Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="sabrina"] Yes you can, from people who worked for it, but you still need to have a thread proving transfer of ownership.

OOOOOOR, you can put down a small monthly fee of $66 USD to the staff team for the next six years and gain ALL of the Restricted AND Banned materials and items you could ever want or need!

Call now, and we'll DOUBLE your offer for any Non-canon crossover you'd like, at a small fee increase of over 120% percent the original price... a real steal!

*fatty attempting to make a funny*
[member="Anija Betna"]


I think that's the point. This is like a Shia surprise, but without the Shia. Which is unfortunate cause let's be honest, who doesn't like a bit of Shia from time to time?
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