Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Song of the Force

Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.." ― D. H. Lawrence

Feeling like a complete idiot, having not even noticed the sash over the face, the big man just smacked his forehead.

I'll just hand it to your droid.

Offering it up, he wondered how much further this would go.

Tags Allies: Sarianna Sarianna


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
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Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

She offered a bow of her head and held a hand up for the small droid. THe makie companion droids were good as she gave it the datapad. "That would be fine master Vanagor." SHe said it with a look on her face. "Relax, we all do things and there is more then enough here... we can discuss whatever you like when it comes to forms and techniques. I rather like the inquisitive minds and someone who tried to beat my time in the gravity chamber is always fun to meet. The heralds can easily but they are built to do it."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.." ― D. H. Lawrence

A challenge, huh? Alright.

She wants to test him. See what he either knows, or is capable of. That was an interesting move as there was no ill intentions clearly but he could think of something that would not only surprise her but maybe leave her speechless. Not that he was looking to do that... but hey... she asked for it.

Based on what you have learned. What is the best compliment of fighting style with lightsaber form?

To him, there was truly no "best" of anything, but that was only his opinion.

Tags Allies: Sarianna Sarianna


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
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Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Oh she looked up and smiled. "Oh I knew you were going to be interesting and now lets see." She thought about it... the saber forms didn't lend to one specific fighting style to go with them. Soresu would benefit from a solid defensive stance like with earth shaping. Ground yourself for the moment and confront the problem... where as Makashi was more evasion and skillful moving.... and if she wanted to go all out fighting like a teras kasi fighter with rapid and quick strikes would work for ateru and juyo... better for juyo as it could be used with hand to hand if you were skilled in it. "A trick question as there wouldn't be a universal style for all forms... even if you only factored in the traditional saber forms... exotic ones add a whole new dimension but the martial style to go with them would vary. Echani martial arts would work best for shi-cho where as a mandalorian style for djem so to make your counters."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.." ― D. H. Lawrence

Well, at least we're on the same page there.

Up to today he had never met or had even heard of this "Sarianna", and walking into this one on one he found that she had taken his role as "Battlemaster" of the Silvers. That was fine as all it was, was basically "Chief Instructor", too many had taken to the misconception that you were the defactor "Field Commander" of sorts. It isn't. In no way did Vanagor think idly of his position, whether she gained it, or even about her at all, but he did wish to learn about her as a Jedi. It was both the blessing and the curse of the "Old Order".

He respected what he saw in her response as it was spot on (to him anyway) there was no "perfect form" or "style". It really depended on the person and who they were to come into the right position and outlook on life.

When you are forced, no pun intended, into combat... do you stick to one form? If so, which do you prefer?

He's trying to sell her on his "Saber Kata".

Shut up.

Tags Allies: Sarianna Sarianna


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
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Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Looking at him she smiled wider. "If I must fight, I fight to win and ensure minimal collateral. That is why I have this." She slid a hand to her saber and the long hilt was smooth while she unclipped it. "Thessia: Blade of the Warmaster. Able to alter itself into whatever form needed down to using a kimber lense so all blade strikes are non lethal." She said it as a point of fact but from an artisan's perspective the blade was one of the finest and most technical that they had developed. "Being able to switch and adapt to what you are facing is important as is knowing various methods and forms." She said it with a look though and slid her saber back onto her hip.
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.." ― D. H. Lawrence

Very True.

That was part of the reason for his creation of his own unique style (and the holocron). He did not stick to one form, or ironically now that he knew them all, to really any at all. Regardless of what the Sith thought, the Jedi were powerful in fighting the way they chose to.

As she unclipped her weapon, which was as articulate as it looked deadly, he unclipped his own.

This is "CONSERVATOR". I constructed this just after I was Knighted. A battle with a Sith cost me my original weapon, but I put this together with "adaptation" in mind. Though I never used it, this was initially a "saberstaff", but I truly never felt comfortable using both blades so I put the durasteel "nub" on the other end. I could always remove it if I wanted to, but never did. When I came out of the ice, I wanted to "get with the times" and get new weapons. So I replaced my primary and my emergency weapons. Sasori was great for that, but I just really never felt "right" with them. In a combat situation one of my new weapons was irreparably damaged, so I took what I could use out of the damaged weapon and rebuilt my old friend here. It's clearly not as articulated as yours, but it has been either in my hands or sheathed over my back for just over 900 years now. An extension of me with the dings to prove it.

