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Faction Song and Story of the Witches of Ryloth Social [CIS]

Vanir for his part played more the observer than interacting, he didn’t feel like intruding and though the Matron’s sister acknowledged him even offering an invitation to Dathomir, he stayed quiet. This as he was now was what he had planned to do before this extra complication took root. Distracted by watching what was around him he forgot to respond to the Nightmother. --Power such as this is best learned to deal with, else it will deal with you and I have no desire to be magic’s pawn. So help would be appreciated.---

It might seem strange for a force user to so readily accept this as magic, but Vanir didn’t question it. The force and this strange new thing were similar, yet not the same. Both were power, both could be dangerous to the practitioner and both must be respected while being educated on its use.

Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura Pom Stych Tivé
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"I don't think we know each other well enough to be making assumptions like that friend. It was however a completely random choice,"
Rann took another drink from his glass, finishing it off. He exhaled sharply and shook his head before signaling for another drink.
"I disagree. I think we're perfectly acquainted to make assumptions like that. You fought in the battle, same as me. You lost something, same as me. And here you are, drinking. Same as me."
The bartender returned and filled Rann's double shot glass. Rann looked down at it, pondering taking another drink before turning his head slightly to look at The Monster The Monster .

"I think, looking at all that, considering, I think, that you're here for the same reasons I am, I think I'm well within my rights to make assumptions about you based off of your drink choice. Whether I'm wrong or not. Maybe you're not here to punish yourself with a particularly vile brand of liquor," he said, raising his glass and looking at it before taking a quick drink and exhaling sharply again, returning the drink to the bar, "But you are here to forget, yes? Or am I wrong?"
He sensed this man might be a bit too quick to anger, and that Rann was in punching distance. And Rann wasn't in any shape or any desire to fight (or lose a fight.)
"I'm not trying to upset you, Mister. I'm just saying. At any rate I don't think it matters. I was wrong as to why you ordered this stuff anyway." He took another drink, shaking his head strongly.
You didn't have to be attuned to the Force to feel that this man was in a certain type of way. Rann listened to his story about the battle of Ryloth, how much he'd lost, and he understood. It wasn't the same, Rann's arm was replaced, but he empathized with the man.

"I think," he said, looking down at his drink, "that you don't much care what happens next. I think you've already decided where your story ends."
He raised the glass to his mouth and took a big drink, "I dunno, maybe I'm projecting. Nothing's quite felt right since the Battle. Who knows. Maybe I'm going crazy."

He looked back at the man and flashed a smile to him and the Bartender both. "I'll tell ya what though, to be completely honest if it makes you feel better my bothering you has a purpose. Way I figure, I'm with you, and the Bartender to supply me with drinks until I die, no one else will bother me. You get the poodoo end of the stick for sure, cause this plan of mine means I have to bother you. But at least you know that, I'm just here, bothering you, so no one has to bother me. And I can drink in peace, look like I'm a part of a conversation, and be left alone with just one guy and the Bartender."
He slammed back his drink and recoiled, placing the empty glass back on the Bar, "Another."

Location: The Gathering
Wearing: [This]
Tags: | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Open |


What... had she just witnessed? With Kai being a floppy dope at her side, it had been easy for Telula to look around while still paying attention to the hound soaking up the idle attention he was receiving from the girl. So when there had been something that quite simply stepped out of the fire? It caught the blonde's attention and most certainly made her focus. The fact that this smokey apparition had then presented itself as the Nightmother caused both of Lula's brows to loft and her hand to still against Kai - who had only shifted enough to take notice of the approaching voice before flopping back down again with a disgruntled huff due to the lack of pets.

"Whoa..." the awed word slipped past Lula's lips before she could control it, and more than once she had looked past this bodily figure of Vytal to the fire, and back again. She knew this was magic at work, some seriously advanced stuff at that, and it most definitely caused the gears to start turning in the girl's head. Despite that, when she was spoken to, her gaze snapped upwards and a hue of pink colored her cheeks.

Out of nervous habit, both of Lula's hands rubbed against her thighs, gripping the fabric there occasionally as she seemed to debate a proper answer to give. "There are a lot of people..." she found herself saying, though that hadn't been what she was originally aiming for at all. "Most of them I've seen in passing, but haven't spent much time with more than a couple of them." Shamira was one of those couple, and Viana - though Telula hadn't seen the white haired witch at all this evening, not that, that was overly surprising.

Yes, she was aware the information was not helping her case, nor was it really an answer to the question she was asked. "It's just a lot easier to interact and deal with him," she gestured to Kai with her gaze, "than it is them..." another gesture with her gaze, and the hue of pink on her pale skin deepened another shade.
The pale Witch turned her head to regard Vanir Eris Vanir Eris with a smile on her dark lips. That is wise. And we will help you learn how to commune with the spirits safely. Though it seemed the man would need an accelerated course in such matters. Most were not exposed to such a degree so quickly; in fact some Witches -- like Shamira Karuto Shamira Karuto -- weren't even fully aware of the spirits involvement in magick's usage before arriving at the Castle. A curious circumstance they would have to investigate further during the instruction.

Not far from the assembled group, the other Vytal Noctura smiled as she listened to Telula Vale Telula Vale 's guarded respond. "Perhaps it is so. Though I wonder," the pale woman crouched down before Kai and peered in his eyes, "what he would say given the chance." With a slow blink of her eyelids, the Witch's eyes shifted back over to the young woman. "Do you speak to him? I expect he appreciates your affection, but wonders if you should be separated from your pack."

A soft laugh behind closed lips followed. "People can be a difficult thing to understand and engage in a meaningful fashion, can't they? Never quite sure where they're going, or what they're thinking even when it seems to apparent at first. Duplicitous, uncertain, afraid... but if you can overcome the fear of these things and reach out, even if it takes several attempts, you'll find one that genuinely cares. Someone to laugh with, talk to, and dance about a fire without paying attention to anyone else around you -- just you, them, the flame, and the spirits that beckon you to enjoy every moment." Vytal smiled as she paused to give Telula a chance to speak again, or simply to reflect on what had been said.

Wearing: [X]

There where many faces that she did not know, this was not necessarily a bad thing but it simply meant that should would not be able to have the ear of the Nightmother this night, after what occurred in the Nether and then the attack on Ryloth there had simply not been time for any time of in-depth conversation that was sorely needed, it was clear that it would not be this night though so she resigned herself to at least go and chat with the Nightmother and the sister that was by her side.​

A small smile played at her lips when she noticed the Nightmother in multiple places at once and shook her head slightly, she would simply get up from her seat near the fire and make her way over to Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura and Telula Vale Telula Vale she would find a seat next to Telula and lift her glass to her lips before taking another sip and looking to the nightmother, and then looking at the other two nightmothers around the fire. "Alright, I am not sure how you are doing that Nightmother but I am interested... Goodness just think of how many classes I could attend at one time." she shot a grin at the Nightmother before offering a warm smile.​

She also extended a hand to Telula Vale Telula Vale "I have seen you around the castle I think, but I am afraid I don't think we have met. My name is Julra. You are?" the blonde woman was trying to be friendly to the young which, her own ordeal had aged her considerably so Telula may not have recognized her even if well acquainted never the less they were sisters by the coven and that was enough.


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