles to the ground. Dawes gives a signal but is still suspicious.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine — a little worse for wear,” she added, moving to hobble closer. Another motion of Dawes hand and one guard moves forward to offer a hand to the Companion.

“Mister ....” saffron turned to Alistair, aware she had yet to ask his name.

Slowly the smuggler lowered his arms, letting out a loud sigh as he relaxed. It was never a pleasant experience to have a blaster pointed at you, but the most positive outcome was most definitely not getting shot. It seemed like these men took Saffron at her word, and she had kept hers.

Then she of course put him in a situation he wasn't ready to address.

His name, the name that Nari might or might not know. He frowned for half a second, considering throwing out a fake moniker or something that she would believe. He even considered telling her his name was Kurt Meyer, using the name of his old, and rather famous, friend to try and earn some more favor with wherever he was going, but he ultimately decided against it. "Fenn."

For once, the truth would get him in less trouble than a lie.

"Alistair Fenn." That was it, unremarkable and forgettable.
[member="Alistair Fenn"]

"Mister Alistair Fenn." Saffron said, a bit ashamed and apologetic that it had taken this long to know his name. As a Companion, she knew better.

"He needs medical assistance. He has been shot," she added, waving off the guard. "I am alright, just a twisted ankle." she assured the guard in low tones, offering an apologetic expression.

"We will escort you to the shuttle, Miss. Saffron. From there, we can head to Mos Eisley straight to Arceneau Headquarters."

Saffron gave a nod, watching the other guard head towards Alistair. " Well Mister Fenn, I do hope you did not have other appointments for this afternoon." it was a half attempt at a joke as she was led away.

Alistair grumbled something, though it was practically unintelligible.

Though his life was now saved, it wasn't exactly on his own terms. In a strange way he now had a debt to Saffron that he would have to deal with. Of course that was all depending on whatever else was going to happen over the next few hours. For all he knew Arceneau would just toss him out on the streets of Mos Eisley.

That would suit him just fine though. He knew people there. "Shame about my ship."

Alistair muttered to himself as he followed along with the Soldiers and Saffron.

Eventually he would have to find another, or maybe get it back from Nari somehow...but he would figure it out. He always did.

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