Tags Allies: Sarianna Sarianna


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
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Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

She listened and couldn't see the saber but she understood what he was talking about. Damaging a sasori saber though was an impressive feat and she had to nod in a compliment to him. The casing was made to self repair minor damage so he must have gone through something intense.... never a bad things but something that could happen to all of them. "I know that feeling." The grin remained there as it might take a lot but a saber being an extension of yourself and acknowledging it... others pretended to well... they liked the idea they weren't fighters. Caltin and her seemed to not revel in it but accept it... prefer being honest with themselves. "When we are out of the temple, I will have to look for you in battle... see your form in the force then."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.." ― D. H. Lawrence

Wait? Don't Miraluka see just fine through the Force?


The thought of him having a "form" actually gave Calyim pause. He never really thought of himself as having onr as he just fought when he needed to. That just goes to show you how little you really pay attention to yourself and what you do.

Food for thought.

Tags Allies: Sarianna Sarianna


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
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Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"Is it?" SHe said her head but remained sitting for a brief moment before rising up. "You make everything in your head and say such few words... at times it could be a good trait but relax you are here in the temple among well jedi but we are all supposed to be friends and a community... breathe in and out the stresses, unburden yourself.. only real way to no be the biggest brooding thing in the temple... oh the padawans were talking about this one jedi master who does cooking... maybe relax in the kitchen with him and chance to get food is important as the normal things served might be healthy but not always the most tasty."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.." ― D. H. Lawrence

He chuckled. She was right, but he was not really "brooding" anymore than he normally does. So it was a good time to clarify.

You are not wrong, but I was only thinking about how I never considered myself as "having a form". I just went into combat and reacted, or at least that was my outlook on it. Who knows, maybe that is the "form" to which you speak of, right?

Her mention of the "Cooking Jedi" gave him more of a reminder than a laugh. The next episode of "Cooking with Caltin" was due to be filmed next week, and he needed to have a production meeting about it. It's funny, he wanted a relaxing life and he is busier than ever. Oh well.

Funny you should say that, as that "cook" would be me. As for your general concern. Do not worry, I am aware of how serious I take this, but it is who I am and it gives me (a bit of a misguided) purpose.

Tags Allies: Sarianna Sarianna


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
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Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"Everyone has a form master Vanagor, even the ones who all think they are beyond it... who believe they don't need it. It might not be traditional, it might not be easy to see but your body remembers, it learns it creates the ability to form the reflexive movements you can repeat to get the upperhand. There is form in everything we do from how we fight, to how we put on our robes, to how we treat people." She said it and stayed there... her body still and just her mouth moving, her chest lightly rising and falling but she could have been a statue. His explaination about knowing he is serious and purpose. "Well as long as you are aware, though now I have the idea to petition the council to assign the most bubbly, wide eyed innocent, friendly youngling to be your padawan to soften some of those edges."
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.
"Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.." ― D. H. Lawrence

She was coming off as "patronizing" (though not her intention, to be sure) but it was a point of view that he had not looked at up to this point. A valid point though, even a "non-form" is still a form, even if it's "dancing with the girl that brought you" like he does. Funny, after all this time, Vanagor had thought that he had really little to nothing left to learn.

I know that I could work a little on my image around here from time to time, but even as a youngling I have always been a "he's a really nice guy once you get to know him" type.

With a shrug of his own last statement, the big man almost choked at her joke about petitioning to give him Padawans. First off, it was a joke and he took it as such but... two was enough.

If you so much as take the lift up to the Council spire with those thoughts in your head, I will make sure that I am the deciding vote on this, break it, and then start bribing as many younglings and Padawans as I can to run up to you every day and make jokes about sight. "You should see this..." "Did you see that?" "You see what I mean?"

He could joke too.

Tags Allies: Sarianna Sarianna


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

A grin was on her face as it seemed they were for an impasse on that... maybe... it didn't seem good to mention spires were more a coruscant thing not for the new rest if she understood how it was going to be from the droid. Still it did give them more to discuss and he seemed to be better once you did get him to open up now all she needed him to do was be like this with other people. "Well we have been sitting around long enough, come on we can stretch those old legs and who knows maybe you can show some skill upon the kyber arch... it is still hard to find one who can make it across on their own."

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